Killing me softly

Volume 4

Volume 4, Number
February 5, 2001

The Farmer


"Killing me softly…"

by Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad

I just saw a story on "Dateline" Sunday, February 4, 2001 concerning scientists getting
closer to cloning a human being. The scientist working on the technique assured the reporter that
the cloning process would be done in an ethical way insuring the safety of the child produced in the
process. When asked why is cloning needed, the scientist responded with the usual reasons such as
infertility of a married couple.

These and other reasons for cloning are highlighted on a website promoting cloning set up by the
Human Cloning Foundation : . Many of the reasons listed on the website
include: medical breakthroughs, medical tragedies, to cure infertility, to fund research, bad
parents, a child’s right to be better than its parents, to take a step towards immortality, because
you believe in freedom, to be a better parent, endangered species could be saved, animals and plants
could be cloned for medical purposes, to have a better sense of identity, because so many people
want cloning, Religious Freedom, because of the special relationship that twins have, economics, gay
couples, a cure for baldness, etc.

Now these are the reasons given for cloning. While many of them seem trivial, others appeal to
the sense of caring for those who suffer. However, a few send up a "red flag" such as:
endangered species could be saved, economics and gay couples. In the world that we live in filled
with racism and known instances of genocide, one must ask the question of who will have access to
this cloning technology and what is their agenda.

If on one side we here respectable leaders like Al Gore talking about the overpopulation of the
planet, then what species of humans is endangered? Surely not the darker people of the planet,
because he mentions three countries in his book "Earth in the Balance" as trouble spots of
overpopulation: Egypt, Kenya and Nigeria. On the other hand in predominantly white Russia the
population is in decline with many women in that country not being able to have natural births.

Therefore with cloning white Russians or declining populations of white people all over the
planet would be better able to reproduce, whereas poorer countries not having services of these
technologies must depend on the natural method of reproduction. Presently, the darker people do not
seem to be at a disadvantage, however things could change if ethnic biological weapons are developed
to reduce fertility among the darker races. Could this be possible?

In June 1997 Jane’s Defense Weekly reported that former defense Secretary Cohen
"quoted other reports about what he called ‘certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic
specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races." More can be read
about biological warfare in a recent publication by the British Medical Association entitled,
"Biotechnology, Weapons and Humanity" where it states that "Genetic engineering of
biological agents, to make them more potent, has been carried out covertly for years…" p.

But what is more disturbing is testimony which has surfaced in the South Africa’s Truth and
Reconciliation Commission around "Dr Death" (Wouter Basson): "There were revelations
of research into a race-specific bacterial weapon; a project to find ways to sterilize the country’s
black population; discussions of deliberate spreading of cholera through the water supply;
large-scale production of dangerous drugs; the fatal poisoning of anti-apartheid leaders, captured
guerrillas, and suspected security risks; even a plot to slip thallium, a toxic heavy metal that can
permanently impair brain function, into Nelson Mandela’s medication before his release from prison
in 1990." More can be read at:
S. Africa

Methods of population sterilization include inoculation under false pretenses and poisoning the
water and food supply. The international biotechnology firms have become more intrusive into third
world countries in their attempt to control all germ plasma of the planet. They go into an area and
collect the local staple germ plasma, break down its genetic code then patent that code and variety.
They then try to force the local farmers to buy the corporation’s seeds threatening them with
patent violations if they plant their once native varieties.

The recent "Rice Genome Project" (
) is heralded as a great break through and a step in locking down the genetic code of the
other main food staples including corn and wheat. Now rice can be manipulated at will, even
inoculated with vaccines to "prevent" diseases.
one of the "diseases" be "overpopulation"?

Even if you don’t accept such "conspiracy theories", the recent revelations of what
has been going on in the livestock industry which has surfaced in outbreaks of Mad Cow disease in
unexpected countries reveal that profits, not ethics or human safety, govern the "merchants of
death". Putting this new cloning technology in the hands of a proven killer is like selling
guns to a felon. How do you think they will use it?

Although the testimony and trial of apartheid killers like "Dr Death" may cause disgust
and outrage, the more euphemistic approach of the Al Gore types may pass by unnoticed. Its like a
very popular song that I love to hear Roberta Flack sing "Killing me softly…"

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