All posts by mfarmsadmin


Volume 5

Volume 5, Number
June 8, 2002

The Farmer


Fast Food to Hell

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

"Is it organic?" Please do not ask me or any other Black farmer that question. Number
one, you probably do not know the meaning of the word. Number two, the reason that most of you left
the farm was because of the work involved with "organics". And number three, you really
don’t care. I was a part of that "you" myself until just a few years ago.

Let me start with number three. I just finished reading a book called "Fast Food
Nation" by Eric Schlosser. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught thirty years ago in "How
to Eat to Live" that there was
little pure food on the market. He also said that soon there would be "no pure food" on
the market. You may not see his divinity as I do, but he was 100% correct on this warning to us
according to Mr. Schlosser’s book.

What really caught my attention was his description of the food additive industry that produces
the flavors and smells that make processed food taste like "real" food in his chapter
called "why the fries taste good". He states that the area around the New Jersey Turnpike
"produces about two-thirds of the flavor additives sold in the United States". One of these companies "comes up
with flavor for popular soft drinks, sport drinks, bottled teas, and wine coolers, for all-natural
juice drinks, organic soy drinks, beers, and malt liquors."

Now what got me was the "all-natural juice drinks" and the "organic soy
drinks". I thought that "natural" meant natural and "organic" meant made without
chemicals. According to Mr. Schlosser, "natural flavors" according to the FDA
"must be derived entirely from natural sources – from herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, beef,
chicken, yeast, bark, roots, etc." This sound pretty innocuous accept that companies can take
extracts from any of these sources, mix them together to form new compounds to produce a purely
artificial "flavor". For instance, "natural" almond flavor can be derived from
mixing "peach and apricot pits" not using any almonds at all.

Taste and smell is what we use to determine if a substance in edible or not. Taste and smell is
our first defense against being poisoned. Therefore, the "merchants of death" have devised
a "scientific" way to get around this small difficulty by tricking the tongue and mouth
into eating poisons anyway.

Mr. Schlosser writes, "The Food and Drug Administration does not require flavor companies to
disclose the ingredients of their additives, so long as all the chemicals are considered by the
agency to be GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe)." Now wait a minute can’t you produce a
poisonous substance from two or more non-poisonous substances? The answer is yes. For instance when
you mix "peach and apricot pits" you produce traces of "hydrogen cyanide, a deadly
poison". No wonder that people are dying of cancer. They are eating traces of numerous poisons
in every processed food from the grocery store or from the "Fast Food to Death"

If any of you eat one burger from "McDeath", "Murder King", "Heart
Disease", "Wind Dies", "White Casket" or "Kryst Stalls", don’t
ask no Black farmer if his product is "organic". The fast food industry in cahoots with
the FDA and USDA have managed to drive most small farmers out of business. McDonalds is now the
largest buyer of beef in America. She buys her beef from a few beef processing monsters that control
the world’s supply of processed meats.

So ask McDonalds or those other fast food restaurants "what’s in the beef"? Mr.
Schlosser documents the fast food industry’s fight against any scientific testing of their beef
for "E. coli" bacteria that has proven deadly to hundreds of Americans each year. Of
course there are many "body parts" in the ground up beef that you don’t want to know
about, but you should at least know if there is any e-coli. As Mr. Schlosser puts it, "There is
sh_t in the meat." (You supply the "i".)

Mr. Schlosser also points out that the "meat packing system that arose to supply the fast
food chains…has proved to be an extremely efficient system for spreading disease." He further
documents that it is easier to recall an automobile or a defective toy than tainted meat. The
profits of the meat industry are more important than public health issues to this government. Who is
this government working for anyway? Certainly not its former slaves nor the working classes of
so-called white people.

Remember when you bite into one of those juicy "murderers", I mean burgers, that you
are not only killing yourself…oh wait a minute.. I didn’t point out that "obesity" has
now become the number one health threat in America. Obesity has also been directly related to the
rise in fast food consumption. According to Mr. Schlosser, "severely obese American children,
aged six to ten, are now dying from heart attacks caused by their weight." He states, that
"between 1984 and 1993, the number of fast food restaurants in Great Britain roughly doubled –
and so did the obesity rate among adults."

Muhammad Farms along with other Black farmers are trying to jump start an agricultural industry
that was destroyed by big business and the USDA. When we bring our products to market, the first
thing I here is "is it organic"? "Organic" means containing carbon. All living
things contain carbon. If what you mean is, "will it kill us"? Our answer is, "we use
as little chemicals or fertilizer as necessary and never the harsh chemicals. And our products are
not genetically engineered." The "necessary" means, "only to save our crop"
while not harming you. We used to grow things without any chemicals but hard work, and this is what
drove our families off the farms to the cities. "Organic" means "sweat". We
labored without the benefit of machinery and chemicals of our competitors and you didn’t care. So
don’t be a hypocrite now while you are biting into that "sh_t", I mean burger, and
eating that "fast food to hell." Just ask us when we grow the food for you, "Is it
real food?"

Visit us at for more information.

Peace, Doc


Volume 6

Volume 6, Number
June 7, 2003

The Farmer


Witnessing the "Fall of America"

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

After witnessing a twelve year plan to destroy Iraq which culminated in the "cake walk"
to Bagdad, the "Beast" has focused his attention on another great nation. Bombing of Iraq’s
infrastructure along with the imposition of economic sanctions blew a great nation back into the
"dark ages" even before the ground attack in March of this year.

Economic sanctions come in different forms. The Black farmers have faced "economic
sanctions" since 1962 in the form of deprivation of capital at reasonable rates, deprivation of
disaster payments in times of droughts, deprivation of subsidy payments in times of low prices and
deprivation of alternative markets by the destruction of "mom and pop" operations in the
Black community.

The purpose and specifics for these "sanctions" were laid out by the "Committee on
Economic Development" 1962 report entitled "AN ADAPTIVE PROGRAM FOR
This report was used to shape agricultural policy for the last half of the 20th century. It stated
that, "Net migration out of agriculture has been going on for 40 years, and at a rapid rate.
Nevertheless, the movement of people from agriculture has not been fast enough…"

This "adaptive approach" recommended that vocational agriculture courses in rural areas
be scrapped, agricultural prices be substantially lowered and temporary income programs be
instituted to protect the most "suited for survival."

Since 1960 the "parity ratio" has dropped from .8 to .4. The parity ratio is the
relationship between what the farmer receives, the numerator, and what the farmer pays, the
denominator. A drop from .8 to .4 of the parity ratio means that farmers are now paying twice as
much for what they have to buy from industries outside of agriculture verses what they receive for
their product. This is just like your wage rate dropping from $8 per hour to $4. And if your bills
don’t fall by this same ratio, your standard of living will fall and you might wind up out of

While the income from farming was dropping in "real" terms, the government gave white
farmers 4 times the subsidies that it gave to Black farmers. Over time this has resulted in the land
loss rate of Black farmers to be 3 times the rate as for white farmers. Black farmers have been to
congress, the court and the streets. Yet they have received no remedy, just lies and false promises

Now it seems that the "Beast" or someone has focused their attention on a bigger prey
than either Iraq or the Black farmers. This past week President Bush signed two land mark pieces of
legislation: one authorizing a $350 billion tax cut and the other increases the debt sealing for the
deficit. The combination of these two moves will insure a growing deficit and the slow bloodletting
of a once great nation.

Back in the1980’s under Ronald Reagan this same "supply side" economic magic was
pulled off on the American people and resulted in record deficits. Now that the Clinton
administration had devised a strategy to reduce those deficits, Bush has decided to revert to the
Reagan years. Why?

While Bush was pressing for his tax cuts, he failed to make public a report done by the Treasury
Department on the debt. In fact some accuse the president of "burying" this report to hide
the facts from congress. Why?

According to this May 29, 2003 report by BBC News, America was headed for a $44 trillion deficit
if it did not increase taxes by "66%" (66 percent). Now decreasing taxes by $350 billion
while at the same time sending money over to Iraq to first destroy then rebuild, does not sound like
increasing taxes to save the American economy. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that
"debt is slavery". Who then is America to be made slave to? Who will own the debt and
thereby the labor of the American people?

A hint to who these new slave masters are and will be can be gleaned from a May 30, 2003 article
by Emad Mekay entitled "Enron Used U.S. Government to Bully Developing Nations". The
article reads: "Defunct energy giant Enron used the U.S. government to coerce the World Bank
and poor nations to grant concessions and resolve its investment problems, according to documents
and correspondence released by the Treasury Department." During this time period Enron paid
"no taxes in the 15 years before it went broke in 2001–despite earning billions of dollars in
declared profits…" So it seems that "Corporate America" is the "America"
that the American people have been turned over to.

To hide from the American people how these policies will make so-called white people into slaves
like their once Black slaves, the congress slipped in the elimination of tax cuts to poor families.
This would feed the psychological need of well-to-do whites to feel that as long as a policy hurts
Blacks and the poor, then it is okay to suffer a little bit. They don’t mind bleeding as long as
Blacks bleed faster.

The Euro is now worth more than the U.S. dollar. As the Euro gains ground over the dollar,
"Corporate apologists" called "economists" argue that the dollar’s fall will
boost the American economy by decreasing the cost of American exports, thereby increasing the sale
of American products, providing expansion for American manufactures which will allow them to hire
more workers.

Well if I sell my wheat for $1 instead of $2, then of course I will probably sell more. However,
I will have to produce a lot more to bring my income level back up, which means that I will have to
expand my operation and hire more labor. However, if I have to also borrow more money to pay for
more expensive equipment, then I must offer a lower wage to the workers or take a pay cut myself.
Who benefits? Answer: The bankers benefit because they can loan more money and the manufacturers
benefit who sell me the equipment. Now if those manufacturers are in another country, then that
country and those employees in that country benefit, while I drain myself and my workers of

I do not know who is advising President Bush. I would like to know who is benefiting from his
economic policies. I would like to know who he really works for. Why are his handlers producing
"The Fall of America" that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad foretold in his 1973 book by the
same name?

In the Black farmers’ struggle against the USDA and local county supervisors, the enemy and his
motives were a lot clearer, corporate greed and Southern white racism. But who are the enemies of
the American people? Who is working to make the American tax payer and worker a slave? There are
some so-called Black militants who talk tough against America. They would love to bring America to
her knees and make her suffer for what she has done to Black people. However, it seems that America
has an enemy that can do more than talk, but actually put policies in place to slowly bring a great
nation to her knees. Who are these people?


Volume 14

Volume 14, Number 6                                                       
June 12,

The Farmer


Blackstone Academy Visits Muhammad Farms

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

On June 3, 2011 Blackstone Academy out of Atlanta, GA made one of its many
visits to Muhammad Farms. On this trip were 35 students and 7 adults including
teachers, parents and Ministry of Agriculture members. The students ranged from
pre-school through high school, but all enthusiastic and thirsting to learn more
about farming and agriculture.

We divided the group into teams to accomplish various ongoing tasks of the
farm for this time of year. We had one group to pick vegetables: rutabaga,
broccoli and cabbage. We had another group to fight weeds in our string beans
field, while another put labels on our Muhammad Farms Whole Wheat Flour bags.
After one group finished putting the labels on the bags, they were assigned to
wash and box the vegetables coming from the field. Another group was assigned to
clean the wheat seeds in preparation for the wheat to be ground, milled, into
flour at our new state of the art flour mill and sifting unit installed at
Muhammad Farms just this year.

In previous years we had our wheat ground into flower at another farm that
was 55 miles away. That distance may not seem much, but when you are hauling
10,000 pounds of wheat on a trailer behind a pickup truck in the middle of a hot
Georgia day, and have experienced a number of tire blow outs, a flour mill at
the farm makes a whole lot of sense (smile). Although the quality of the flour
that came out of that milling operation was good, it could not produce the
finest of flour needed by commercial bakers. On top of that the bakers would
have to sift the flour themselves, which basically took Muhammad Farms out of
the commercial bakery market. However, with our new 10 horse power flour mill
and commercial sifter, we are able to grind and sift the flour to baker’s
specification. You should soon be tasting Muhammad Farms flour in the world
famous bean pie produced in Chicago. This flour mill will also allow us to grind
navy beans into bean flour.

After the students and adults finished the field work, Dr. Ridgely
demonstrated to the whole group how wheat is milled into flour, sifted, and then
poured into 5 lb bags. We allowed the students to put their hands in a sample of
the wheat that we prepared. We had to tell them to just get a little in their
hands, “not swim in it” (smile). They were quite pleased to see the
demonstration and touch the final product.

Next we performed a demonstration with the help of four volunteers to show
how being far apart from each other makes a simple task extremely difficult. We
videotaped much of the activities and especially the demonstrations, because we
are trying to teach a very difficult subject of economics and logistics. We had
the four volunteers to grab hold to four separate pvc pipes attached in the
middle and supporting a 5 lb bag of flour. We asked them to lift up the bag. Of
course with four people working closely, the task was very
simple and easily accomplished. However, when we asked them to slide back to the
end of their 10 foot long section of pvc pipe and then repeat trying to lift the
5 lbs of flour, the task was a lot harder and in fact one of the pipes broke
under the pressure. This demonstration was to show how it is so much easier to
work in unity, close together. But when you are spread far apart, as we are
across a hostile country 2,000 miles north to south and 3,000 miles east to
west, you can expect not only to work much harder, but have many accidents in
the process.

We next called on 9 volunteers to help demonstrate how a group can be
exploited during the process of production, trade and consumption or how that
same group can gain economic wealth under a different model of that process. We
will not take the time here to explain the model used or go over the various
scenarios that the model permits. Get the DVD that we produced and look for the
follow up book to “Commonomics: Developing a Post Yakub Economy.” We will
repeat the demonstrations and also allow for attendees of our 9th
annual Founder’s Day Celebration on July 4th weekend to do some
farm work and tour the farm. The theme for this Founders’ Day is “The
Reverse Underground Railroad Movement” which will point out, encourage and
give direction to the national trend of Black people moving from the North back
to the South which was traditionally called the Black Belt. Information and
details about Founders’ Day can be viewed and registrations downloaded at



Volume 7

Volume 7, Number
June 23, 2004

The Farmer


We Smell a "Snake": Reparations Hear the Black Farmers

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

There are a couple of ways of knowing that a rattlesnake is near: 1.You may see it and recognize
its distinctive marks, 2. You may hear the rattling of its tail, or 3. You may smell its distinctive
odor, similar to a herd of goats. The Black farmers did not recognize any of these forewarnings and
got bitten by a "snake" in the form of their lawyer, Al Pires, and his facilitator, Judge
Paul Friedman. We have even documented this "conspiracy" in our video, "Snake
in the Reparations’ Grass."

Many lawsuits were brought against the USDA from 1982 through 1998. All of them were thrown out
of court based on a number of "legal" excuses. Most of these lawsuits were brought by
Black lawyers. However, when a white lawyer, Alexander Pires, filed his lawsuit in 1998, his was
accepted by the court over the objections of the very Black farmers who he claimed to be

With our wounds still festering from the poisons of human "snakes", the Black farmers
may be able to help the Reparations movement avoid certain pitfalls. A short history of the Pigford
v. Glickman class action lawsuit may show our experience in these matters.

The Black farmers knew that they had a serious problem when they read the consent decree brokered
by Al Pires and the justice department lawyers representing the USDA. The Black farmers knew that
one line in that document would be used as a loophole for the government to get out of paying any
Black farmer that they chose not to pay. The document required that each farmer claiming that they
were denied a USDA loan had to give the name of a "similarly situated" white farmer who
got that same type of loan in that same year. Their were two major problems with this
"setup": 1. The settlement was decided out of court, therefore there was no
"discovery" which would have allowed the farmers to see the records of that
"similarly situated" white farmer, and 2. The term "similarly situated" was left
to be interpreted by the adjudicators hired by this same government.

The Black farmers went to the "fairness hearings" in mass in March of 1999. However,
even after testimony after testimony spelling out these defects, the judge signed this faulty
document anyway. The result was that 61% (about 3/5ths) of the applicants who entered the class were
accepted and 39% were rejected. Now among the 39% rejected were the majority of the farmers who owed
the USDA money and thereby subject to foreclosure. This is significant because the original reason
why the Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association (BFAA) was established and went to court was
not to get a $50,000 cash settlement, but to stop the foreclosure proceedings against the land of
about 3,000 Black farmers and to retrieve over 2 million acres of land taken by the USDA that was
sitting in its inventory.

The Black farmers were told by "agents" of Al Pires that prevailing in this consent
decree would be as easy as "tying your shoes". If you prevailed and received the $50,000,
then "all" of your USDA debt would be forgiven. The farmers were told by respected dark
skinned "leaders" that this was the best deal that they could ever expect to get and they
should not question these good white lawyers.

The reality turned out to be that the Black farmers were given "shoes with no laces" to
tie and even if they prevailed, not all of their debt was forgiven. Now the foreclosure proceeding
on this same set of farmers has begun in earnest. The mass media has turned a deaf ear to our
protests and perpetuates the lie that the Black farmers "won". The reality is that we were

BFAA was asked to attend N’COBRA’s Annual Conference June 17-20, 2004 in D.C. to tell the
story of the Black farmers’ legal struggles against the government. With the poison of the snake
bite still festering in our blood we were able to smell that familiar sent of a "snake in the
Reparations’ grass."

In one of the plenary sessions Attorney Adjoa Aiyetoro reported on the state of the legal
initiatives to get reparations for Black people in America. She stated that three reparations
lawsuits were filed in 2004. All were thrown out of court. She summarized the reasons for them being
dismissed as either the legal excuse of no "connection" to the persons harmed, statute of
limitations and political issues.

Now we can present our set of predictions. We hope that the leadership in the Reparations
movement will work hard to make sure that our predictions do not come true. However here they are:

We predict that other lawsuits developed by Black lawyers will be rejected until a white lawyer
presents a document that the court will accept.

This document or "piece of paper" will not include land as a part of the package. Land
is the basis of independence and this country does not intend to finance our liberation.

This "piece of paper" will offer a cash settlement to individuals and not to a Black
governing body who would utilize this money to establish businesses and productive assets controlled
by the class that would produce a continued stream of income. There scheme, however, would insure
that the snakes would get all of the money back and we would be left with depreciable, non-income
producing assets.

This "piece of paper" would require a DNA test to determine what percent of each
applicant was connected to a slave and use that formula to determine what portion of the cash
settlement that each applicant may get. In this way the government would reduce its liability.
Because of the logistics in mass DNA testing, they could spread out the payments over time insuring
that we could not collectively pool our resources. An added benefit would be that the government
would have the complete DNA profile of the very people upon whom they are waging a biological and
chemical war. (For more information on this see authors’ book: "I Will not Apologize")

This "piece of paper" would be binding on all Blacks or African descendents of slaves
in America and no future reparations lawsuit could be filed. This would prevent us from learning
from our mistakes and making any other attempt at "real reparations." America could then
tell the world that she had redressed the wrong in "good faith." Major "Negro"
leaders will be paid to go around the country in front of these white lawyers proclaiming the
arrival of our long awaited white "saviors" and that it will be as simple as tying your
shoe to get this money.

We further predict that this cash settlement would be financed through debt financing by the
government, increasing the national debt which would be paid back to the white debt holders, here
and abroad. Blacks own less than 1% of the Net Financial Assets as whites and therefore whites will
own the notes of indebtedness. The compounded interest on this debt would be paid back by these same
Black people and their descendants as they become the majority in America. This increasing debt will
be used as the reason why America’s infrastructure broke down and she became a poor brown and
black country like those in Africa, a destiny already being put in motion by the international
bankers and American lawmakers who know the statistics on future demographic trends in America.

Again the Black farmers will work with other members of the Reparations movement to counteract
these predictions. And unlike the Biblical Jesus figure, we will not suffer our wounds in silence.
The Black farmers were bitten by a "snake", but we have learned how to find a snake, and a
stick to "bruise his head."


Volume 7

Volume 7, Number
June 16, 2004

The Farmer


A Prayer for Survival

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

We here slogans like "Free the land" and "Land is the basis for freedom",
"A landless people are a powerless people". Recent revelations have shown how the food
industry has become the producer of "weapons of mass destruction" for those who work for
the elimination of Black people using chemical and biological poisons. As Black people we need land
to grow our own food more now than we ever did. We had more land (16 million acres) when we were
less (10 million) than we have now (2-3 million acres) that we are more (40 million). Like the
Pharaoh of the Bible, this government has rounded up Black people, once again, and herded us into
the cities to be poisoned or starved like rats, once again.

Before coming to Georgia I felt the responsibility for Black land loss weighed heavily on the
inability of Black farmers to farm and financially manage their operations. In an earlier article I
have already apologized for this erroneous assumption now that I am in their shoes.

We hear words like "racism" and "conspiracy" being behind the loss of Black
land and businesses. However, it is one thing to hear these words, but another to experience this
reality, over and over again.

When the Nation Of Islam gave $837,000 to a white land owner to buy back the land that was once
owned by the Nation of Islam back in the 1970’s, he said: "Money? What can I do with money?
Selling y’all that land was the worse thing that I ever did." Now why would he agree to sell
1600 acres of land and then offer us financing for this land, but not really want us to have this
land? We know that he was not hurting for money, so it seems that he did it with the expectation of
us failing to pay him on time and him subsequently getting the land back.

Then when you add to this equation the fact that this person sits on the "county
committee" which regulates USDA programs coming into the county where the land resides, one can
see room for "conspiracy" to pull the necessary strings to make it difficult to access the
needed added capital and services that white farmers use to stay in business. We see the
"room", but can we yet claim "conspiracy"?

Furthermore, the hand of this "conspiracy" to deprive Black people of land is not
always white, but is oft times black. We would like to think that these black hands do it out of
ignorance or short-sightedness, but we can not always be sure of this.

In my dealings with Black farmers and landowners, I do not see that they are interested in
necessarily punishing past offenders. They just want the carnage to stop and get back at least a
portion of what has been taken. They want the USDA to put in place personnel and insurances that
will not allow USDA or its agents to continue these practices. The Pigford v. Glickman (now Venneman)
lawsuit has proven a failed attempt of providing reparations and restitution for the loss of Black
farm land or of preventing continued abuses by USDA employees or their agents at the county level
(county committees).

We won’t repeat the history of this lawsuit and struggle here. Suffice it to say that the
government and enemies of Black people have managed to not only derail the process, but also cause
division within the movement. It is sometimes extremely hard to discern until well bitten, not only
who did the biting, but the extent of the bite.

Many times actions that may seem detrimental to the movement is justified, rightly or wrongly, as
a part of some type of over all "strategy". Many times those with good intentions develop
strategies that seem good on the surface but prove faulty in the end. In the long run the Black
farmers and Black people simply want justice. But out of fear of being unjust, they sometimes hold
back on punishing or even pointing out offenders.

I personally am tired of playing games with our "enemies", because they are openly
planning our destruction as we write. In 2002 while searching the Internet, I ran upon an
interesting web site about the "Georgia Guidestones". It seems that on a hillock in
Elberton, GA there is a set of 4 stones resembling Stonehenge which maps out the New World Order
plans in 8 different languages. The stones were erected in 1979 by an enigmatic stranger to that
area of Georgia named "Christian". My wife and I visited there to view these stones. Now
let’s read the contents on these stones:

"1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

· 4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.

· 5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

· 6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

· 7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

· 8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

· 9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.

· 10.Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature"

These are the 10 principles by which "humanity" is to build a sustainable
"heaven" on earth. Right off the bat, somehow population is to be reduced to 500 million.
In 1979 the human population was estimated at over 4.5 billion. How do they plan to reduce the
population by 4 billion? I said, "4 billion".

I do not claim to know the "intent" of those among us who may sometimes act like
enemies, nor am I privileged to run with the "big dogs" of the West who are our enemies.
Therefore this is why I offer this example of a short prayer to put the Lord of the worlds in charge
of such judgment, while at the same time asking Him to grant relief and mercy to his servants.

"Our Father Who created the heavens and the earth, we know that we have fallen short of
Your Glory and are unworthy of Your Grace. We ask You to forgive our shortcomings and remove our
weaknesses. Please help us get back our land so that we may produce our daily bread. We have gone
to the government to get back our land. We have gone to the courts to seek justice. Jesus said,
‘Forgive them for they know not what they do.’ Only You know the mind and hearts of those who
work to deprive a people of Your bounty and the ability to farm on Your earth. We are asking You,
Lord, to change the hearts of our enemies or make their hearts stop."


(Also see:WORLD


June 20th Farmer Newsletter

Volume 3, Number
June 20, 2000

The Farmer


“Black Congressman put on notice”

by Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad

Washington, D.C.–On the eve of another protest demonstration on behalf
of the Black farmers slated for June 19th
in Washington, DC, Georgia farmers in
District 2 appealed to the national Black Farmers and
Association (BFAA) to
support their efforts to unseat Dem. Rep. Sanford Bishop. Eddie
said: ”On
May 8, 2000 our representative, Sanford
Bishop, voted against House
Resolution 296 that would
support expediting paying the Black farmers in Pigford Vs Glickman
If Mr.
Bishop can not support us, then we can no longer
support him in his
re-election campaign. In
fact, we will be working actively to get him unseated this November
he can show
us some real action in favor of Black farmers.”
Mr. Morris James, also in Georgia’s 2nd Congressional District
added: “
There are other issues
that Mr. Bishop has disappointed his Black constituents on. Such
as the
lack of enthusiasm in the investigation of
unexplained deaths of Black
men in jails within his
district and not responding to the elderly’s pleas for assistance
maintaining and
improving their social security benefits.”
President Gary Grant speaking on behalf of the National BFAA
“Support would be given to
help assist in voter registration and education on the
We have
representatives here from most of the BFAA
chapters and they have also
told similar stories
of disappointment with their Black congressional representatives
issues that
concern them in their states. Therefore it is
time that Black elected
officials understand the
time for taking Black peoples’ votes for granted is gone. We will
the telephone,
letters and emails to our ‘downline’ to
get the word out and start the
ball rolling.” Eddie
Slaughter further added, “We told Al Gore in May of 1998 if they
not pay
Black farmers by the year 2000, then he can not be
president in 2000. So
far we ain’t got paid.”
The next day at the rally Black farmers representing 12 states
J.C. Watts and Jay Dickey
for putting forward the legislation and praised them for their
to re-submit
the bill, H.Con.Res. 296 for another vote.
“America’s Black farmers
deserve our united support,”
Watts said. “We must reject those who attempt to play politics
their plight
for purely political gain.” Watts
also noted congressional help for Black farmers, including
such as his
Black Farmer Fairness Act (H.R. 2233), had
been bipartican until now.
At the rally Dr. Ridgely
Muhammad explained the significance of the cut
out poster
of a
gun that he was carrying, “Which party should Black
people chose,
Republicans or Democrates?
The ones with the gun in your face or the ones with the gun
your back?”
“You all need to stop playing politics
with these people’s lives”, he
added. Gary
Grant, president of BFAA, stated that “There is so much emphasis
on the “rule
of law” in the controversial Elian
Gonzales case. Janet Reno and the
U.S. government claim
to base all of their actions in the infamous case on “following
rule of law.” But
when it comes to Black family farmers,
rules of law are being broken all
the time, and all
rules of human and legal ethics, and of common sense are ignored.”
Members of BFAA are asking that Al Pires, the lead attorney in
suit against the USDA, be
dismissed from the case. Those and other demands will be
to Judge
Paul Friedman at a fairness hearing to be held at
Federal District Court
in DC on July 31, 2000.
Commentary: It seems that the 38 members of
the Congressional Black Caucus were
proving their loyalty
to the Democratic party by shooting down legislation that would
farmers just because it was introduced by
Republicans. Why is it that
before one can get the
support of whites, this time those who hold the purse strings of the
campaign machine, one must show that he or she can
sacrifice members of
their own race. Now
that H.R. Bill 296 has been defeated, can the Congressional Black
allowed to help the Black farmers? “Massa please let
them go?”
For information about attending the fairness
hearing to voice your
complaints concerning the
Consent Decree contact Gary Grant at (252)826-2800 or email


Photo: left to right: Rep. Jay Dickey, Gary Grant, Rep. J.C.


The Farmer June 07-2000

Volume 3, Number
June 7, 2000

The Farmer


“Chemicals or Slaves”

by Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad

When will we see the enemy? Representatives from the major independent
progressive parties and grassroots
independent progressive organizations met at the IPPN Summit
June 1-4, 2000 at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. There they shared

“common” agendas produced from different geographical,
ethnic, class, levels of
militancy, historical backgrounds
and ages. Many parties came with their own agenda, but
that much of that agenda was shared by the other parties and organizations. They

came from different valleys on different sides of the mountains
but wound up at the same
table of collective awareness
that the “enemy” must be the same since the problems were
same. Now, how to forge a common strategy?
We learned a
lot from each other, but one thing struck home to me as a
and farm
advocate. Migrant labor leader, Baldemar
Velasquez , confirmed a
nagging suspicion that I
had. Now that I have experienced farming for a few years, instead of
questioned how could food be so cheap? I
knew about the mechanization and “chemicalization” of agriculture.
even after the
machines had done their thing and the
chemicals had done their thing,
how could 2 million
or less farmers still remaining on the land produce such an
abundance of
food and fiber at such
cheap costs for over 200 million people? There is but so much
that one man
has and only 24 hours in a day. I knew that
there were a large number
of migrant laborers being
shipped hither and thither crisscrossing America working on these
but…Mr. Velasquez informed us that at any given time there may be as many as

400,000 such “slaves” in North Carolina
alone, where he is presently organizing
workers in the
cucumber fields. In the southeastern US you might have 3,000,000
such slave like conditions. So
when you bite into that ear of corn, you will be eating
chemicals and slaves. Now the
priests of “new world order” are preaching the benefits of
this same
brand of agriculture throughout the world. If
China comes into the WTO
then she must reduce
the number of her small family farms so that she can import more
from the
west. In other words China must substitute food
produced from
independent labor to food
produced by slaves. However, if the new slaves decide to revolt,
will that
leave China and the rest of us? We
were fortunate to have at our conference Dennis Brutus, a former
of the
anti-apartheid movement in South African and now a
conceptual mentor for
the fighters against
global bloodsuckers. He apprised us of how the new global elite
the world
hostage to an intellectual concept, where the
“bottom line” is all that
matters, people are not
important and “there is no other way” but to bow down to the global
Mammon. The multinational corporations have the masses
in the affluent
west believing that
their great affluence and ease is a product of super science and
Instead the migrant worker issue shows that
the rich are eating not only
the resources of the
planet up at an alarming rate, but are drinking the blood, sweat,
tears of the third
world, no, first world masses. It
is time to come off the sidelines and join the front line. A line
been drawn in the
mental and moral wastelands of America.
Step across. Step across at
the protests before the
Republican Convention in Philadelphia at the end of July. Step
at the People’s
Convention right before the Democratic
Convention in Los Angeles in
August. Step across
at the “Juneteenth” celebrations and Black farm rally in
DC on June
19, 2000. Keep your eyes and ears open for all
such opportunities step
across that line and
step. Here are some links:
Republican Convention protests
Democratic Convention alternative
Juneteenth Celebration htttp://
Black Farmers Rally


Volume 5

Volume 5, Number
July 7, 2002

The Farmer


A Farmer’s fight is never over

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

In agriculture we say that a farmer must do EVERYTHING 100 per cent correct, then he may have a
50 percent chance of making a profit. The farmer has to fight weather conditions, insects, diseases,
other animals and sometimes even other people to grow and protect his crop. Then of course their is
the "hidden hand" behind price and demand. The farmer must take whatever the market is
willing to pay regardless as to whether it covers his cost of production. But Black farmers on top
of all of this must fight the government of the United States just for the opportunity to put
themselves through all of this hardship just to feed a sometimes ungrateful public.

Just recently three hundred black farmers took over a U.S. Department of Agriculture regional
office in Brownsville, Tenn., Monday, July 1st, to protest what organizers called the agency’s
failure to process loan applications from growers who were counting on the money to plant this
year’s crops.

After USDA officials in Washington, DC met the final demand of notifying the 5 Brownsville, TN
farmers as to whether their applications would be funded or not, BFAA ended its 5 day Prayer Vigil
and Sit-In at the USDA Office in Brownsville, TN. The group of 25 remaining BFAA members and
supporters departed the building at 10:15pm on July 5, 2002.

"Please believe, this is just a step toward real victory in a very small skirmish with the
government," Grant stated. We still have the battle and the war ahead of us as we head North to
DC." Secretary Veneman recommended the process, pre-meetings with

substance. Through this process we, the Black Farmers, intend to walk out of her office with a
signed, sealed and delivered agreement that will make Black Farmers whole again – that will stop
this horrendous conspiracy to kill the Black Farmer by the taking of the land – by discriminating
against us in the loaning and servicing of all our tax dollars to

white farmers while using every trick in the book to deny our loans and strangle us into economic
disaster and poverty", Grant roared.

These Black farmers had to take over a USDA building just to get a chance to borrow money that
they have to pay back with interest at the end of the year. All of this is happening even after the
infamous Pigford vs Glickman (now Veneman, the new Sec.of Agriculture) supposedly redressed some of
the wrongs done to Black farmers and set forth directives to the USDA to treat them better.

But this Pigford vs. Glickman/Veneman Consent Decree and the lawyers that brought it forth have
finally been exposed through the Federal Appeals process. On June 21, 2002 United States Court of
Appeals For the District of Columbia Circuit ruled on an appeal brought forward for one of the Black
farmers whose case was basically mishandled by class counsel. There were some very damaging
statements made by these three judges that are worth repeating for those who feel that the word
"snake" may be too strong to describe Attorney Alexander Pires who is now on the
"Reparations Dream Team".

And I quote, "Pursuant to the decree, class counsel received an advance payment
of $1 million in fees to cover decree ‘implementation’… One year into the implementation
process, the district court ‘took the extraordinary step of awarding a second advance’–this
time for $7 million…Several months after class counsel received their second fee advance and just
two weeks prior to the deadline for filing
petitions for monitor
review for the ‘vast majority of claimants [in both tracks],’ class
filed an emergency motion seeking an extension of time."

In other words class counsel got paid up front and did not do the work and had the nerve to ask
for more time and money. The ruling further went on to say: "A few months later, the district
court observed ‘a very disturbing trend’: class counsel had failed to meet their monthly quota
‘even once.’…Worse still, counsel had ‘drastically cut its staff, bring[ing] Class Counsel’s
ability to represent the [farmers] into serious question.’"

The judges continued: "The court described counsel’s performance as ‘dismal’–’border[ing]
on legal malpractice’–and ‘wonder[ed]’ whether class counsel would have been in such a
predicament had they not filed ‘three new sister class actions’ against the Department."

Class counsel, Alexander Pires, bit and dropped the Black farmers’, moved on to another set of
farmers, and now moved on to Black people in general for his new "reparations scam".
Beware of this "snake" in the reparations’ grass. The Black farmers have not yet
recovered from his venom and now must fight a new Veneman.

Rep. Cynthia McKinney puts it this way: ""The release of the legal ruling by the three
judge panel of the U.S. District of Columbia Court of Appeals gives legal credence to our ongoing
outrage and disappointment over the racist and wrongful actions of the
of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Justice (DOJ) and the private
who represented Black farmers in the Black Farmer Class Action
Pigford v. Veneman, which was supposed to right the wrongs of years
the USDA’s self-admitted discrimination against Black farmers in the Farm
farm lending programs," stated McKinney.

The Black farmers’ fight continues and this past week’s actions show
that they will continue to fight.

Peace, Doc


Volume 7

Volume 7, Number
July 25, 2004

The Farmer


Think "War" not Money

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

On July 17th we made our second delivery to Newark Mosque #25. Other surrounding Mosques and
Study Groups came into Newark to pick up their orders of watermelons, eggplants and sweet corn. This
area of Georgia was under a mild drought until Min. Louis Farrakhan visited Muhammad Farms on April
26, 2004. It started raining the hour that he left and we have had an abundance of rain since (all
praises are due Allah). So now we have an abundance of watermelons to pick and get distributed.

I have had occasion to talk to other white farmers and brokers in the area and the outlook is not
good for farmers in this area. One very large producer who grows everything from cotton to peanuts
to vegetables told me that he has not made a profit on any product thus far. The market prices on
all his commodities are less than his cost of production. To give you an example of how large his
operation is. I estimate that he has at least 100 employees and has 10,000 acres of land under
production. He has vast areas of greenhouses and every inch of his cropland is irrigated. Yet he can
not make a profit.

I talked with a watermelon shipper in Cordele, GA, who told me that a number of large watermelon
growers were either going out of business completely or were not going to grow melons anymore. The
prices have fallen to less than 5 cent per pound on melons which is below cost of production. The
consumer on the other hand is paying $4 to $6 per watermelon at the stores which amounts to about 25
to 30 cents per pound. The retail price of melons does not reflect the losses that the farmers are
taking. Soon the consumer will pay.

White farmers are being driven out of farming while Black farmers have already been driven out.
White farmers received government subsidies to the tune of $1,000 per acre over a ten year period,
while Black farmers received about $273 per acre over the same period. Subsequently, the Black
farmers got in debt trying to keep up and lost their land to the USDA.

We had some young visitors to come to Muhammad Farms to get the experience of farm work. They
worked two hours and were ready to rebel against their task master, me (smile). So I asked them,
"You see how hard this work is. Would you want to do this for 10 hours every day?" Of
course they said no. Then I told them about how the USDA took the Black farmers’ land and would
not give it back even after the Black farmers went to court. So I asked them, "Why would the
government of the United States not want a man to do this work who wanted to do this work?"

This is why we say to the customers of Muhammad Farms, "Think war and not money". We
got into the business of growing food, not to get rich, but to set up an alternative production and
marketing system for food, because we understand that we are at war. Every since Min. Farrakhan
redeemed this farm through the Three Year Economic Savings Program, the government of the United
States has instituted policies to directly reduce the profit making potential of our farm and in the
process doomed the majority of Black and so-called white family farmers.

You might ask, are we that important to the rise of Black people that the government would go to
such extremes? Look in the latest issue of the Final Call Newspaper and order you complimentary copy
of "Guidance in a Time of Trouble" by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. This
guidance is for both Black and so-called white people who are being led by the wickedly wise whose
time to rule is up. This is why they keep telling you that they have a problem with
"intelligence" in the bungling of the war in Iraq.

I call white people "so-called white", because Black and white must understand that all
people who have "white" skin do not have the same value to those who make decisions and
rule America. In other words, the majority of the everyday white people that Black people meet are
considered expendable by those whose major goal is to keep Black people down and eliminate our

The weapon of choice in this war against the rise of Black people is "poison". Poison
either through direct lethal injections disguised as vaccines or more subtle in the form of
chemically or genetically modified foods. We have posted a number of news articles in the
"News" section of and have listed them below. Please read them and
the other articles on the "News" section plus previous articles of "The Farmer
Newsletter". Then after you read them, get busy and place your produce orders with Muhammad

Articles: Cancer-Causing Vaccines, Polio, AIDS, and Monkey Business –Soy? Exposing The
and Vegetables Can Save Your Life — Elite Bankers Now Pulling Plug On US Economy & Currency!
–The Gray Zone — How Fluoride Kills Human Cells  — MSG – Slowly Poisoning America — Farmers
advised to plant only certified and healthy seeds — Sewerage And Fertilizers ‘Are Killing The
Seas’  — ORGANIC BYTES #30 — Nigerian Polio Vaccine Contaminated with Sterilizing Agents —
The Protocols And You — Beware ‘BLACK FARMERS Agriculturalist’ scam — The wealth of supermarkets
is built on monopoly — Early victims of the sixth mass extinction — Is Building a Burger
Manufacturing a Product?


Volume 5

Volume 5, Number
July 16, 2002

The Farmer


"39,998,998 To Go!"

by Bro. Lawrence Muhammad


The first, baby "crawl" (steps will come later) was taken when 1,002 juicy sweet
Georgia melons were delivered to Detroit, from Muhammad Farms, in Bronwood, GA, by the Leotis Fleet,
Inc, out of Chicago, IL. In less than 45 days from the 1st Annual

Agriculture & Black Survival Conference, held in Macon, GA recently, Detroit has started to
Feed The 40 Million.

Our holistically grown melons came in a variety of sizes and shapes, but they were all sweet. We
had Crimson Sweets, Jubilees, Black Diamonds, and Sangrias. We did not know all the names of the
melons when we were selling them, but the community did

not care. They swarmed our cars and vans. Many were disappointed when we exhausted our first load
but they made sure we were on the list for the next delivery. Not only is the local support
overwhelming, but the National support is there, too. In talking to Sister

Anne Muhammad, from Muhammad Farms, she said, "We are getting call from all over the country
from people who read the Final Call Newspaper, and they want to know how they can get some of them
(watermelons)." She later added, "If the mosques and study groups would get them they
would find they would get a lot of community support – this is something the people want."

Procedurally it is easy to get these melons to your city and distribute them throughout your
community. Action has to be taken by "one". It works every time. The most important part
of our success in Detroit is that we had brothers make a commitment in advance for the melons so by
the time they arrived on a Thursday, they were gone by Saturday. Our future batches, probably four
before the melon season is over, will come about every 10 days to two weeks. Doc Ridgely, manager of
Muhammad Farms, has scientifically manipulated the growing and picking times so that the melons come
off periodically, not all at once.

Feeding the 40 Million is one of several very important steps we are taking in providing for the
human needs of our people and the world. Distribution is part of our logistics that will make each
of our jobs, in our respective cities, an easier task. So "take action"! Do your share.
You may be able to have 2,000 melons delivered to your city or only 300 to your study group. But
assure delivery of something. We each are a part of the 40 Million. Let us save ourselves. I always
remember what the BFAA (Black Farmers & Agriculture Association) Georgia chapter president Eddie
Slaughter said, "To lose the ability to feed ourselves is unconscionable for a people this big
and this strong… there is something seriously wrong with us as a people." However, every time
we place and order we encourage Mr. Slaughter and the other Black farmers. We in Detroit are
encouraged with our initial success and it is clear that you will be encouraged when you step out in
your community and lead the way, following in the footsteps of The Honorable

Elijah Muhammad.

Call Muhammad Farms at 888-995-8119 to place your order for a melon delivery to your city, and,
go to to see the schedule for the different crops available for distribution
to the 39,998,998. "Be" in that number.