Category Archives: The Farmer Newsletter

Farmer Jan1 2007

Volume 9

Volume 9, Number
January 1, 2007

The Farmer


The Miracle of Taste

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad


Have you ever watched an animal in the wild choose which plants to eat? I have noticed how deer
would go through a field and sniff each plant before it ate one. Some it would eat and some it would
leave alone. What were they sniffing for?

In a new book which we have reviewed on called "Seeds of
Deception", the author Mr. Jeffrey Smith points out that cows when given a choice would not eat
genetically modified corn. He documented instances where farmers would put genetically modified corn
on one side of a feed trough and regular corn on the other. The cows would sniff the GM corn, but
not touch it. They would move over to the regular corn and eat it all up.

There were other testimonials by farmers who observed that wild deer, that would normally eat the
left over corn in a field after harvest, would not touch the corn in a field of genetically modified
corn. Somehow the animals could smell and taste a difference in the genetically modified corn and
would move towards the corn that they were familiar with.

When the FlavrSavr Tomato was developed in 1994, according to Mr. Smith, the scientists at
Calgene, the producers of this genetically modified tomato, wanted to test their creation on
laboratory rats. However, the rats would not eat the stuff, so they had to put a tube down their
throats and force-feed them. Seven out of the forty rats suffered from stomach lesions caused by
this GM tomato but test results were ignored by the FDA and hidden from the public allowing the
FlavrSavr Tomato to be marketed to the public up until 1997.

In 1997 it was taken off the market. One problem with the FlavrSavr Tomato was that it had very
little taste and very little juice. The genetic scientists failed to control for unwanted
side-effects of splicing in a foreign gene into a new organism.

In Mr. Smith’s book he points out that the method of genetically modifying a food crop to add a
specific protein producing gene was flawed from the outset. Early theories had predicted that each
gene was a specific code for producing one protein. However, scientists now know that a single gene
can produce many proteins depending on a number of situations and circumstances that scientists are
just beginning to explore, but have no way to control. According to Mr. Smith a single gene from a
fruit fly, for example, can "generate up to 38,016 different protein molecules".

Since the market failure of the FlavrSavr Tomato the biotech industry has shifted its attention
away from genetically modifying fresh vegetables and fruits towards animal feed crops or crops that
are used in processed foods. Fields of soybeans, corn, cotton, and canola cover over 145 million
acres of cropland in the U.S. and are the front runners of these GMO crops.

If you would take the time to read the labels on most of your processed foods such as potato
chips, salad dressing, frozen entrees, seasoned mix, soy sauce, bouillon cubes, nachos, frozen diet
entrees, cheese puffs, ice cream, pasta helpers, flavored crackers, canned soup, ramen noodles,
frozen potatoes and even "whole wheat" bread, you will find some percentage of soy flour,
lecithen, starch or oil and corn starch, syrup or oil in most of them. However, because these ingredients
are all mixed together along with flavor enhancing additives, the consumer will not be able to
detect any small variations in smell or taste that they could possibly pick up in the raw
ingredients of these products.

One of the major additives that you will find in most processed foods is monosodium glutumate
(MSG). MSG is the sodium salt of the amino acid glutamic acid and a form of glutamate. It is sold as
a fine white crystal substance, similar in appearance to salt or sugar. It does not have a distinct
taste of its own, and how it adds flavor to other foods is not fully understood. Many scientists
believe that MSG stimulates glutamate receptors in the tongue to augment meat-like flavors.

MSG is also used extensively in most of our fast food restaurants. So they keep you coming back
for more junk. We like to call MSG the "nicotine of food" (smile).

Now where are we going with this line of thought? Suppose for some reason, someone would want a
large segment of the population to consume a poison or toxin without them knowing it. Someone could
place such an organism into the the food system by injecting it into the genetic structure of foods
most commonly eaten by the target sector.

Or just by error or mistake, as the merchants of death are playing around with the genetic
structure of our food, they put in such a harmful organism into our food, how can we be protected?
Our Creator, God has already blessed us with the faculties of smell and taste. So if we smell and
taste the food product in its raw natural state, we might be able to detect that something is wrong
when we get food that is genetically modified. And if we stayed out of the enemy’s kitchen and
stayed away from his processed foods, we could be protected from such harmful organisms.

Fortunately for us we have been given the keys to such a survival or protection strategy through
the teachings and programs of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. In 1967 he published the book called
"How to Eat to Live" in which he gave us a list of the best foods to eat, what to stay
away from, and even how to cook our foods at home. He established a class for Black women that
taught them how to cook the best of foods and satisfy the health needs and taste buds of their
families. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad set up the Three Year Economic Savings Program in 1963 from
which he bought over 10,000 acres of farmland and gave us a demonstration in how to set up an
independent food production and distribution system.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan reinstated the Three Year Economic Savings Program in
1991, whose goal is to buy enough farm land to feed 40,000,000 or more Black people in America. Here
at Muhammad Farms we bear witness that properly grown food tastes better than commercially grown
food and is best for you.

The Minister has also recently encouraged us to set up smaller local farms and even personal home
gardens from which we could supplement our food diets with fresh produce grown with our own hands.
On January 20, 2007 the Ministry of Agriculture is sponsoring a set of demonstration workshops to
show people how to set up such gardens at their homes. You can find more information about this
conference at

We thank God (Allah) for providing us with the "miracle of taste" and the strategies of
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, so that we may protect ourselves from the plans of our open enemies.





Farmer Jan17 2010

Volume 12

Volume 12, Number
January 17, 2010

The Farmer


The Destruction of Haiti

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

First of all, I am happy to report that a forty (40) member health care team
from the Bedford Stuyvesant Volunteer Ambulance Corps of New York City (BSVAC)
arrived safely in Haiti on Sunday afternoon, January 17th. This first
team is made up of EMT’s, paramedics, nurses and doctors and many of them speak
the native language. I personally know some of the members of BSVAC and I hope
to stay in contact with them as they do their humanitarian work. I have offered
to help them in any way that I can.

Right now I feel that the best way that I can help is to give a little
background to the predicament that the Haitian people find themselves in both
before and now after this “publicized” disaster. I am a farmer and an
agricultural economist. The extreme poverty of Haiti is directly related to the
destruction of her agricultural base and the subsequent erosion of her land.
Just yesterday I introduced my new book to the 12th Annual Ministry
of Agriculture Conference held in Dawson, GA about 9 miles from Muhammad Farms.
The title of the book is “The Science and Business of Farming vs. the Art and
Hobby of Gardening.” In this book I emphasize how a farmer must look at his
farm in terms of a “system”. I also emphasize how the major function of the
farmer is to make the right decisions to keep his farm system in “balance”.

Haiti’s agricultural and economic system is completely out of balance with
nature and the needs of the people. In this case this imbalance can be
historically tracked an analyzed. The relief efforts given now, pale in
comparison to what is needed to put Haiti in a position to sustain herself in
the future. For an in-depth overview of Haiti’s history please type in to a
“google” search “Why is Haiti so poor” and read the article by Bob
Corbett, director of People to People.

Haiti’s problem began in 1804 after the slaves rebelled and freed
themselves from their French slave masters. Haiti was once called “The Jewel
of the Antilles” and was the richest colony in the entire world. Economists
estimate that in the 1750s Haiti provided as much as 50% of the Gross National
Product of France. The French imported sugar, coffee, cocoa, tobacco, cotton,
the dye indigo and other exotic products. In France they were refined, packaged
and sold all over Europe.

One of the primary reasons that Haiti was such a productively rich land was
because of slave labor. White people were willing to put productivity above all
other values, and Haiti’s slave system was the most brutal in the Caribbean.
The ultimate threat to a rebellious slave was that he or she would be sold to

After the 1804 liberation struggle, Haiti became the second free country in
the Western World (after the United States), and the first black republic.
However, the United States was still a slave nation. The international community
decided that Haiti’s model of a nation of freed slaves was a dangerous
precedent. An international boycott of Haitian goods and commerce plunged the
Haitian economy into chaos.

Unfortunately for the masses of Haitians, slavery did not die with French
rule. Rather, the basic concept of forced cheap labor was passed on to the
emerging native Haitian elite. The colonial French heritage carried on in the
Haitian elite’s imitation of the French labor system. The first president of now
freed Haiti tried to enforce a system of labor on the peasants which resembled
medieval serfdom, i.e., tying the peasants to particular plantations owned by
the elite. This is an important factor in Haiti’s later misery. About ½ of the
elite were mulattos and the other half were freed black slaves who earned their
freedom before the revolution.

So a class system developed in Haiti where the elite 3% ruled over the
masses. The masses decided to run to the hills to get away from the new slavery
like conditions. However, they were poor and had no other fuel for cooking but
charcoal made from burning wood. The destruction of the trees led ultimately to
the destruction of the topsoil in the hill country of Haiti where most of the
people lived until extreme poverty and land erosion ran them to the cities. When
trees are removed from hilly land in a climate of tremendous rainfall, then the
topsoil in which crops can grow will be washed away.

Haiti’s poverty was increased by the Haitian governments consent in 1838 to
pay France 150 million francs for the land taken from the slave owners after the
1804 revolution. Haiti paid this money as a type of ransom to France so that
France and the rest of Europe would recognize Haiti and agree to buy Haiti’s
agricultural products. However, the only way to repay this debt was to sell raw
agricultural products to France to obtain francs. Of course France paid Haitian
farmers what she wanted to pay, meaning that over time Haitian farmers and the
Haitian economy was drained over an 80 year period until the debt plus
was paid back in 1922.

America ruled Haiti from 1915 to 1934. During and after this occupation,
America has increased the class divisions by supporting the elite against the
peasants as a way to insure that a “friendly” regime to the US government
would always be in power.

Haiti is a mountainous country. For the past 200 years people have been
cutting the trees on their mountains without replanting. Now, when the rainy
season comes with its four or five months of daily pounding rains, one can see
the brown rivers torrent down the mountain sides and watch, helplessly, as
Haiti’s little remaining soil flows out into the Caribbean.

Haiti has no fuel except wood. People cook with charcoal. This requires
massive amounts of wood to provide fuel for 9 million people. Thus the demand on
wood as a crop is the immediate cause of the denuding of the mountains of Haiti.

The immediate motivation of much of the cutting down of trees is economic.
Peasants are hungry. They have little available work. But wood is in constant
demand as charcoal, or to sell to others to make charcoal. Peasant wood-cutters
who do understand the soil erosion problem will argue that they have no
alternative. They either cut wood to sell for food or they starve.

There is little motivation for wood cutters to replant more trees. Mainly
they do not own the land. They cut here or there as sharecroppers or renters,
then move on to other lands. The land owners are often city people or wealthier
village folks who do not keep a close watch on their lands. Were they to
replant, it is likely that the neighbors’ animals (pigs and goats) would eat the
seedling trees since there is little forage left in Haiti. The land tenure
system–the way land is owned and used in Haiti–provides little motivation to
anyone to replant the trees. Of course, it is in the interest of the nation as a
whole to replant trees. But, no individuals who own, share-crop or rent lands
are personally motivated to do this costly and troublesome work whose investment
benefit to the tree grower cannot be realized until after the tree is harvested
in 30 years.

The largest portions of Haiti’s best lands produce crops for export. Sugar
cane is the dominant export crop, but tropical fruit and other crops are grown
as well. With most of the very best land out of production for local food crops
(beans, rice and corn), the masses of people do not have access to land to grow
food for eating or selling on the local market. Ironically, Haiti, once a
primarily agricultural land, is a net importer of food.

These lands which produce the export crops are controlled by the elite of
Haiti. Most of the imported cash goes to these owner/controllers of the land and
most of it is not spent in Haiti, but in the United States and Europe. Not even
a trickledown effect is felt from this flow of cash. Further, the farm wages are
among the lowest in Haiti. Cane cutters spend an entire day in back-breaking
work to cut a ton of sugar cane. For this long day one could expect $1.63 a day
OR LESS! When one compares this with the high prices of imported food, one can
see the contribution to Haiti’s difficulties from this concentration on export

Look at Haiti now and know that what you see there can be in America soon.
When the product of the land is not valued as highly as the products that a
farmer must buy, soon the farmer must strip his land to produce enough raw
products to pay his expenses. Consequently, the fertility of the land is broken
and the people starve. From 2001 to 2008 the average return on equity for the
American farmer was 1.67%. However, the return on equity for the food
manufacturers who used the raw products from the farmers was 16.5%. The food
manufacturers receive 9.9 times more returns or profitability on their equity
investment than does a farmer. How long will the farmers hold up under this
exploitation and will their children come into farming knowing the reality of
economic slavery? Maybe Haiti will be a lesson to us all.







Farmer Jan11 2007

Volume 9

Volume 9, Number
January 11, 2007

The Farmer


Cloned Meat is Old Meat

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

When I read that the FDA was approving the marketing of meat from cloned animals, I had a
negative gut reaction. Aware of these types of negative gut reactions to using clones in the food
supply, the FDA issued responses to what it called "cloning myths". The agency’s material
compares clones to identical twins, describing the latter as "naturally occurring clones."
We first must ask the question, Why? What’s the rush? What are the costs and benefits of this new
form of meat production? Why is it necessary to make clones of animals for food consumption? Is
there a problem with the natural reproductive system of animals that we now need to set up another
one to replace one that God created? It may be true that white people are having a hard time
reproducing naturally, but the other heterosexual mammals on our planet seem to be doing quite well.

Whenever the ideas of cloning or genetic engineering comes up, the food industry argues that
these techniques would increase human health or feed the hungry. However, the largest problems
facing humans in relation to medical services and adequate diet are financial. The poor just can not
afford adequate medical services or decent food.

In terms of food supply, the last time I checked there was ample land and farm animals, but the
prices in the market were too low for the farmers to make a profit and at the same time insure the
safety of their products: note the recent E.coli outbreak in "organic spinach". From our
reading of the literature on cloning there are a few problems that any business person would
consider before going into cloning animals for meat. For instance, there is over a 90% failure rate
in bringing a cloned embryo to birth. No farmer can afford to tie up the reproductive system of his
breeding stock with a 90% failure rate.

Many of the fetuses grow too large in the womb of the animal implanted with a cloned embryo
resulting in the suffering of the host animal or "mother". It is as though the embryo is
growing in the womb to catch up with the biological age and size of the donor animal. Indications of
just these problems were discovered in the first publicly announced cloned animal, Dolly.

Dolly was born in 1996, but had to be put to sleep when she was just six and a half years old
because she was suffering from illnesses normally associated with old age. The life expectancy
of sheep is somewhere between 10 and 20 years.

Already being treated for arthritis, Dolly was found to be suffering from a progressive lung
disease. Therefore within the science community arose the question of whether the cloning process
produced a new born animal whose aging clock started at zero, as with normal sperm/egg reproduction,
or did it start at the age of the donor animal, say 6 years old as in the case of Dolly.

In addition, the immune systems of cloned animals seem to have been compromised leading to higher
rates of infection, tumor growth, and other disorders. Japanese studies have shown that cloned mice
live in poor health and die early. The weakened immune systems of cloned animals may require the
farmer to use more drugs to keep their animals free of disease-causing bacteria such as E. coli.
About a third of the cloned calves born alive have died young, and many of them were abnormally
large. Many cloned animals have not lived long enough to generate good data about how clones age.
Clones have been known to die mysteriously. For example, Australia’s first cloned sheep appeared
healthy and energetic on the day she died, and the results from her autopsy failed to determine a
cause of death. Could she have died from old age?

Normally we do not eat meat from an animal that dies on it own, but leave it for the buzzards.
Some religious traditions require animals to be killed in very prescribed manners to insure that the
animal is not sick or producing toxins harmful to humans. Therefore if a cloned animal dies while
seemingly healthy right before it was supposed to be slaughtered, will it be discarded or included
in the lot to be processed?

Why is there a gut negative reaction to the idea of cloning? It may be related to the fact that
procreation is one of the most mysterious aspects of nature created by the Creator. The Honorable
Minister Louis Farrakhan teaches us that in the darkness of the womb, God given and driven
intelligence is working within the sperm and the egg. Although many sperms may be emitted and desire
to fertilize the egg, through the process of survival of the fittest, most never make it to the egg.
Then when the few winners meet the egg, usually only one is chosen to fertilize her. The sperm emits
an electrical current which stimulates the egg to give him the right chemical decoding information
to allow it to break through the shell of the egg to begin the process of producing a new life.

How does the cloning process work? Dolly was created by a same-sex reproductive cloning
technology where scientists transfer genetic material from the nucleus of a female donor adult cell
to an egg whose nucleus, and thus its genetic material, has been removed. The reconstructed egg
containing the DNA from the donor cell must be treated with chemicals or electric current in order
to stimulate cell division. Once the cloned embryo reaches a suitable stage, it is transferred to
the uterus of another female host where it continues to develop until birth.

Therefore the process starts out by a man stealing an egg, stripping it of its nucleus, then
forcing a foreign nucleus into the egg. God has been moved out of the picture and replaced by
scientific rapists and tricksters who show no respect for the interrelatedness of nature. According
to these scientific servants of the "merchants of death", the process of evolution through
natural selection is too slow and man must step in to speed the process up in a financially
profitable direction.

These are the same scientists who admit that they do not know the function of 98% of the DNA. The
genes that they think they know how to manipulate comprise only 1 to 3 percent of the molecular
structure of the DNA. The rest they call "junk".

Since these "merchants of death" can not trust nature or the farmer to be a docile
slave for their desire for wealth and control, they must try to eliminate both. These
"merchants of death" believe that they can break any of the laws of nature they desire. Is
there a consequence for such arrogance and who will pay?

Since the FDA and USDA seem to be working for these "merchants of death", it would be
wise to support our own Ministry of Agriculture within the Millions More Movement. Or are we
willingly going to accept and eat just any old meat from these "merchants of

Farmer Feb7 2010

Volume 12

Volume 12, Number
February 7, 2010

The Farmer


Will Haiti’s Earthquake Wake Us Up?

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

In 1970 Henry Kissinger, US National Security Advisor and Secretary of State
in the Nixon Administration, made a statement saying: "Control oil and you
control nations; control food and you control the people." The first
question to ask is who is this “you” that Kissinger is referring to and why
would ‘they’ want to control oil and food? It is important for the black,
brown, yellow, red and white people of this planet to understand that the “you”
is just a few and does not include all “white” people, just a few families.
The devastating earthquake in Haiti has forced a lot of people to study the
history of Haiti and its battle with America over the control of her resources.
America’s first response to the devastation was to land 20,000 troops into
Haiti to continue her on and off occupation and political disruption of that
country since 1915.
F. William Engdahl wrote an article on January 30, 2010 called “The Fateful
Geological Prize Called Haiti” whose full contents can be studied at:
In this article he writes:

“In March 2004, some months before the University of Texas
and American Big Oil launched their ambitious mapping of the hydrocarbon
potentials of the Caribbean, a Haitian writer, Dr. Georges Michel, published
online an article titled ‘Oil in Haiti.’ In it, Michel wrote,

… .[I]t has been no secret that deep in the earthy bowels
of the two states that share the island of Haiti and the surrounding waters
that there are significant, still untapped deposits of oil. One knows not why
they are still untapped. Since the early twentieth century, the physical and
political map of the island of Haiti, erected in 1908 by Messrs. Alexander
Poujol and Henry Thomasset, reported a major oil reservoir in Haiti near the
source of the Rio Todo El Mondo, Tributary Right Artibonite River, better
known today as the River Thomonde.”

Mr. Engdahl further points out in this article that Cuba which is only 90
miles from Haiti discovered large oil reserves off of its coast in 2008 and
plans to work with Russia and China to help exploit those reserves. So now the
cover is pulled back. American oilmen knew about the oil as far back as 1908.
The U.S. invaded and occupied Haiti from 1915 to 1934. America’s President
Franklin D. Roosevelt rewrote Haiti’s constitution in 1934 to allow American
businesses to buy the most valuable pieces of land in Haiti. However, with Cuba
finding and planning to exploit oil from this same basin, America had to act
quickly to establish a military presence in the area to control who will exploit
these vast oil reserves. Former rivals Clinton and Bush joined hands to “help”
Haiti. In the meantime the Haitian people suffer from extreme poverty, while any
Haitian leader who may have plans to utilize her hidden resources for the
benefit of the Haitian people are either killed or like their former President
Aristide, removed from office and not allowed to come back to the Western

In a previous article we wrote entitled “The Destruction of Haiti” we
pointed out that one of the major problems in Haiti was her extreme loss of
topsoil due to the removal of trees. These trees were cut down to make charcoal
because this was thought to be Haiti’s only source of indigenous fuel. How
ironic it is to find that she had oil all along but has not been allowed to
exploit her own resources.

Now let me talk to the American people who until the economic crash in 2008
had believed that the political and economic leaders of this country have been
working on their behalf. For centuries Americans have been used to destroy the
economies and political systems of other countries around the world, including
Haiti. America’s military has terrorized the world while she has used her
abundance of agricultural wealth to destroy indigenous people’s agricultural
systems. Now the same set of families that financed the colonization of America and the world have
now decided to turn America into a ‘Third World’ country. Demographers
speculate that white Americans will be the minority in the foreseeable future
allowing Blacks and Latinos to have political control of the most powerful
country in the world. These controlling families are not sure that they can
continue to control the minds and hearts of their former slaves. When 2 million
black men showed up in Washington, DC in October of 1995 at the Million Man
March, these families, the ‘you’ of Kissinger, realized that black people
may be faking their mentally asleep condition and could not be trusted to
blindly follow bad leadership. Minister Farrakhan stopped the plans of America
to take the black man down, alone, so ‘they’ decided to take America down on
top of the Blacks.

After World War II the world was open to American capitalism only checked by
the communist regimes in Russia and China. During this period the American
worker enjoyed the greatest growth in income and consumption. America and Russia
went around the world and bullied non-aligned nations to make a choice of which
camp they would join. If they did not bend, the CIA for America and the KGB for
Russia would topple governments and assassinate leaders. The American worker was
convinced that they had arrived into the middle class and were coaxed into
participating at the rich man’s gambling table called the Stock Market. They
allowed their retirement funds to be handled by third parties who played at the
gambling tables ostensibly on their behalf. But after 1995 Congress began to
roll back the laws that protected the American people against these “gambling
houses”, posing as investment banks. Only too late did the American workers
find out that their ‘agents’ were getting rich from fees while trading the
workers’ money, but then somehow lost the workers’ money in a series of bad
investments, bets. Now the American workers who thought they were entering the
middle class don’t have enough stored wealth on which to retire.

In the 1980s Russia “threw in the towel” and left America as the
undisputed champion of the economy of the world. China finally capitulated to
the onslaught of capitalism and now she is in bed with America. China had to get
rid of 20 million farmers to be accepted into the World Trade Organization in
2000. Why would 1.5 billion people who were self-sufficient in food production
allow the West to make China become dependent on America for substantial
portions of her food supply? At the same time many American manufactures left
America and set up plants in China to exploit cheap labor, and then sent those
same manufactured goods back to America. As long as the American economy was
expanding under the false economic bubbles, first generated by the “dot-com”
era and then later the housing bubble, the American consumers could use their
equity to borrow money to buy those unnecessary consumer goods that were being
shipped from China to the ‘Wal-Marts‘ of America. However, in 2008 Wall
Street crashed, the American consumer stopped buying and China’s economy had
to lay off millions of factory workers.

Have you seen “Food Inc.”? Over the last 8 years the average returns on
investments in agriculture to the American farmer has been 1.67%, while other
sectors of America’s economy received 8 times that amount on each dollar
invested. This imbalance in financial returns is draining the resources of the
family farm. American agribusiness has lobbied Congress to further handicap the
family farm while expanding production on mega farms owned by multi-national
corporations. Many of these mega-farms are located in California.

Now the stage is set far a major international drama. China wants to work
with Cuba to develop her oil reserves. China is the number four market for US
agricultural exports. At the same time, China is buying up more of America’s
debt than Americans, making China the largest holder of America’s debt and
dollars. What happens when, not if, an earthquake, like the one that hit Haiti,
strikes California and sea water floods the Central Valley of California which
supplies 12.8% of the United States’ agricultural production? What will happen
if California cannot ship food to China and the Chinese people face a serious
food shortage? She will first try to use her financial leverage over America to
force her to send China food at the expense of the American people, whose family
farms would have already been decimated by large agribusiness corporations. What
is the planned end of this game? Will it be war between America and China while
the rich European families and bankers hide in their underground cities? Will
Haiti’s earthquake wakeup America in time? Or will we just feel sorry for
Haiti for a while, and then go back to sleep while the “Kissinger’s” of
the world plan our fate?

Farmer Jan03 2009

Volume 12

Volume 12, Number 7                                        
January 3, 2009

The Farmer


Gardening grows…

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min

Gardening grows an appreciation for God

Gardening grows discipline by forcing you to keep to a schedule

Gardening grows the ability to plan for the future

Gardening grows submission to the laws of nature

Gardening grows character

Gardening grows toughness of resolve

Gardening grows scientific analysis

Gardening grows problem solving skills

Gardening grows common sense wisdom

Gardening grows a mathematical approach to living

Gardening grows muscles

Gardening grows increased sensitivity to touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing and fatigue

Gardening grows relationships between family and neighbors

Gardening grows compliments from others

Gardening grows a sense of security from hunger and want

Gardening grows a community spirit

Gardening grows self confidence

Gardening grows hope in a better next season

Gardening grows awareness of other creatures who like your crop

Gardening grows acceptance that animals and weeds are smart

Gardening grows a sense of humor

Gardening grows paying attention to the weather, the seasons and the time

Gardening grows an understanding of cause and effect, input to output, and returns to effort

Gardening grows insight into the relationship between the past, the present and a better future

Gardening grows an attachment to the earth

Gardening grows disdain for concrete and steel

Gardening grows a feeling of self-reliance

Gardening grows a habit of being productive

Gardening grows satisfaction in a job well done

Gardening grows a charitable attitude

Gardening grows a link to our ancestors who were mostly farmers

Gardening grows your possibility of genetic memory recall

Gardening grows respect for the farmer and all of those who sweat

Gardening grows knowing what "real" is

Gardening grows a desire to be free in deed

Gardening grows good food

farmer Feb16 08

Volume 11

Volume 11, Number
February 16 , 2008

The Farmer


Why a Farmer Pushes the Final Call

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

In my previous article called "Gathering Scattered Dust" I ended by stating that
"We must either move closer together to form a community or we must completely change the
mindset of the communities in which we live, if we want sustainable economic development." As
an individual I can only suggest that enlightened people move closer together. So how does one
"change the mindset" of a community.

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his monumental book, Message to the Black Man on page 186
quoted a Mr. Henry Berry, a member of the Virginia House of Delegates in 1832 as saying: "We
have as far as possible, closed every avenue by which light may enter the slaves’ mind. If we
could extinguish the capacity to see the light, our work would be complete; they would then be on a
level with the beast of the field and we should be safe."

The enemy was bent on producing and keeping a perpetual slave by depriving him of
"light", knowledge. However, within this statement of evil intent is the key to changing
the mindset of these same people who they intended to render as "beasts". Teach them

Today, the iron shackles have been removed but the mental and economic shackles remain,
strengthened by ignorance. In slavery the slave got some bad food, old clothes and a place to stay.
He did not have to get a ride to work because he lived on the plantation. Of course at the end of
his life he had nothing to pass on to his children, not even a job on the plantation. Often times
the slave master would sell the children off to another plantation.

In the modern form of economic slavery, Black people are paid wages, but 3/5th of his
or her white counterpart. With these wages he must now pay rent or a mortgage, buy and clean his own
clothes, and buy his own food. Now of course he must have a car to get to work and yet at the end of
his life he has nothing to pass on to his children, not even a job at the plant. They have moved the
plants overseas.

I have a Ph.D. in agricultural economics and I have yet to find any program for economic
development that will uplift Black people from this state of modern economic slavery other than the
program of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. And the only way to get this light along with current
events that bear witness to the need for such a program to the minds of Black people is through the
distribution of the Final Call Newspaper. This paper not only presents the "news" but
gives commentary and explanations of the news in light of the needs and situations that Black people
find ourselves in. The back inside cover of this newspaper highlights the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s
program under the titles of "What the Muslims Want" and "What the Muslims

I manage a farm, Muhammad Farms, in rural Southwest Georgia. There are not a lot of street
corners on which to sell the Final Call. However, I travel to many little towns to distribute this
paper because I do not know another way to put light inside my people’s heads that will turn them
in a direction wherein I as a farmer can serve them. I can not serve them if they eat at the fast
food restaurants or buy prepackaged processed foods from the numerous supermarkets in the area, none
owned by Blacks.

Of course we could sell all of our produce to the "system". However, our produce would
be adulterated and processed to produce the poisoned foods that are causing Black people to die at
an early age. So we prefer not to supply the "merchants of death", but produce wholesome
food and sell it directly to our people.

The Ministry of Agriculture is attempting to set up cooperatively owned supermarkets in many of
our major cities. The Farm Marketing Coordinators in these cities are faced with the same problem of
supplying people accustomed to fast foods or micro waved entrees. Their potential customers are not
cooking from scratch and they do not even have the time to pick up the orders of fresh food that
they ordered through the burgeoning buying clubs. Within the Final Call Newspaper are weekly
articles on "How to Eat to Live". This paper even has recipes to help our people re-learn
how to prepare wholesome meals for themselves and their families.

The enemy to Black people’s economic development has all means of advertisements and methods to
get his message across. The TV programmers even synchronized their advertisement spots to make sure
that you can’t flip through the channels to get away without viewing those short stories designed
to get you to buy something from their sponsors. After our people have been bombarded constantly,
how will they ever get their minds straight or focused on self development? Where will they find the
program and internal fortitude to break away from this sure track to economic bondage? Do you not
find it strange that in this capitalist country most people do not know anything about economics?

Economics is the study of how goods and services get produced and how they are distributed. The
most Black people in America know how to do is spend money on consumer goods and go into debt. Do
you know that if you buy a house that retails for $100,000 with a 30 year mortgage at 6% interest
that you will wind up paying $215,838? You just made somebody $115,838 dollars richer and yourself
poorer by that same amount. You have just volunteered to be a slave to the lender for 30 years. And
the bad thing about it is, that you think that’s okay.

You have to work so hard to get up the mortgage payment and pay the note on the car, that you don’t
even have the time to cook a meal or enjoy your house except on holidays and "Super Bowl
Parties". (smile) We see dumb white people doing the same thing and think that it is okay to be
as dumb as they, even though there are wiser alternatives to 30 year mortgages.

When I was in undergraduate school, one of my business professors would try to encourage us to be
better students by telling us about how we could make $30,000 per year. This was in 1974, so $30,000
was worth a lot more than today. One day I asked this professor: "Respectfully Sir, can you
teach me what that man knows that can afford to pay me $30,000 per year?" As a student in
college and a student of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I was not interested in getting a job with
white folk. I was interested in setting up economic systems for Black folk and setting up businesses
to hire others.

Therefore, when I get a Final Call into the hands of a Black person I feel that something in that
paper may wake them up to the reality in which they live and cause them to make a change in their
behavior. Perhaps one day they may even be a potential customer for whatever businesses that we
decide to set up in the future. Without this change of mindset, I simply do not see any other way to
prepare a people to take on a new economic life and free themselves from modern "volunteered

Farmer Feb07 2007

Volume 9

Volume 9, Number
February 7, 2007

The Farmer


"If I were Satan"

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has declared that Black people in America have made a
"covenant with death." He states, "We have already made an agreement with hell and
that is why hell is in our lives. We have made an agreement with death and that is why death is in
our communities."

How do you know when you are participating in a "covenant with death"? If you have seen
the movie "Supersize Me" and you are still a loyal and frequent customer of Murder King,
MacDeath, Sintucky Fried Chicken, Lurches Fried Chicken, Wind Dies, Pizza Gut, Awful House, and Bo
is Still Hanging, you have made a covenant with death. If you are still a part of the American
dreamers who spend over $100 billion on Fast Foods, you have made a covenant with death. If you are
addicted to diet sodas, soy bean products and micro-waved TV dinners, then you are on the fast track
to hell.

If you have bought into a culture that looks at cooking as slavery, growing food as primitive and
exercising as a punishment, then you have made a covenant with death.

Have you read "Fast Food Nation", "Murder by Injection", "Seeds of
Deception" and "The slow Poisoning of America"? These books and many others, point
out that we are dealing with some mad scientists who are using humans as guinea pigs.

Why are pharmacies being built on almost every major corner? How did we fall into this
"trap" and how can we dig out? Was this "trap" accidental set or is it a part of
a grander scheme?

Let us stretch our imagination and suppose that "Satan" is real and human. Then let us
put ourselves in his position and have a little fun just thinking what I would do:

"If I were Satan"

If I were Satan and faced with the threat of the removal of my kingdom, I would take
action. Let us first look at the "threat". The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught his
followers that Master Fard Muhammad had promised to destroy the devil’s world. He said that the
Mother Plane and its bombers would begin to destroy the major cities after the devils had killed no
more than 300 of his "Righteous Followers".

Well, if I were Satan I would hold off on shooting and look for a more subtle method of killing.

In the mean time I would put Muhammad’s beloved Blacks in the middle of all my major cities.
Therefore, if those bombs were to drop they would kill a lot of Black people too. This would give me
Time to discover and implement more "non-violent" methods of killing.

Since Elijah taught his followers "How to Eat to Live", we, Satan, can not expect to
get Elijah’s followers to knowingly eat the main killer of the Negroes, the swine. Therefore we
must put the poison in the very foods that they think are safe.

Since they purchase these foods from us willingly, and I am not forcing them, then no one can
blame me if they die from the food. They have a choice. They could buy farm land and grow their own
food. But I will make farming unprofitable. If they follow me in greed, they won’t stick to
farming long enough to thwart my plans. Furthermore, I will take away the land of the Black farmers
and make the farmer a laughing stock in the Black community to ensure that young people will not go
into that profession.

Now how can I (Satan) produce poisons that will not be noticed until too late? I would begin by
producing a set of pesticides based on Hitler’s "nerve gas" (organo-phosphates) and
distribute it at low cost to the farmers. This would begin to tare down the immune system of the
population. Then I would use my new knowledge of the DNA to add a gene to soybeans and corn that
would attack human sperm and eggs.

We would like to genetically modify all food crops, however that would not be necessary. The
genetically altered crops will contaminate the other crops, plus we will mix in the genetically
modified crops in all of our processed foods.

Since those who follow "How to Eat to Live", eat one meal per day, we will reduce the
nutritional value of the food that they do eat, so that their body would not be satisfied with that
one meal. We will market varieties of crops that grow fast but have lower nutritional value. So the
people will get weaker, even though they are eating more and getting fatter.

To help them eat more we will introduce monosodium glutamate (MSG) into every processed food that
we make. We will make MSG the "nicotine of food". ‘You can never eat just one.’ So
without them knowing it, they will be making a covenant with death. Just one deviation from the
right path will make them addicted to our poisonous fast foods, and make death convenient.

If they continue to eat our contaminated meat, we will make the meat not only unhealthy but
Unholy by selling them meat from cloned animals produced by a homosexual reproductive process. Our
next step would be to put a pig gene in every meat and major vegetable crop through genetic
manipulation. We will make them all deviate whether they know it or not.

The only thing that could thwart our plans is that the followers of Elijah stick to "How to
Eat to Live", start raising their own food and inspire other Blacks to do likewise.

If they decided to stick to such a regimen, we would have to force them to eat our poisons or
just shoot them down outright. Of course this could bring on the "threat". However, given
enough time we may be able to come up with some better weapons to fight God with. All we need is

Even if we can not beat Him, if we have enough Time we can learn more about the "root of
Life" itself and poison life at its root before the effects are visible to the naked eye. The
damage done would be too great to fix before Life itself is exterminated on this planet.

All we need is time. Watch out for any "trumpet blower" that would arouse the Black
people to use their God inspired personal activities that would burn up our plans and break their
death covenant with me, Satan, and my "merchants of death".

Of course the above monologue was just "talk". However, those of you who have been
reading the articles posted in the "Farmer Newsletter" at , the Final Call Newspaper or
just paying attention, may find that "truth is stranger than fiction."

Join the Millions More Movement and tune in to "Right Four Life" every Saturday night
at 9:00 PM by calling 712- 432-8700 PIN 4830091# and take the "Right Four Life Challenge".

Farmer Dec4 2010

Volume 14

Volume 14, Number
December 4, 2010

The Farmer


Free the Black Land!

By Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad

Many people are excited to hear that the Black farmers are finally receiving
justice due to the Senate passing legislation funding a settlement for
discrimination against Black farmers. However, the “devil is in the details”
and the enemy is at work to mix poison with honey to ensnare the unaware.

“There’s no question. The bar is much higher,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson
(D-Miss.), a CBC member and chairman of the Homeland Security Committee.

The legislation to be sent to the president would provide $4.55 billion to
settle longstanding discrimination claims with the Department of Agriculture
from Black and Native American farmers.

The additional steps added to the claims process for the Black farmers and
not the Native American farmers, include an audit by an inspector general and
oversight by the attorney general’s office, as well as a review by the secretary
of Agriculture, who must sign off on a farmer’s claim. Attorneys involved in
cases must swear in writing that the claims are legitimate, and a special
federal “adjudicator” must also take an oath that the claim is legitimate
and may request additional information and documentation. At the end of the
process is another round of oversight and review from the Department of
Agriculture and the Department of Justice at the top levels.

The new standards for the “Pigford” claimants were added by the Senate
after several attempts to move the legislation failed. The additional
requirements were meant to meet concerns about fraud that were raised most
notably by Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Steve King (R-Iowa).

“We need to have an investigation of every single claim going out,”
Bachmann said in an interview. “This is $50,000 of the taxpayers’ money to
every single claimant.

What we have heard from whistleblowers is that there are people in urban
areas living in highrises getting $50,000 who have never been on a farm and have
never lived on a farm,” Bachmann said.

However, here is the rub. To be eligible for money now, “…claimants must
have farmed or attempted to farm between 1981 and 1996, have filed a
discrimination complaint before July 1, 1997, and have filed a claim after the
deadline in the original settlement.” Here is the trick that leaves the door
open for claims of fraud by the Republicans. How can a person who is not a
farmer prove that he or she “attempted to farm between 1981 and 1996”?
The Republicans claim that there are only 20,000 Black farmers according to the
Census of Agriculture, but how many Black people could have “attempted to farm”?
What type of unchallengeable evidence can a person present in 2010 that they “attempted
to farm between 1981 and 1996“?

The Pigford II lawsuit unlike any other class action lawsuit that we know of
has an attached threat that any claimant may be investigated by the Inspector
General’s office. The Republicans in the Senate demanded that such draconian
measures be taken to ensnare Black farmers over $50,000 while in 2008 they let
the bankers walk away with $700 billion with no questions asked.

That threat alone, along with the wording of who may be eligible, should be
ample warning for anyone who still owns farm land to stay away from such a minor
and short term gain. Any such investigation could cause unnecessary legal
ramifications that could put that land at risk.

The fact that some of the funding for this settlement is to be taken out of
the WIC (Women, Infants and Children) program may give a signal to the public
that Black farmers are taking food away from women and children. Therefore if a
claimant is later charged with some type of fraud, the public will not have a
sympathetic ear. However, if you are desperate for money and have nothing to
lose, it may be worth the chance to win $10 to $50 thousand that will not even
buy a new farm tractor. And you must also factor in the tax implications.

What we need is a farm movement and not a cheap payday. The Black farmers
went to court in 1997 to stop the USDA from foreclosing on 3,000 black farms,
not $50,000. That cash settlement was developed by Al Pires, the Black farmers
lawyer, and accepted by the federal judge in spite of the objections by lead
plaintiffs in the Pigford lawsuit. The Pigford I settlement was designed to deny
the legitimate claims of active Black farmers while enticing none farmers to
participate. So instead of 3,000 claimants they increased the claims to 22,000
so they could deny the 3,000 without people being suspicious of the USDA’s
intent to steal more land, which they ultimately did in a number of cases. They
denied legitimate claimants because they did not give the correct “similarly
situated white farmer” and let others in based on “attempted to farm between
1981 and 1996“.

Some estimate that as many as 68,000 people may file is Pigford II.
Republicans claim that this is impossible because there are only 20,000 Black
farmers. Let me end this charade by the Republicans once and for all. First of
all, the time frame under investigation begins in 1981 when, according to the
USDA Census of Agriculture there were at least 33,000 Black farmers. However, by
1996 there were only 20,000. Could it be that the 13,000 missing farmers from
the 1996 USDA census are not dead but were put out of business by the USDA and
that is why they are filing in the lawsuit? So now we are up to 33,000
legitimate claims.

But oh, the lawsuit accepts those would-be farmers who “attempted to farm
between 1981 and 1996”. Could it be possible that at least one of the children
of each of these 33,000 Black farmers went to the USDA to get a loan to either
buy their parents out or go into farming in a separate operation? Therefore we
have found another 33,000 eligible claimants. Of course, we don’t die we
multiply. So each Black farmer could have had a number of children to attempt to
farm between 1981 and 1996. So leave the Black farmers alone and go run after
“crooked finger” Paulson and find our $700 billion. While you are out witch
hunting for Black fraud, ask the Federal Reserve Chairman how many trillions of
dollars has he loaned his banker friends at no interest and no requirements to

Black farmers are treated like children who can’t add and subtract, do not
know their rights nor what is good for them. Unfortunately, their white lawyers,
the USDA, the Justice Department, and now the congressional Republicans, are
their evil stepparents. These evil stepparents just love using the same set of
whips from the days of their “night riding” parents. Free the Black land!!!
Free the Black land before they kill us all with their Frankenfood!!!

(Please read:

(Click here for previous Farmer Newsletter




Farmer Dec4 2009

Volume 12

Volume 12, Number
December 4, 2008

The Farmer


Usury: The weapon of mass enslavement

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min

As we continue to watch the drama of this financial crisis unfold before our eyes, many may
wonder if anybody knows what is going on. A study of history may help us understand how we got into
this situation and how we may fall victim again as long we are dependent on the international
bankers to run our financial system.

In the early 1920s Henry Ford brought to America’s attention a plan for world domination in a
four volume set of booklets published by him called "The International Jew". In these
booklets Ford quoted from a document or manual called "The Protocols of the Elders of
This document was first published in a Russian newspaper in 1903 and a portion
of protocol number 6 reads: "It is essential therefore for us at whatever cost to deprive
them of their land. …This object will be best attained by increasing the burdens upon landed
property – in loading lands with debt…we want is that industry should drain off from the land
both labor and capital and by means of speculation transfer into our hands all the money of the

No one has stepped forward as the "Elders of Zion" and owned up to the document,
however we must look at history and see if "someone" has actually put such a plan in
motion. We also notice that this protocol is in line with the commandments given in the Bible to
Jacob’s children to use debt as a weapon to take over land of other nations. Let’s read Deut.
23:20; "Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not
lend upon usury: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the
whither thou goest to possess it."
And Deut. 15:6 "For the
Lord thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but
thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over

By definition, lending money with any level of interest charge for its use is usury. Therefore
these scriptures are a command to lend money out to "strangers" (foreigners), charge them
interest and make them put up their land for collateral. If the borrower can not pay then he becomes
the slave to the lender: Prov. 22:7 "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower
is servant
to the lender."

Even in the time of Pharaoh, according to the Bible, the Egyptians were taken off their land and
enslaved by one of Jacob’s children, Joseph: Genesis 47:20-23

"20 And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians
sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them, so the land became Pharaoh’s.

21 And as for the people, he removed them to cities from one end of the borders of Egypt
even to the other end thereof.

22 Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned them
by Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them; wherefore they sold not their lands.

23 Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day and your land
for Pharaoh
; lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land."

This policy of depriving the people of their land by loading the land with debt, then herding the
people into cities, has been successfully carried out in modern times, first to the Black people
after slavery and finally to the American people in general. From 1865 to 1910 Blacks had risen from
slavery, where they owned nothing, to acquiring over 16 million acres of land, mostly in the South.
To stem this tide, white merchants loaned seed and supplies at high interest rates (usury) to freed
Blacks. Land was held as collateral and payments were accepted in cotton only. Black farmers were
therefore forced to grow cotton to pay off their debts and had to reduce the production of food for
themselves and the growing black economy developing in small towns and cities in the South.
Increased debt loads plus a rash of lynching over the 30 year period from 1890 to 1920 effectively
drove millions of Blacks off of their land in the South into the ghettoes of the North to work for
the northern industrialists.

However, the Whites who took over the land needed labor which they no longer had or could depend
on. They were encouraged by the government to purchase labor saving equipment and chemicals, but had
to borrow money to move into this new industrialized agriculture. They were also encouraged to
borrow money to buy more land so they could more efficiently utilize the new technologies developed.
This depopulation of the countryside was not happening fast enough. So, in 1962 the Committee for
Economic Development produced what they called "An Adaptive Approach" in which they
stated: "Net migration out of agriculture has been going on for 40 years, and at a rapid rate.
Nevertheless, the movement of people from agriculture has not been fast enough…" This
"adaptive approach" recommended that "agricultural prices be substantially lowered".
Now the farmers were to receive less money for their products while trying to service the debt
on their equipment and land.

Urban America paid little attention to the black farmers in the South or the white farmers in the
Midwest as they cried out for help. However, as the farm land was being loaded with debt and the
children of farmers were being herded into the cities, policies were put in place to carry urban
America down to financial ruin by the same international bankers of whom Henry Ford warned.

In 1913 the US government gave over its right to print money to 12 private banks called the
"Federal Reserve System". Now these banks simply print money, lend it to the government
and other banks at interest. This paper money is not backed by any tangible asset, not gold, not
silver, nothing but "confidence". After the Fed creates this money the first time, they
loan it to other banks who immediately file this "loan" as a deposit and through the ‘net
capital rule’ or ‘fractional-reserve banking’ scheme are able to loan out at first 4, then
later 15, but after 1999, 30 times the value of their deposits held in reserve.

Banks and other financial institutions are allowed to lend money, that they create out of thin
air, then charge compound interest with a demand of real collateral (real estate) from the borrower.
And since outstanding loans are counted as assets on the accounting books of the banks, the stage
was set for the explosion of the level of financial "assets" and the fueling of the
housing bubble of the late 20th century and early 21st century.

The money lenders went to the colleges and gave out credit cards, addicting "Generation
X" to buying everything on credit. At the end of the 20th century predatory lenders
tricked older people into mortgaging the equity in their homes to buy consumer goods. The result, by
2007 the private debt in the US had risen to $41.5 trillion and government debt to $11.4 trillion.

The investment bankers got the working class to invest their retirement money in the stock market
only to see their wealth destroyed by 50% in 2008 alone. Over the last seven years it is estimated
that Americans have lost $13 trillion in personal wealth, greatly increasing their debt to asset

The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 allowed energy traders, including financial
giants, Goldman Sacks and Morgan Stanley, to set up energy exchanges operating outside of any
government regulations that could prevent excessive speculation. Since 2002 oil price speculation by
these same financial giants tripled the price of gasoline to the commuters who depended on their
vehicles to get to work and the truckers who had to burn fuel to make a living. The resulting
reduction in disposable income decreased consumer spending on other goods, dragged down the economy,
deflated housing values in the suburbs, leading to mortgage defaults which precipitated the crisis
in financial markets

In other words, the money lenders put a rope of debt around everybody’s neck then in 2008
kicked the chair from beneath the credit system. The money lenders are now banging on the door of
the Treasury Department demanding their "pound of flesh" before they will allow their
financial system to stabilize. However, it may be a lot tougher for this financial system, run by
the international bankers, to re-establish "confidence" among money lenders because they
broke the commandment of Deut. 23:20 and began to cheat each other and not just the

Henry Ford was not the first one to expose and attack the plans of the international bankers.
2000 years ago a man was born in Palestine named Isa, the Messiah, Son of Mary. However, he was not
accepted by his own Jewish nation as their Messiah. In fact he was turned over to the Roman
authorities at that time to be crucified. What did Isa (called Jesus today) do that so embittered
some of his fellow Jews towards him? According to Mathew 21:12 "And Jesus went into the
temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of
the moneychangers, and the seats of those that sold doves,…"

Now a moneychanger is not just a merchant but a person who exchanges money, as from one currency
to another. This trade of money changing grew into the modern banking system of Europe.

Therefore Jesus (Isa) was interfering with the "family business" by going against the
Old Testament commandments given to the Children of Jacob to loan money to foreign countries upon
usury which would eventually give the international bankers, superiority over the majority and make
the people a slave to the banking system. Let me give you an example. $100 loaned at 6% compound
interest for 100 years grows into the astronomical sum of $35,000. The present banking system has
been in business for centuries lending money at interest thereby accumulating the wealth of nations
in their vaults.

The holy book of the Muslims, the Holy Qur’an strictly forbids all forms of usury and the early
Christian Church, following the example of Jesus, also forbade usury until John Calvin, a Protestant
reformer, defended usury in the 1500s. Now you may have a better understanding of why the
international bankers hate Islam and why the Muslims have always loved Jesus (Isa, the Messiah, Son
of Mary).

The collapse of this highly leveraged system of legalized usury should give us an opportunity to
explore systems of banking without interest in other parts of the world and develop a financial
system that invests to empower the people, instead of loaning to enslave the people. In the meantime
while the dollar still has some value we should use those dollars to buy tangible productive assets,
like land and equipment, and not intangible financial instruments which we do not understand and
cannot trust. We offer to you the Three Year Economic Savings Program as a tool to help us do for
ourselves and develop a new economic paradigm based on the teachings of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad under the leadership of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Farmer Dec4A 2009

Volume 12

Volume 12, Number
December 4, 2009

The Farmer


The Systems Approach to Farm Management

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

The “systems approach” is defined as a problem solving methodology which
begins with a tentatively identified set of needs. It has as its result, an
operating system for efficiently satisfying a set of needs which are acceptable
or “good” in light of trade-offs among needs and the resource limitations
that are accepted as constraints in the given setting (Manetch and Park, 1982).
There are two prominent attributes of the approach: 1) it overtly seeks to
include all factors which are important in arriving at a “good” solution to
the given problem; and 2) it makes use of quantitative models, and often
computer simulation of those models, to assist in making rational decisions.
This framework will be used to help the farm manager “break down” his task
into conceptual parts, then put those parts back together again to establish a
“system” that works for his managerial needs.

The major phases of the approach are: feasibility evaluation, abstract
modeling, implementation design, implementation and system operation. As seen in
Figure 1, the movement of the process is from a set of needs to be satisfied (at
the top) toward an operational system (at the bottom) capable of satisfying the
needs which exist. The solid lines and arrows indicate the path of flow through
the process as you move through the sequence of functions which must be carried
out in order to achieve system objectives.


Feasibility Evaluation has as its goal the generation of a set of
feasible system “alternatives” capable of satisfying needs which have been
identified. The steps in feasibility evaluation are reproduced in Figure 2.
Feasibility evaluation begins with a careful analysis of needs to determine
whether the needs do, in fact, exist and if they do, to state them in an
operationally useful form. (For instance, we say in the Ministry of Agriculture
of the Nation of Islam, that we want to supply the black people in America with
one meal a day according to the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This
goal to satisfy the need is both limited by what are the foods that we should
and should not eat along with the logistical problem of producing and
distributing these food products to 40 million or more people spread out over an

area 2,000 by 3,000 miles. Therefore, each of our future farm managers will
be doing their part to satisfy this need and must know how they fit into the
overall “system”.) The “output” of Feasibility Evaluation is a set of
realizable alternatives which appear capable of satisfying the identified needs.

Implementation Design has as its purpose to completely specify the
details of system and/or management strategy designed in the abstract during the
modeling phase. “Completely specify” means developing a complete set of
instructions that will lead to the operationalization of the desired system.
This would include specifying the necessary preparations for implementation
including data and budgetary needs along with the procedures for accomplishing
specific functions.

Implementation is to give physical existence to the desired system. In
this case the system is the farm. Since the systems approach is iterative,
information developed in this phase on the workability of the system would act
as feedback for the modifications needed for implementation of a Working

Similarities between the steps in the systems approach and Johnson’s (1977)
problem solving model (Figure 3 below) indicate the generic nature of both
processes. Also, the systems approach can be observed to coincide with the basic
thesis development i.e., problem statement (feasibility evaluation),
investigating how others have brought light to the problem in the form of a
literature review (developing a set of feasible solutions), developing of model
to be tested

(abstract modeling), statistical methods and hypothesis testing
(implementation design), analysis and recommendations (implementation). However,
the systems approach goes further and actually involves the decision-maker or
those who will be affected by the system to participate in its development. This
is why we in the Ministry of Agriculture try to involve its members in all
phases of development of the system that will satisfy the stated needs as
expressed in our Mission Statement.

The systems approach makes the assumption that it is the end user and not a
so-called “expert” that will determine the adequacy of the system outputs.
This is important when dealing with a normative (subjective) discipline such as
economics where the role of the professional is to educate the manager, but
learn from other theorists. However, our research assumes that there already
exists “successful farm managers” and that we can learn from what they do.

Another benefit of the systems approach to very unstructured problems is the
introduction of detailed diagrams which guides the decision-maker and helps to
prevent the exclusion of necessary parts to complete the working system. This
does not mean that no parts can be omitted either knowingly or unknowingly, but
diagramming the process helps to focus on the essentials. “Mistakes do not
exist in the Nation of Islam”. Mistakes happen, but through proper analysis
and learning from those mistakes, we do not repeat the same mistakes over and
over again. If we leave out a step in our problem solving techniques, we should
be aware that we did and watch for repercussions from those omissions to further
test the process going on in our heads.

The Farm System

A “system” is a set of interconnected elements organized toward a goal or
set of goals (Manetch and Park, 1982). A basic systems model along with
definitions of component parts is given in Figure 4. The systems approach forces
a conscious recognition of what is and is not

under the manager’s control and who are the relevant managers of that

The “Farm System” shown in Figure 5 includes the farm/family with its
different production enterprises and consumption units which transform land,
labor, and capital into outputs such as production, income, cash balance,
consumption, education, net worth and debt. The transformation process is
determined by the design parameters of the system which consists of land are,
soil productivity, labor availability, input availability, input/output
coefficients, and per-capital consumption. The controllable inputs under the
direct influence of the manager are levels and types of production, marketing
strategies, and investment policies. The “System Environment” includes those
inputs which are exogenous to the system or outside of the direct influence of
the manager including: weather, the biological process itself (except for
genetic engineering), output prices, input prices, government programs, wage
rates, interest rates, and credit availability. Although the manager may not be
able to directly influence these factors, knowledge of them and their probable
directions is needed to make adjustments in his farm system. In other words, a
careful study of history will reward our research. Therefore we must develop the
historical timeline that brings us to the agricultural and economic environment
that we must work in and as awakened Muslims must work to change.