
Volume 5

Volume 5, Number
December 25, 2001

The Farmer


The Great Debate: Separation or Integration?

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

There is a lot of debate and interest being generated
concerning "reparations". However, the mentality, motivations and desires of the those
pushing for reparations could greatly influence the form of those reparations. In particular, those
that believe in America and America’s so-called white people will ask for money so that they can
buy into America, while those that do not believe or trust in her will ask for land and capital. The
division in the demands by the separatists verses the integrationists was very clear and distinct in
the 60’s, as expressed by the "Black Muslims" in the separatist camp and the civil
rights leaders in the integrationist camp.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad made his position plain and highlighted that position on the back
cover of each addition of the Muhammad Speaks Newspaper. For instance, point number four of
"What the Muslims Want" states:

"4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents are descendants from slaves
to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own, either on this continent or
elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the
area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to
maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 or 25 years, until we are
able to produce and supply our own needs.

Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality after giving them 400 years of our
sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worse treatment human beings have ever
experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white
America justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own."

However, today Malcolm X, who was once a great student and spokesman for Elijah Muhammad, is now
being promoted as the great champion for the idea of reparations. The problem with Malcolm X is by
the end of his life, as described in "The Autobiography of Malcolm X", he has become a
little confused on his blanket condemnation of white people and now seems to offer a ray of hope for
getting along with them. Unfortunately, these would-be revolutionaries mistook Malcolm’s political
maneuvering to take over the "civil rights" movement with a supposed change of heart about
so-called white people. Malcolm had seen "white" Muslims in 1959 when he went to Arabia,
not just in 1964. And Malcolm used to teach, as all of Elijah’s ministers, that Turkey was a whole
country of white Muslims and that Elijah’s followers could no longer call them "devils"
once they accepted the faith.

The type of confusion caused by Malcolm’s political maneuvering and ambition is rampant in the
"reparations" debate. I was on a panel in Los Angeles in August of 2000 discussing
reparations. While I was arguing for land to be the center piece of a reparations package, one of
the panelists was arguing that everybody don’t want land, so money would be preferable.

However, with an integrationist mentality the people would simply waste that money on trying to
catch up with the white "Jones’" and wind up like those ancient warriors who tried to
chase the Scythians across the mountains. The Scythians would never stand and fight but take flight
(white flight) and poison every water hole and burn both crops and trees behind them.

Small pox and syphilis was given to the "Indians", syphilis and AIDS to Black people,
non-tested anthrax vaccine to the troops in the Gulf War and now Anthrax itself has been traced back
to the American military.
The American people are being prepared to accept wholesale vaccinations from diseases which the
American military have prepared. The chemical companies have now perfected "sperm killing
viruses" to put in genetically modified food. In other words they have learned how to
selectively kill through poisoning while the victims die unaware in a state of "wishful

Over the last four years I have followed and been a part of the Black farmers’ struggle against
the USDA to keep their land. I have exposed the double dealing of the government and the Black
farmers’ own attorneys in the video "Snake in the Reparations’
. Now a whole series of articles have been published by the Associated Press on how
Black people were violently "Torn
from the Land
". Yet the so-called revolutionaries of today are calling for
"money" without land as some type of compensation for the destruction of a people’s
ability to be self-sufficient and competitive. It is as though these so-called revolutionaries do
not believe that Black people can make it on their own land, so they would accept some crumbs and
see if we can "all get along".

Not only has the so-called white man proven to be the greatest killer of Black people all over
the world, he has also proven to be the greatest liar and destroyer of peoples’ culture and belief
in self. For instance, some white scholars still want to give credit to Jewish slaves for building
the pyramids, even though their own timing of the so-called captivity was at least 1,000 years after
they were built. Now the wiser liars are looking to Mars to find the builders of the Great Pyramid
and Sphinx. They even lie about why these great monuments were built by calling them "Tombs of
the Pharaohs". Yet, they know that they have never found one mummy of a King or Queen in not
one of the 72 are more pyramids that they have explored.

The Great Pyramid of Giza required 100,000 people to work four months out of the year for 30
years to build it. Now would you want to be under the leadership of a King that demanded this type
of labor for the building of his "tomb"? However, would your opinion change if you
discovered that each of these pyramids was part of a water irrigation/purification system? Each
pyramid was the above ground excretion of a tremendous well which could each irrigate 200,000 acres
of desert land for 200 years. Now what would you think of such a Black leader?

The archeologists knew about the water beneath the Giza plateau since the 1930’s. I
"speculated" on such waters in my 1988 book "Amen:
The Secret Waters of the Great Pyramid
". I just recently found out by clicking on to a
that they knew of this all along while the so-called Black Egyptologists were labeling my book as
"nutty". Why would they withhold such facts? How can one trust such a people?

How could one bow down to a liar who would hide the truth and hold back discoveries to keep the
people both asleep and his slaves? Many of this world’s so-called scientific discoveries have been
developed by Black scientists who would never be given the capital to benefit from those
discoveries. Many more of this world’s "discoveries" have come about from retrofitting
what they have discovered from the Ancients but keep hidden from the public. Please visit the
"K.R.I.S.T. Newsletter" section of
and start discovering "the rest of the story".

Let me leave you with point number 9 of "What the Muslims Believe:

"We believe that the offer of integration is hypocritical and is made by those who are
trying to deceive the black people into believing that their 400-year-old open enemies of freedom,
justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their "friends". Furthermore, we believe that
such deception is intended to prevent black people from realizing that the time in history has
arrived for the separation from the whites of this nation.

If the white people are truthful about their professed friendship toward the so-called Negro,
they can prove it by dividing up America with their slaves.

We do not believe that America will ever be able to furnish enough jobs for her own millions of
unemployed in addition to jobs for the 20,000,000 black people."

"Come out of her my people…"

Peace, Doc


Volume 4

Volume 4, Number
December 24, 2000

The Farmer


Freeze Damages Crops

by Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad

At Muhammad Farms here in Southwest Georgia we have experienced three days of night temperatures
dropping into the teens. As a result our winter crops, broccoli, cabbage and turnip greens have
experienced extensive damage. However, since so few people depend on our farm or the farms in this
area exclusively for food, most people will not feel the effects and therefore this is no "big

We had hoped to supply our customers with chemical and pesticide free fresh produce over the
winter months. We have already planted more cabbage, broccoli and turnips, but they have not
sprouted as of yet.

Below are given some links to which will show you how these crops looked on
December 8, 2000 and how they looked on December 24, 2000. Farmers are completely at the mercy of
nature. Although one might be able to guess what the weather will be over the next day or two, there
is nothing that he might do to protect acres of crops without a lot of money and labor. Then after
such expenditure will the consumer be willing to pay more for the crop? No!

I also have pictures on of us picking and cleaning turnip greens to go to the
market on December 23rd. We had to pick through them very carefully and throw away damaged leaves.
Unfortunately, the plusher the leaves, the more the damage. When we took the crop to the market, we
noticed that the store had completely run out of the greens that we had just brought in the day
before. However, instead of the store manager being glad to see us, he complained that our leaves
were too small and therefore reduced his price to us.

This is what farmers face each and every day. He has no control over the weather. People do not
want him to use chemicals to control insects and weeds. People don’t want him to use chemical
fertilizers to increase his yield and get bigger crops. But at the same time the market and consumer
want to get food at the cheapest price and do not care what the farmer has to go through. They want
the crops looking perfect, large, clean and shining at their neighborhood store when and if they
want them.

When the store owners or brokers can’t get what they want from a particular area, they just get
on the phone and get their produce from some other "lucky" farmer. Now of course the
market price may be set at $12 per dozen bunches. Therefore a farmer living 100 miles away from his
market will get the same price as the farmer 10 miles away from his market. And guess who has to pay
the transportation costs? The farmer.

Hopefully, Allah Willing, our new crops will fair better.

Freeze damaged crops: Pictures of damaged crops (Dec.

Winter crops as of December 8th: Pictures of broccoli,
cabbage, collards and turnips

Peace, Doc


Volume 7

Volume 7, Number 4                                            
December 17, 2003

The Farmer


Buying "Groceries" Part II

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

In March of 2003 we wrote an article called "Buying Groceries". We wrote this article
in response to inquiries from people who wanted to buy "groceries" from our farm and other
Black farmers. Since the "fall of segregation", Black people have economically
"integrated" their wealth into the white power structure without receiving reciprocal
benefits. Now our Black communities do not have Black owed grocery stores or restaurants that could
purchase from Black farmers. In fact in many major cities there are no full fledged grocery stores,
Black or white owned, in the Black communities.

So we made this suggestion:

"There are two solutions to how you can buy from Black farmers and save your life. Plan 1:
if you live in a city, you need to develop a community of people who will buy collectively. You need
to go out to your local farmers market or produce wholesale market and see what they have to offer
at what quantities and prices. Then collectively you need to pool your money, select the set of
items that you can buy in quantity; go to the market or farmers; buy those items in bulk; come back
to a distribution point: church,

home or institution; break the bulk orders down to the individual family orders; distribute the
food boxes; collect the money for the next go round and repeat this process, over and over and over
again. You must do this for yourself, I can not come and do it for you.

Now after you have done this for a few months, then contact me with the list of items that you
buy collectively on a regular basis, then I will find you some Black farmers to grow these items for

Bro. Roy Muhammad and a few other Believers in Atlanta took this suggestive model and started
their own co-op or buying club. They used the Atlanta Farmers Market for both a source for their
commodities and a place to repackage them for distribution to their members. Since they say a
picture is worth a thousand words we have for you "7,000 words" (7 pictures) describing
the process. (pictures seen at

1. Get a list together of what items are wanted by the coop members. Go to the farmers market and
compare prices from farmers and wholesalers.

2. Buy these commodities from the wholesalers and farmers in bulk quantities, i.e. bushels.

3. Find a shed or just an open space to assemble your boxes. Get extra boxes and bags for

4. Count and divide the bushel quantities into individual bag quantities. For instance if you
have 13 families and turnips are a part of this week’s selections, first count the total number of
turnips in a box (say 91), then divide that by the number of families (13) and repack the turnips in
separate bags (7 each). You do this for each of the items purchased.

5. Now you put the different items in each family’s box.

6. In this particular case the Atlanta coop had 15 items in their boxes.

7. Now put these boxes in your cars and go home.

This whole process took about one and a half hours. They distributed the boxes to their members
for $15 each. In each box was 4 tomatoes, 10 bananas, 8 apples, 7 oranges, 1 gallon of snap beans, 1
eggplant, 3 heads of cabbage, 26 turnips, 8 rutabagas, 1 head of broccoli and 2 pounds of navy

The coop had no overhead, no waste and no labor costs. You do the math. The monetary surplus can
now be used to further expand the coop. After the coop expands to 200 or more families, they may
start looking for a building and look to hiring some of their children to run the operation. Get the

Of the items used this particular week in Atlanta only cabbage, turnips and rutabagas came from
Muhammad Farms. The other items were obtained from others on the market. To get and keep families
interested in the coop, the coop must provide a variety of crops and items so that these families
will not have to go out and shop for other groceries. Eventually most of the items that the coop
must purchase from wholesalers in the beginning can be produced by Black farmers and processed by
Black firms.

However, the "chicken must come before the egg" or the market must be set up before
contracts can be developed with Black farmers. In today’s world of high costs of production and
long distances to the market, a farmer cannot afford to grow a crop, then travel for hundreds of
miles and sit around waiting for potential buyers. You first find a market for your intended
products, THEN you produce.

We thank the coop in Atlanta for buying some of their "groceries" from Muhammad Farms.
(smile) To understand the joke please read "Buying Groceries" at


Volume 5

Volume 5, Number
December 17, 2001

The Farmer


Cooperation verses Individualism

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad


According to the AP article, "Peculiar Land Swaps Leave Blacks With Little of Their
Ancestors’ Georgia Island", on Sapelo Island back in the early 50’s the largest employer, R.
J. Reynolds, Jr., worked cooperatively with Mr.Tom Popell, the county sheriff, to engage in
fancy legal footwork at the court house that deprived many Blacks of their land.

In the article "Alabama Pushed Black Family Off Its Land", the attorney general in 1906
sued a black family for land on behalf of the state, claiming that the land was swampland and that
they had no deed. The black family never knew about this suit until 1964. The family took the deed
and other documents to a lawyer for help. The lawyer never did anything and the courthouse housing
the records had a fire and supposedly the records did not survive. So the past attorney general, the
federal government, local lawyers, the State Lands Division, the state director of conservation and
a fire starter worked cooperatively to deprive this family of their land.

In "Landownership Made Blacks Targets of Violence and Murder", the Associated Press
documented "57 violent land takings – more than half of the 107 land takings found in an
18-month investigation of black land loss in America." The Tuskegee Institute and the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People have documented more than 3,000 lynchings between
1865 and 1965, and believe there were more. Many of those lynched were property owners, said Ray
Winbush, director of Fisk University’s Race Relations Institute.

”If you are looking for stolen black land,” he said, ”just follow the lynching trail.”

So it seems that white men’s lust for the Black man’s land instead of the Black man’s lust
for the white man’s woman may be at the root of the "lynching trail". And the media,
until this AP series, has worked cooperatively with the lynchers and state officials to point
to sex instead of greed and envy as the reason for the outbreak of "terrorism" in the
southern countryside in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.

In "Taking Away the Vote – and a Black Man’s Land" the article talks about the events
of November 1, 1875 in Mississippi and reads:

"At the time, Lowndes County had 3,800 registered black voters, nearly all of them Republicans,
as was Gleed. There were only 1,250 whites registered, nearly all as
the Columbus Press reported at the time.

As the mob of torch-carrying whites surged through town on election eve, fires broke out.
Whites invaded Gleed’s house, shot up his furniture, shredded his wife’s clothing.
next day, Gleed’s opponent, a white Democrat, was elected sheriff. Gleed fled to
Texas, leaving behind his house, his general store and its stock, his city lots and

It is pointed out in the article, "Developers and Lawyers Use a Legal Maneuver to Strip
Black Families of Land", that the state legislators have set up laws to allow for
"partition sales" of land. According to the article this is how it works: "Whenever a
landowner dies without a will, the heirs – usually spouse and children – inherit the estate…
Anyone can buy an interest in one of these family estates; all it takes is a single heir willing to
sell… And anyone who owns a share, no matter how small, can go to a judge and request that
entire property be sold at auction."

If you will notice, most of your state and national legislators are lawyers. They work cooperatively
to make such laws, then you as an individual go to one of them to seek justice among a cooperating
pack of thieves. Read my article "Snake in the Reparations’ Grass" in "The
Farmer Newsletter
" to see what happened to the Black farmers in their lawsuit against the

And when a Black man tries to defend his land and his family as an individual they may
wind up like Mr. Dinning is the AP article, "A Man Is Jailed for Defending His Land." The
whites came to his house shooting. He ran up stairs and got his gun and fired back. Unfortunately,
he was a better shot than they. After he turned himself in for shooting one of the white assailants,
they returned to "terrorize" his wife and family.

What happened to "rugged individualism"? Why don’t white people treat everyone as an
individual and work to better themselves individually? Why do white people team up in gangs and mobs
when they attack Blacks, but teach individual "salvation" after you die to Blacks? Why is
it so hard for Blacks to work cooperatively while observing the very whites, that they want to
integrate with, sticking together to keep Blacks out of their white neighborhoods, white churches
and "white folks’ business"?

Is the lack of cooperation among Black people in America just because they were never taught a
better way? No! The Honorable Elijah Muhammad through his newspaper, "Muhammad Speaks" and
from his books such as "Message to the Black Man", has presented "an economic
blueprint" which until now the "integrationists" have spurned. The blueprint reads:

1. Recognize the necessity for unity and group operation (activities).

2. Pool your resources, physically as well as financially.

3. Stop wanton criticisms of everything that is black-owned and black-operated.

4. Keep in mind — jealousy destroys from within.

5. Observe the operations of the white man. He is successful. He makes no excuses for his
failures. He works hard in a collective manner. You do the same."

So why have Blacks not followed his admonition and advice? Answer: FEAR! Four hundred years of
terrorism as described in this article and the "Torn
from the Land
" series, have produced a traumatized people.

After the "9/11" incident a friend of mine called me on the phone, all upset. She
realized that whenever white folk feel pain they take it out on Black folk. I argued that we should
ask for reparations, get some land, work together and build our own reality. She said, "But if
we get our own land, then they can bomb us." Somehow we still believe that being close to
so-called white folk can shield us from their venom when they decide to strike. However, it was the
white’s next door that worked
sometimes behind closed doors, sometimes from behind white sheets and burning crosses, bringing up
false charges and making up false documents to tear Black people "… from the Land".

And the cities are no safer, because "they can bomb us" as
they did in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921. The local whites in conjunction with the military killed 3,000
Blacks and destroyed 600 businesses in a 36 block area of the Greenwood District known as
"Black Wall Street". And more recently, the police in Philadelphia dropped a bomb on MOVE
headquarters in May of 1985 killing innocent men, women and children. In each case so-called white
folk blew up Black folk’s attempts at "cooperation". This is
"terrorism" at its best or should I say at its "devilest".

Peace, Doc


Volume 6

Volume 6, Number
December 12, 2002

The Farmer


Lying while counting

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

Since the announcement of the NAACP’s visit to Cuba and the subsequent agreement that was
reached concerning Cuba’s desire to purchase agricultural products from Black farmers in America,
I have been asked my opinion. As a farmer and activist I feel that this relationship will become a
great benefit to both Cuba and Black farmers. However, as an agricultural economist I must look at
the actual facts and determine when and how to take advantage of such an opportunity. I must look at
the cost and returns structure of the commodities to be exported and the physical capacity of the
farmers to produce these commodities and get them to the port.

Whenever such opportunities arise for white farmers, the US department of Agriculture goes to
their database to determine how many acres are presently devoted to the requested crops and how much
excess production capacity is available on the nation’s farms to increase such production if
required. The US department of Agriculture has such information on Black farmers but declares that
it can not aggregate according to race as of 1997. You can go to the 1982, 1987 and 1992 volumes of
the "Census of Agriculture" and determine how many farmers were "Black", their
total acreage, average value of equipment and average age. However, starting in 1997 they lumped
Black farmers in with other minorities such as Latin Americans, Asian Americans and Native
Americans, which makes it impossible to make a distinction.

We as Black farm activists KNOW that they have such data separated according to race, but the
USDA CLAIMS that they can not give that data to us. In other words, they are lying. However, this
places the burden on us to find such information on our own which is a daunting task because Black
farmers are scattered all over the country. It is a shame that we have paid our tax dollars to this
government to conduct a census, then they wickedly withhold data that we need to make analyses.

To verify my comments go to the Internet at:
. You will see that Black farmers are lumped in with other non-white groups which comprise a total
of 47,658. However, if you get the Economic Research Service’s November 1999 "Agricultural
Outlook" you will find this quotation in the article "FSA Credit Programs Target Minority

"From 1992 to 1997, the total number of farms operated by Blacks, American Indians, and
other racial minority groups rose 10 percent to 47,658. In addition, the number of farmers who
claimed a Hispanic or Latino background rose 32 percent to 27,717. Growth in Hispanic or Latino
farmers and Asian farmers is consistent with growth of these racial and ethnic groups in the U.S.

The number of Black-operated farms, unlike farms of most other racial minority groups, declined
slightly from 1992 to 1997 — to just 18,451–and may continue to decline. Black farmers on average
are older than farmers of other racial groups. Only 4 percent of Black farmers are under 35 years of
age, while nearly a quarter are at least 70 years old."

How can an office on one side of the USDA building in DC have this breakdown by race while the
other office claims that they do not have such a breakdown? We Black farmers know that they not only
have such a breakdown but also have every phone number and address of each Black farmer, but will
not give it to Black farm organizations. We also know that they have every name and address of each
person that signed on to the Pigford v. Glickman lawsuit, but will not give that out to Black farm
organizations. However, somehow the names of each Black farmer that got a check were sent out to
other banks and lending agencies whom these farmers may have owed. We know that the FBI has been
harassing some recipients of the $50,000 reward from the lawsuit, while yet denying us information
which would allow us to organize our farmers. Welcome to America.

But let’s go back to some aspects of this report. The title itself is misleading, "FSA
Credit Programs Target Minority Farmers", if we are to accept the sworn declaration of Attorney
Rosalind Gray who was appointed the head of the Civil Rights Division of the USDA in 1998. She
states: "After all the investigations and findings of discrimination, after all the findings
that FSA was not in compliance with civil rights regulations, after the millions paid by FSA in
settlement of administrative complaints and after the many more millions in debt that FSA has
forgiven, there still has not been any change in the way programs are administered. There were many
recommendations for change. Yet systemic exclusion of minority farmers remains the standard
operating procedure for FSA.

Her full 7 page testimony which you can find at is
well worth the read. But this issue of capital availability is most critical for a group of farmers
who have been deprived of their equitable share of the tax payer dollars and put out of business. On
the other hand those same tax dollars were used to keep other farmers afloat during times of
disaster or low market prices. I did a simple analysis using Census of Agriculture Data from 1982 to
1992 and found that white farmers received over $331 billion dollars in subsidies which averaged out
to $1,023 per cropland acreage. The Black farmers received only $273 per acre over this same time
horizon and were shorted over $1 billion dollars as a group. Now this new opportunity arises and
instead of this government replacing that $1 billion that they stole, they offer $100 million in
additional loan programs, that they know these farmers will not qualify for. They will not qualify
because they can not add in the government subsidy that the white farmers know that they will
receive which is added to their cash flow statement. Not one Black farmer who "won" in the
Pigford v. Glickman lawsuit and went back to the FSA to get his "priority loan" has
received a dime in loans. Why? Their budgets won’t cash flow.

And let’s be real, would you loan a farmer who is over 70 years old money to buy a tractor that
it will take at least 5 years to pay back the note? Remember, at least 25% of the Black farmers are
over 70 years old. That being said, let us move on to develop a framework for analysis.

First of all we need to develop a "census" or database of sorts for ourselves. We have
contacted the Black land grant institutions to help us develop such a database. However, according
to Dr. Alton Thompson, the Dean of Agriculture for North Carolina A&T State University, the
Black colleges do not yet have such a database. However, N.C. A&T has developed a research
project that is addressing this need, but the findings and data will not be available for a few
years. We need answers now, so we are suggesting that all Black farmers and agri-business firms who
can make the opportunity with Cuba become a reality come to the "5th Annual Black Land Loss
Summit" to be held in Greensboro, N.C. on February 7-9, 2003. Please go to
and click on "Black Land Loss Summit" to get more details. We must get as many
"players" together in one location, so that we can make an accurate determination and
develop realistic strategies for success. We must do it now, because our Black farmers are growing
older everyday.


Volume 7

Volume 7, Number
December 1, 2003

The Farmer


"Preparations for Reparations"

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

The Ministry of Agriculture for the Nation of Islam sponsored a "Preparations for
Reparations" conference in Atlanta on November 28, 2003. Representatives from 12 cities and 8
states came together to share experiences of nation building in their respective cities. Each city
gave a report on the development of market outlets for Black farmers. Experiences ranged from
starting small buyer coops stationed at the local farmers market to door to door sells of produce to
the elderly. Some of the cities are preparing to graduate to permanent store front operations, while
others are gathering information on the organizational structures to use in their business
endeavors. All of these activities go into preparing a nation of people for the eventual
responsibilities associated with freedom in deed.

The members of this group represented a wide range of skills and expertise such as agricultural
economics, entrepreneurship, farming, food science, agricultural engineering, sales management,
distribution, restaurant management, construction, transportation, law enforcement, event logistics,
baking, auto mechanics and insurance. This group will be the core group to develop strategies and
programs that will build an infrastructure needed for the production, processing and distribution of
food and fiber for the 40 million or more Black people in America. Such an infrastructure is needed
for the economic development of the black community whether or not the US government decides to
fulfill its promise of "40 acres and a mule", or deliver on some other type of reparations

Reparations is being talked about today more than ever, or at least is getting more attention by
the media. Why after all these years is the media finally giving this idea a public hearing? After
slavery Blacks were promised "40 acres and a mule" which they never got. Back in the early
1900’s Black people tried to get reparations for income stolen from them through discriminatory
wage policies set up with the "Jim Crow" legislation of the 1890’s and early 1900’s,
but were shot down, literally. At that time they had over 15 million acres of land and had developed
all Black towns and business districts such as "Black Wall Street" in Tulsa, Okla. where
the US government used airplanes to bomb that part of Tulsa.

Almost 400 years after being brought to America as slaves, America finally decided to strike down
some of its Jim Crow laws and set up the legal framework for school integration in 1954. Why? The
Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned Black people that integration was the last trick of white people to
keep Black people from doing for self. Because of segregation, Black people, then called
"Negroes", had developed a separate economy with their own schools, businesses and even
hospitals. I was born in a "Negro" hospital in 1951 in Winston-Salem, NC.  In the 50’s
and 60’s, when we were "Negroes", I used to travel from one side of Winston-Salem to the
other on a "Negro" bus line, "Safe Bus Co.".

If we, "Negroes", were given monetary reparations in the 1950’s or 60’s instead of
"integration", we could have used that money to expand our businesses so that they could
compete in capital development with their white rivals. If we were given land, we could have added
that resource into the millions of acres that we already owned at that time. We also had a large
pool of experienced farmers to operate such large tracts of land. But instead they offered
"Negroes" a false hope of being integrated into the American Dream.

But now we, Black people, who live in the cities are selling off our inherited land because we
can not make a profit farming the land. So now many Blacks don’t even want land as a part of

If large sums of money are given to individual Black families, it all will be dissipated in a
short period of time. According to 1997 Census data, for every dollar ($1) that goes to Black owned
firms $259 goes to mostly white owned firms with a few dollars going to other ethnic groups. This
means that if cash reparations are passed out to Blacks, 99.996% of that money will wind up in the
hands of other than Black immediately. Blacks would wind up owning some type of depreciable asset,
without adding to any wealth producing assets that would generate future income streams.

On the other hand, the white owners of the firms reaping this windfall of sells will have an
opportunity to expand their operations here in America or simply take those profits and reinvest
them in Europe where many of them are already establishing business relationships and even dual
citizenship. And since the US government is already deeply in debt, it would have to borrow money
against somebody’s future to pay out such reparations.

Now who will be left to pay off this newly generated debt. Demographers project that black and
brown skinned people will eventually be in the majority in the US. This means that the government
along with its debt will fall into the hands of this non-white majority. But if white people have
successfully relocated the productive assets of America to Europe and now as Europeans are the lien
holders on America’s debt, then the new majority will be stuck with repaying such loans without
the economic "engine" to generate the needed capital. America would then be like many
"Third World Countries" deeply in debt to international money lenders who force these
governments to cut back on services and infrastructure development for its citizens. Get the
picture? Please read Engineered Extinction
by William F. Jasper to see how America is being sapped of her productive resources.

This is why it is important for Blacks to pool their resources and talents at this time to
develop income generating businesses to employ their own and establish a productive base for the
inevitability of self-rule and responsibility which awaits us. If this government gives reparations,
we need an infrastructure to properly utilize it. If this government does not give reparations, we
still need to develop a productive economic infrastructure to replace the white businesses as they
move their ownership and income flows back to Europe. According to the demographic trends, balance
of trade deficits and migration trends, we will be separated whether we, as Blacks, like it or not.
The only question that remains is whether we will be in a separate land of our "own" ready
to produce and take care of ourselves, or just poor people piled together in the future America
owned by absentee landlords.


Volume 4

Volume 4, Number
December 8, 2000

The Farmer


Terminator Genes

by Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad


Terminator, terminator, terminator genes,

You better find out just what we mean.

You’re eating good now but you’re gonna eat lean,

‘Cause they changing the nature of everything green.


Terminator, terminator, terminator genes,

You better find out just what we mean.


They’re changing the nature of the living seed.

You grow it one time and it won’t repeat.

The farmers are going to have to pay so much for seed,

That they go quit and you won’t eat.


There’s a war going on that you might want to know.

You better find out from Monsanto.

Germ warfare in the land and the air,

They killing the seed so the seed won’t bare.


Excuse me while I sound the alarm,

But the USDA plans to do you harm.

They’re the ones that designed these genetic bombs,

They’re the ones that took the Black man’s farms.


You got no farms and you got no land,

‘Cause you would not listen to that little Black man.

They gave you food stamps and they took away the land,

Now you eat all your food from the white man’s hand.


They gave you welfare so you would not care.

You got your pretty nose stuck up in the air.

You got your long nails and your store bought hair,

You gonna chew them nails when the cupboard’s bare.


You like to ride in them fancy cars,

But you got no food for your baby’s jars.

I know one day you want to be a star,

But them terminator genes ain’t go let you get that far.


There used to be these germinating seeds,

But the terminator genes gonna end that breed.

The changed the DNA so it cannot read,

Kill the people in the middle of the process of greed.


There’s only gonna be two kinds of food:

One for the rich and the rest for fools.

"Well, if they kill Black folks they’ll kill whites too."

But they’ll kill three of them just to get one of you.


You see, Black folks are still in that baby boom,

But they got some poison to end that soon.

They messing with the genes and the chromosomes,

They go put Black folks in the "Twilight Zone".


If Europe don’t want no terminator food,

That should be a little hint for a thinking fool.

But I bet you went to the high tech school,

So you searching the web for your next bowl of soup.


Herbicides, pesticides, suicide, genocide,

You better use your money to stay alive.

Stop spending your money on this high-tech jive.

You’d better get you some land if you plan to survive.


You’d better get your priorities back in line.

You keep playing the fool, you gonna lose your behind.

You acting real stupid and you’re acting right blind,

While the devil is perpetrating the perfect crime.


I know you want to live that "American Dream",

But that’s not in the white man’s scheme.

It might sound cold and it might sound mean,

But the terminator genes gonna end that dream.


I know you like that McDonald’s and your Burger King,

But you ain’t go like these terminator genes.

They changing the meat, they changing the greens,

Fast food line straight to the murder scene.


Terminator, terminator, terminator genes,

You better find out just what we mean.

Terminator, terminator, terminator genes,

You better find out just what we mean.

Peace, Doc

(c) copyright 1999 by "Doc" Ridgely Mu’min (but you can spread it like seeds)





Volume 5

Volume 5, Number
December 5, 2001

The Farmer


From Maize to poison mess

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

According to Webster’s dictionary poison means "a substance that through its chemical
action usu. kills, injures, or impairs an organism…". In our last week’s article entitled, "9/11
Hype Vs 9/9 Genetic Bomb"
we introduced you to a San Diego biotechnical firm called Epicyte,
"where researchers have discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack
sperm." The president of this company said, "We have a hothouse filled with corn plants
that make anti-sperm antibodies…". Now since sperm is essential to reproducing human life as
we know it, then Epicyte has produced poisonous corn. Why?

Interestingly, according to a National Public Radio broadcast on Wednesday, November 28, 2001
scientists have found genetically modified material in maize on mountain plots in a remote area of
Mexico. However, the scientists are baffled by this finding because Mexico has completely outlawed
the importation of genetically modified corn, maize. Mexico is considered by the Europeans as the
genetic home of maize and has the largest variety of maize genotypes in the world. In fact, when
companies want to modify corn they go back to some of what’s called the "root stock" and
begin their breeding processes to improve current strands. By the way, the word "Mexico"
itself is derived from the word "maize".

In America, seed companies that have patented a genetic strand of a modified crop have been known
to sue farmers on whose land they find traces of their particular modified crop, such as
"Round-up Ready" corn or BT cotton, if these farmers have not paid the licensing to
utilized their patented strand. So what would be the incentive for such companies to send modified
corn seeds to Mexico, if no one there is willing to pay for such seeds. "Maybe somebody just
stole them and brought them there so they could make more money?" Maybe, however the area where
they were found was very remote and the farmers were subsistence farmers, who do not buy commercial
seeds but save their native seeds year after year.

In another National Public Radio report and discussion aired on Friday, November 30, 2001,
scientists and callers debated the efficacy, ethics and necessity of "human cloning". The
argument for cloning centered around the desire to develop cures for diseases. Stem cell research
may prove to unleash a myriad of regenerative tissue techniques, etc., etc.,. Please read,
"Killing me softly" at:

Stem cells can be taken from human embryos. So scientists want to clone embryos like in a
factory, then take out the stem cells, but not allow these embryos to become full grown humans.
However, even these scientists admitted that stem cell research does not need embryos. Stem cells
from the bone marrow of cadavers provide the same material as embryos. Then why clone embryos,
unless the real goal is to clone human beings or something that looks like human beings?

Now let’s move to another seemingly unrelated fact. This society has been gradually moved to
accept homosexual marriages and thereby homosexual families where two men or two women can marry and
adopt a child and that unit be considered "family". Hmmmm, what about two men or two women
who decide to clone themselves. This may become very useful if Epicyte is successful in marketing
their poison and infectious mess, I mean corn.

Now back to maize. I visited Egypt in 1989 and produced a three part 6 hour video documentary of
that trip and our discoveries called "Going Home: A Pilgrimage to the Nile." At the Temple
of Luxor we discovered a huge hieroglyphic relief of the name of Ramesses.
The glyph was as large as your chest and the details reached out and smacked our consciousness. The
name we call "Ramesses" was broken down in three main parts: 1. Ra,
2. M-z and 3. Z. For a picture click onto our website at:

The M-z part (there were no vowels) is sometimes rendered M-s depending on the particular school
of hieroglyphic "experts". It is rendered by a glyph that can be used both phonetically
and as a "determinative". According to the scholars, M-z or M-s means "birth",
yet they describe its determinative or glyph as "fox tails tied together". What does fox
tails have to do with "birth"?

However, when we saw this glyph in its full glory we immediately recognized it as three sets of
two ears of corn tied together. When I was younger, I noticed that this was how the farmers used to
dry out and keep some of their corn seeds for next season’s planting. Now that makes sense. Seed =

Of course the hieroglyphic experts had to lie about what they saw in terms of M-z or
"mezz" or maize or corn being depicted on a stone monument that was at least 3,500 years
old and in Africa. The historical and thereby political ramifications of the fact that corn was
first grown in Africa, then transported by boat to America while the so-called white man was living
in caves and believing that the world was flat would be "white supremacy world view"

Al Gore in his book "Earth in the Balance" isolated "Egypt, Kenya and Nigeria as
trouble spots for overpopulation. Now it seems that the corn (M-zz) that Africans invented may be
turned into the genetic weapon of the future to eliminate their seed (sperm) and finally give
so-called white people a way to stop "Babe’s Kids", while they clown, I mean clone their
way into their "Bare", I mean "Brave New World".

Now we may be able to better understand why Black farmers have been systematically driven off of
their land. See these articles in an AP series on Black land loss:

"Lost Holdings Haunt Black Families"

"Land Often The Motive For Attacks On Blacks, Lynchings"

"Torn from the Land"

Finally, "Excuse me while I sound the alarm,

But the USDA plans to do you harm.

They’re the ones that designed these genetic bombs,

They’re the ones that took the Black man’s farms." ("Terminator

Peace, Doc


December Farmer

+Volume 2, Number
December 6, 1999

The Farmer


The Battle in Seattle

by Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad


The official estimates were given as 40,000 but unofficially
there were 90,000 protestors in the streets of Seattle on Tuesday, November 30,
1999. Many have compared this to the civil rights protests and the Vietnam War
protests of the 60’s. But a major difference between those protests and the
"Battle in Seattle" was that most people understood the reason for
those protests and the participants could be easily categorized. However, in
Seattle you had "pot smokers" walking hand in hand with "tobacco
chewers". You had the steel workers protecting the "flower
children". You had the grandmama’s being embraced by the "gang bangers".
In the many workshops and rallies you had to have interpreters to translate the
speeches into English, Spanish, French, Japanese and Chinese. In other words the
"world" showed up in Seattle. Why?

What is the WTO anyway? The local people in Seattle are trying
to put their city back in order and trying to understand how could an obscure
organization like the WTO insight so much emotion and draw so many detractors.
The WTO is the World Trade Organization. WTO is a powerful global commerce
agency set up in 1995 as a result of the Uruguay Round of GATT (General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). WTO enforces 18 underlying agreements: an
updated GATT (setting basic rules on trade in goods) and new pacts on food,
product, and environmental standards, telecommunications, banking and other
services, investment, patents and copyrights, and even how your tax dollars can
be spent. WTO goes beyond basic trade rules and sets limits on the policies of
the 135 nations who are called "Members." Included are caps on the
level of food safety and environmental protection and bans on whole categories
of policies, such as governments considering countries’ human rights records
before deciding to buy goods made there.

How does the WTO affect the common citizen? Right now Europe
does not want to buy genetically engineered crops and livestock from the US. The
US appealed to the three WTO "judges" and now Europe has to pay the US
for loss in revenues caused by Europe not buying her meat (extortion).

As stated earlier there are 135 "Member" countries in
the WTO. Supposedly each country has an equal vote, however if a concensus is
not forthcoming, then the big countries retreat to the "Green Room"
and make the decisions for the whole body. In other words as long as everybody
agrees then there is democracy, but if there are major differences, then the
rich countries take over (dictatorship).

Do we need the WTO? Proponents of world trade argue that we are
moving inevitably to a one world economy and that we need such a body as the WTO
to facilitate such a transition. However, in fact there is already such a
mechanism in place under the United Nations. The Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC) of the United Nations is responsible under the General Assembly for
carrying out the functions of the United Nations with regard to international
economic, social, cultural, education, health, and related matters. However,
this agency of the U.N. has been sabotaged by the UN’s funding crisis which has
reduced the effectiveness of this branch of the UN charter. So up pops the WTO
to fill the void.

This WTO conference in Seattle was supposed to be the full
kick-off of the New World Order, where money rules all life. Everything in
America is becoming privatized so that by the time Blacks and Hispanics become
the majority population in America, there won’t be much to vote on unless you
have stock in the corporations that control your water and sewer, your schools,
your police force, your prisons and your social programs. In fact small towns
are being auctioned off to the highest bidder as we write.

The Black farmers lawsuit against the USDA was the beginning of
the new resistance, the same as the civil rights movement was the precursor to
the Vietnam protests. So when we heard about the mobilization to shut the WTO
down, we knew that we had to be there. The Q’uran states:


"And those who disbelieve will say: Our Lord, show us those
who led us astray from among the jinn and the men that we may trample them under
our feet, so that they may be of the lowest." (Sura 41:29)


Even though many of the demonstrators were physically beaten, gassed
or kicked in the groin, their spirit crushed their assailants and now public
opinion will judge the WTO and its backers. The Black farmers will continue to
show us those that have led the people astray and will be an example of resistance.
You are invited to join us on the east steps of the Capital building in
Washington, D.C. on Monday, December 13, 1999 at 10:00 A.M. We will expose the
puppets (legislative and executive branch) of the USDA (backbone) of the WTO
(beast). What they have done to the Black farmers was just a piece of the their
master plan which was to take over all the farm land, corrall Black people in
the cities then feed us poison (genetically modified food) to control our

For information about the rally call Mr. Gary Grant, (252)
826-3017 or email or contact Dr. Ridgely Muhammad at


Thank you.




Volume 5

Volume 5, Number
August 31, 2002

The Farmer


"Snake" run over by truth

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

On July 16, 2001 The Farmer Newsletter labeled Al Pires the "‘Snake’ in the Reparations’
Grass" and presented a video tape by that same name to substantiate such an appellation. That
article started off by saying, "History rewards all research". We now say that time proves
all allegations. The "snake" exposed on July of 2001 has summarily been run over by
"truth" as of August of 2002. Now it remains to be seem if the "snake" can
recover and sneak back in the "grass". Will his friends come to the rescue? Will the
"snake" implicate others or go down by himself?

His friends have already attempted a rescue and Al Pires has already attempted to implicate
others to shift blame. His friends came to the rescue on the request of Judge Friedman in May and
June of 2001. Judge Friedman first admonished Pires for "negligent handling of the case"
which "borders on legal malpractice", then he asked Robert Weiner to issue an emergency
call to D.C. lawyers and major law firms to "pick up the slack by pursuing a significant number
of the claims on a pro bono basis."

Pires has also shifted blame from himself and his law firm to a set of smaller Black law firms
who he initially brought into the case in a subordinate role to help sell the decree to Black
farmers. J.L. Chestnut and his firm were not a member of "class counsel" until April 19,
2001 just before the court on April 27th accused Al Pires of conduct bordering on malpractice. Since
according to Rose Sanders, Chestnut and Sanders had no part in decision making of class counsel
until then, were they brought in specifically to share the blame of malpractice with Al Pires and
his law firm?

Black farmers continued to protest the consent decree and finally approached the court to dismiss
Al Pires as class counsel. Al Pires then responded to the motion to dismiss him by again implicating
Rose Sanders and J.L Chestnut in lead counsel’s failure to meet critical deadlines. However, on
August 9, 2002 Rose Sanders of Chestnut, Sanders, Sanders, Pettaway, Campbell, & Albright
requested the court to file a "Response to the Response of Colon, Frantz, Phelan and Pires’
Motion to Remove Lead Class Counsel and Request for Emergency Hearing".

In her response she stated, "Mr. Pires has knowingly misstated the truth. The law firm of
Chestnut, Sanders, Sanders, Pettaway, Campbell & Albright never missed a deadline in a Track B
case." She goes on to state that, "We have been challenged by the dual standards employed
by Mr. Pires, some arbitrators, and others in this historic litigations." Further, "Mr.
Pires has made decisions and agreements with the government without consulting the undersigned
attorney (Rose Sanders) and Mr. Chestnut."

So it seems that the Black law firms got a taste of institutional racism in the justice system
the way the Black farmers had suffered for years with the USDA. It also seems that these Black firms
were betrayed by Al Pires, the same as Black farmers were betrayed. But now we must ask the even
tougher questions concerning the integrity of the federal court itself and specifically, Judge Paul
Friedman. For this judge knew that the farmers did not want this consent decree, yet he signed it.

Over 300 farmers came to the Fairness Hearing in March of 1999 to voice very specific objections
to the consent decree. Judge Friedman even agreed with the changes that the farmers demanded,
however Al Pires did not want to change one line. Judge Friedman signed this decree knowing that it
was defective and said in the decree itself that Black farmers would probably never get justice in a
court of law and that it was their sticking together and pricking the conscious of Congress that got
them this far. It seems that the "court" that he was referring to was his own.

Black farmers in desperation not only filed legal papers against Al Pires but took over a USDA
office in Brownsville, Tenn. on July 1, 2002 for continuing discrimination by the same USDA
personnel implicated in the law suit. This activity forced the press to finally recognize the cries
of the Black farmers. An August 13, 2002 article by the Washington Post pointed out issues that
Black farmers had complained about since 1999. For instance in this settlement their was no
"pot of cash for plaintiffs to divide, as is the norm in class-action cases. In fact, no one
won any money automatically. Each farmer still had to prove he had been personally discriminated
against." But these farmers were forced to prove discrimination without access to white farmers’
records who got loans when they did not.

According to this article, "Friedman repeatedly extended deadlines for farmers, but his
patience evaporated when Pires once told him, after missing another court-imposed deadline, that he
had never intended to meet it… Some farmers are now circulating a mock "Wanted" poster,
describing Pires as a "snake in the reparations grass."

The question now becomes should "snake" be plural and include the federal court? How
can we consider Judge Friedman innocent when it took him a year to put a monitor in place? The
consent decree was signed in April of 1999. Yet Randi Roth was not selected and put in as monitor
until April of 2000 after over 40% of the claimants had been denied. These claimants were then
expected to prepare their appeals to a non-existent monitor and then there appeals were subsequently
thrown out because they were not filed in time.

Now this same Al Pires is brokering a reparations deal on behalf of Black people in general with
the federal court. I wonder if Friedman will be the presiding Judge. The farmers had hoped that the
pronunciation of "Friedman" as "Freed-man" was in accord with what they might
receive in his court instead of being "fried".

The real surprise over these four years is not how "snakes" operate, but the resilience
in the fortitude of the bitten. The "system" did not expect these poor farmers to continue
the struggle on both the legal and public opinion arenas. Truth may now finally become the
"crusher" instead of being crushed to the ground.

Go to and click on "The Farmer
Newsletter" to read past articles on the struggle of Black farmers and get a chronological
background on events leading us to this juncture and these hard questions. Maybe a congressional
hearing is in order to determine the depths of this conspiracy to deny Black farmers justice and
seize their land.

Peace, Doc