Sessions 204-240

The Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramid [#204 of 240] Posted on Sun 02 Jan ’00 (08:45 PM) by (Thunder)

black on top!!!!

The Great Pyramid [#205 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (07:15 AM) by (Sista)


The Great Pyramid [#206 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (10:37 AM) by (Ankmin)

The geopolitics of water continues to be an important issue until this day along the Nile River.
Just as I stated that America would like to blow up the water works of Qaddafi out in the Libyan
Desert, the west already controls the most lucrative agricultural area in the Sudan.

There is a huge island in the Nile river near Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The IMF loaned
money to the Sudan for purposes of developing this area called the Gezira.

However, the Sudanesse are not allowed to grow food in this area, they must grow cotton for
export to Europe.

The issue of water and food were most important to the Kings and Queens of Kemet. If you go back
to my diagram of the Gizeh plateau and look at the Eastern Cemetery, then look at a picture of a
King (Pharaoh) sitting on his throne, you will be looking at a diagram exposing the "seat of
his power". Like the "Seat" that you see as outlined by the Eastern Cemetery, the
"seat" on which the King sits is on "water".

When the Nile flooded before building of the Aswan Dam, the waters would rise up to the would
be sitting on the Nile, the key to the King’s power.

One can also take the symbolism of "the seat of power sitting on water" to an esoteric
level where now "water" represents knowledge or wisdom. Now the symbolism of the Great
Pyramid sitting in the seat of power over the water, can represent man being full of and in control
of knowledge in "the Information Age". (just thinking)

But as Nutty stated, each one has a right to see what one wills. However, certain interpretations
lead to other discoveries and links while others simply are stated and die.

Truth is something that one can build on as a firm foundation. Experimentation with ideas will
prove their validity, while conceptual arguments can only increase or decrease ones
"belief" in those ideas. In other words "truth" can only be verified through

Peace, Doc



The Great Pyramid [#207 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (10:58 AM) by (Nutty)

DOC…Picking on me again!!!

Well I will not fight, My head is still

spinning from watching "2001:A Space Odyssey"

But I do know If I look out of my window at

the cars in the parking lot, I can make my own

speculation about why people parked in

certain spaces and in certain directions.

But in reality, I know that 99% of the answer

to my speculation would be:: "Mere

Coincidence ."

Well I think it will be the same for the

Graveyards in your diagram…


But I could be wrong, I’m waiting on your

book to get futher proof.!!


Happy New Year!!!!



The Great Pyramid [#208 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (11:14 AM) by (Ankmin)

The issue of mere coincidence is a real possibility for the seeming mathematical constants that
the Great Pyramid portrays and the layout of the Gizeh plateau. In fact Sir Flanders Petrie to whom
we owe a lot of the actual measurements of the pyramids and their relationship to each other also
believed that there was no meaning to the placement of the buildings.

Of course the layout of cars in a parking lot can be changed at will and the effort necessary to
place them in any pattern would be far less than the placement of these
structures which were seemingly built to last forever. Now you also must remember that these cars
are parked in marked slots that someone had designed and someone else had painted. Therefore the
cars’ drivers responded to a pre-ordained pattern set out by another person, not a spook.

This is why I love my ancestors so much, because they knew that their descendents would be placed
in a grave of disspare and "meaninglessness": life without meaning or purpose. So they
left us a "big sign" which I read as "don’t believe the hype, the white boy is

This is why I encourage others to look at these buildings and structures for themselves to make
their own calls. However, I would be negligent in my duties as a "civilized" man if I did
not present my own.


If it seems like I am picking on you, you must remember how and the spirit in which we first met
many posts ago on this thread. I do.

Peace, Doc



The Great Pyramid [#209 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (11:19 AM) by (Nutty)


I did not mean the Pyramids..I was refering

to the Diagram of the Cementery…



That’s all…



The Great Pyramid [#210 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (11:29 AM) by (Nutty)

OK..NOw DOc…

Now Similar structures were found in other

places of the world too..

Did’nt the Myan Indians , Inca’s..etc have

similar wonders…

How do you tie that in with a message for

blacks as well..? or were those ruins left as

a message to their people????


Just Asking…?


The Great Pyramid [#211 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (11:38 AM) by (Nutty)

Is it not a SUPREMIST attitude that

believes that their culture, beliefs, race

,etc…is superior to others??

Don’t we get mad when WHITE Folks do the


Did’nt the Egyptians let Pythagarus and other

non-blacks study at their schools?

Just Asking…Again????



The Great Pyramid [#212 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (12:59 PM) by (Ankmin)


You asked: "Did’nt the Myan Indians ,

Inca’s..etc have similar wonders…

How do you tie that in with a message for

blacks as well..? or were those ruins left

as a message to their people????"

Yes the Mayan and other Native Americans also had similar structures. Near here in Macon, Georgia
there is a whole series of "Indian Mounds". I am sure that they had special meaning and I
am researching those as well. Of course others would be much further ahead on those structures than
myself since I have spent so much time on the Pyramids in Egypt. I have drawn a few
"lines" on the globe that may indicate some connections but this format (message board)
does not facilitate those types of exhibits.

You said, "Is it not a SUPREMIST attitude

that believes that their culture, beliefs,

race ,etc…is superior to others??"

You must clarify to me what I have said that represents a "SUPREMIST attitude".

When I referred to the measurements of Petrie and his interpretation of the structures on the
Gizeh plateau as not being related to each other, I was talking about my diagram.

Without my imposition of the quarter circle and some radial lines, this is just how the Gizeh
plateau looks in many books that one might find in the libraries. The first question I must ask is:
Is the quarter of a circle that I drew simply coincidental or spurious or have I uncovered some
underlying motif or pattern? If such a pattern exists was it intentionally developed by the
architects or just coincidental?

Peace, Doc



The Great Pyramid [#213 of 240]Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (02:05 PM) by (Nutty)

well, one thing you said…way back there

about a mile up or so was:

that the Whites or devils as you put it, were

keeping this knowledge from us.

Now if ya call one group devils or evil,

would’nt that make your GOD or good?

Well the same thing is said in KKK

forums…but of course reversed….

They claim that we(BLACKS) are the

cursed(evil) offsprings…

And they also call whites that don’t agree

with their ideas…"NIGGA-Lovers"…

And what do we call BLACKS THAT don’t agree

with some of the popular BLACK ideas "Uncle

Tom’s, Must be White",…etc…"

Well I think it kinda shows the same



Maybe We got more in common with the WHITE

HATE GROUPS than we care to admit…



Some other GREAT contributions by NON-WHITES



THE 16th Chapel…

THE Eiffel tower


But I do understand your point about BLACKS

needing to know their history and the Great

things that were accomplished by our




I guess it’s kinda like KARATE…huh?

Where you start off with the WHITE BELT..(no


ANd you work your way up to the BLACK

BELT..(all knowledge/expert)…

So Being BLACK is the culmination of ALL



BELTS…yea..that’s it…I THINK I GOT IT..

I figured it out…




The Great Pyramid [#214 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (04:41 PM) by (Ankmin)


You said earlier:"DOC…DON’T WASTE YA TIME


I am beginning to understand what you meant by that statement.

Now you said"that the Whites or devils as you put it, were keeping this knowledge from

So I used the "find" function on my computer to find where I called "white
people" devils. I searched for the word "devil" or "devils" and here is
what I found:

"So today either we grow out of the "four devils" of lust for power, jealousy,
pride and ignorance (you may add more if you like, smile)or be killed by our albino babies called by
us the Kheftiu (suicidal deniers of their mother, Africa)."

Also: I said, "Words produce "spirit" and lies produce "devils". White
supremacy is a lie, therefore…"

You must have filled in the left out portion of that sentence with your own thoughts. You should
not project your thoughts as mine. In case my "find" function is not working properly I
will give you an opportunity to find the statements where I called "white people devils",
if not then you should try to not use such disruptive behavior in the class. I know its hard.

Peace, Doc



The Great Pyramid [#215 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (05:10 PM) by (Nutty)

DOC…What does a devil do…?

Lie, Steal and Cheat…So you did not use

the word "Devil" Literally …but from the

numerous ref. to Whites as lying, holding back

knowledge, and producing a White Supreamist used the word figuratively…

Just like when you say

"try not to use such disruptive behavior in

the class"

You did’nt say that your were the TEACHER and

I was the STUDENT…but I can pull that from

that sentence.

It’s funny how you neglected the Latter part

of that POST…and went straight for the one

Point you thought you could win…LOL…

BUT it aint a FIGHT…AND YOU know, I keep

you on your toes…

Anybody can teach to a bunch of YES

men/women…BUT can you teach to a FREE MINDED

person..Not held back by WHITE/BLACK


That’s the question you should ask yourself..



The Great Pyramid [#216 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (05:12 PM) by (Nutty)

AND DOC…I know this is your life work..

,,,SO I’ll leave you alone…

BACK to your teachings..

….I’m going to STUDY HALL…



The Great Pyramid [#217 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (06:38 PM) by (Ankmin)


I am sorry if I did not answer all your questions.

Is this one: "Did’nt the Egyptians let Pythagarus and other non-blacks study at their

Yes they did. And when Pythagoras and Socrates and very select group of others went back to
Greece they were given a hard time because they were trying to bring light into the darkness of
their compatriots minds. This "light" was foreign to them so they persecuted the
light-bearers. Then after persecuting the light-bearers, they distorted that light and began to
represent the "light" from a distorted, egocentrical point of view. Since the Kemetic
people did not claim knowledge on an individual basis, the Greeks would "copyright" their
teachers ideas and claim them for themselves. This same process continues as bio-tech firms are
going into other countries and claiming certain profitable genetic strains as their own by taking
out patents on life forms, then selling it back to the people the plants belonged to for centuries.
Some things never change.

As I stated earlier our schools were called by the outsiders "Mystery Schools". I
really can not give you an explanation as to why these foreigners were allowed to study, unless I go
back to my earlier premise that our scientists were doing mass psychological and genetic experiments
trying to track down the root cause of man’s rebellious behavior.

Now let me go back to my previous questions which were not answered: "The first question I
must ask is: " Is the quarter of a circle that I drew simply coincidental or spurious or have I
uncovered some underlying motif or pattern? If such a pattern exists was it intentionally developed
by the architects or just coincidental?"

Your opinions are welcome.

Peace, Doc


The Great Pyramid [#218 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (07:48 PM) by (Nutty)

OK DOC., I’m raising my hand since no one

else wants to go….

"Is the quarter of a circle that

I drew simply coincidental or spurious or

have I uncovered some underlying motif or

pattern? </B

…I think for them to develop such a pattern

would have required them to be able to survey

the land from a BIRD’S eye view.

Much Like a BAND DIRECTOR with marching BAND


Now for them to have a BIRD’S EYE view..They

would have had to have some type of flying

mechanism or be able to stand on something

tall enough to draw out the pattern…

…Now from what I understand…Runways and

large drawings were also found cut into the

mountains and land…

…Now just maybe..that’s why the WHITES feel

that their work along with that of the MYANS,

INCA’s…etc…was master-minded by


I feel the work was inspired by GOD…Much

like what NOAH did with ARK…

HE was given the dimensions and type of

material to build, and he followed along…

Maybe at times, not even understanding…





The Great Pyramid [#219 of 240]

Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (07:50 PM) by (Nutty)

OK DOC., I’m raising my hand since no one

else wants to go….

"Is the quarter of a circle that

I drew simply coincidental or spurious or

have I uncovered some underlying motif or


…I think for them to develop such a pattern

would have required them to be able to survey

the land from a BIRD’S eye view.

Much Like a BAND DIRECTOR with marching BAND


Now for them to have a BIRD’S EYE view..They

would have had to have some type of flying

mechanism or be able to stand on something

tall enough to draw out the pattern…

…Now from what I understand…Runways and

large drawings were also found cut into the

mountains and land…

…Now just maybe..that’s why the WHITES feel

that their work along with that of the MYANS,

INCA’s…etc…was master-minded by


I feel the work was inspired by GOD…Much

like what NOAH did with ARK…

HE was given the dimensions and type of

material to build, and he followed along…

Maybe at times, not even understanding…




The Great Pyramid [#220 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (08:32 PM) by (Ankmin)

The master mind behind the design of the pyramid complexes and temples was a little black big
head scientist by the name of Imhotep (at least that was one of his names).

You seem to suggest that maybe the Kemetic people had flying machines. Maybe they did.

One of their hieroglyphs, the one representing the rain-god (neter) Min is called a bolt of
lightening. However, the only time I have seen lightening give the pattern shown by this glyph is
when I was in an airplane and was flying parallel to a large storm cloud at night. Flash, there it

However, the point I was making about the patterns is that they are too intricate to be just
coincidental. The west in their quest for gold and riches have done the world a great favor by
cleaning off the greatest book in the world, written with stones, readable only from a birds eye
position (Eye of Horus, the falcon). The Book even gets larger than the Gizeh plateau, but we will
confine ourselves to it for now.

I am not arguing against the possibility of them having airships, however I believe that a
surveyor could lay out these patterns without being in a plane. Of I course that’s easy for me to
say since I am neither a surveyor or a pilot.

Peace, Doc



The Great Pyramid [#221 of 240] Posted on Mon 03 Jan ’00 (10:22 PM) by (oathtaker)

I’m watching too doc…



The Great Pyramid [#222 of 240] Posted on Tue 04 Jan ’00 (07:56 AM) by (Repeater)

Re: the thread:

During the French invasion of Egypt in 1798, Gen. Napoleon Bonaparte, angered upon seeing that
the face of the Great Sphinx at the Gizeh Pyramid complex was that of an African woman, ordered his
cannons to blow the face up. But due to the ancient Egyptians’ superior knowledge of construction
and masonry, all they could destroy was the nose.

In all the pictures of the Egyptian Pharaohs that I’ve seen, one thing is very conspicuous –
their noses are either partially or completely destroyed. The same holds true for the statues of
prominent ancient Egyptian women. Isn’t our nose the most prominent indicator of our Blackness? I
think this was done on purpose – and for a specific purpose – by the Caucasian tomb robbers. They
also knew that the nose of the African is the most prominent indicator of his Blackness.



The Great Pyramid [#223 of 240]Posted on Tue 04 Jan ’00 (08:17 AM) by (Repeater)


I know that you are familiar with the new breed of young Egyptologists who now claim that the
pyramids were built thousands of years before most modern-day Egyptologists said they were. Using
computer technology they traced the alignment of the three pyramids of the Gizeh Plateau to the
three stars in the belt of the constellation Orion as it crossed the equator 10,500 years ago. This
was the Age of Leo, and the building of the sphinx represented the time when mankind was entering
the Age of Virgo. The body of the sphinx is a lion (the symbol for Leo) and the head is of a woman
(the symbol for Virgo is "The Virgin").

Now this "new" information presents more

questions: Who were these people who lived in

Egypt 10,500 years ago? And where did they get

the knowledge to build such astounding

pyramids and statues?



The Great Pyramid [#224 of 240]

Posted on Tue 04 Jan ’00 (10:13 AM) by (Ankmin)


You asked: "Who were these people who lived

in Egypt 10,500 years ago? And where did they

get the knowledge to build such astounding

pyramids and statues?"

The simple answer is that they were Black people from Africa. So far I have traced them back up
the Nile to Sudan and Ethiopia. I based this on findings by Whittfogel where they found domesticated
cereals of at least16,000 years old in the Nile valley south of the Aswan Dam.

What makes the pyramids so striking is that we do not have any other similar examples of

high technology. Why? The question of this missing link is why outsiders or aliens are brought in
to cover this gap.

An explanation of the lack of evidence of high civilization before 6,000 years ago has been given
to us by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. However, I prefer not to use those teachings as a reference
until I can find other evidence that verifies his position.

Another possibility for the lack of evidence is that they deteriorated or just have not yet been
discovered. Another possibility is that such evidence of high civilization before 6,000 years ago
has been suppressed due to ideological reasons. Dating can be very political and the technology for
dating is held by the same set of people who have a stake in keeping the dates within the 6,000 year
period, witness the argument over the age of the Sphinx.

Peace, Doc


The Great Pyramid [#225 of 240] Posted on Tue 04 Jan ’00 (11:06 AM) by (Nutty)


Funny you would mention "Imhotep"

He is the one that brought the concept of 1

GOD above all other GOD’s to the people

right…..And I think that was during the time

when they believed all those diff. GODS..

So backing up to point about NOHA….



The Great Pyramid [#226 of 240] Posted on Tue 04 Jan ’00 (11:07 AM) by (Nutty)



The Great Pyramid [#227 of 240] Posted on Tue 04 Jan ’00 (11:53 AM) by (Sista)

DOC… You touched upon the Pyramids in South America Brifly.

What is your take on the Colosses Head found in South America?… it was Clearly African in

It is also widly known that Africans were in contact with the Myan and Inca’s.

Nutty… I believe it was Ahknaton that first brought the idea of One God to thePeople.

Keep Bringin the Pain to the Non-Believers yall.





The Great Pyramid [#228 of 240] Posted on Tue 04 Jan ’00 (12:30 PM) by (Nutty)

Well I stand corrected…Sista..but ya might

wanna check on that again…



The Great Pyramid [#229 of 240] Posted on Tue 04 Jan ’00 (02:14 PM) by (Sista)

I will do that…




The Great Pyramid [#230 of 240] Posted on Tue 04 Jan ’00 (04:26 PM) by (Ankmin)


Yes, it makes plenty sense that Africans were intricately involved with the development of
America. The concept of racism is relatively new, so their would be no
reason not to appreciate wisdom presented in the right spirit. What I am saying is not that the
Africans had all the answers. What I am saying is that the world of many ethnic varieties were in
contact with each other and shared with each other for millions of years before the advent of the
so-called white man.

What I am trying to do is find out as much as I can about that past realizing that I am
handicapped by the money, travel time and equipment to do primary data collection.

Fortunately we are blessed with structures such as the pyramids to help us understand that past
and the connections between the peoples.

If as Nutty has suggested, the Western Cemetery of the Gizeh plateau as shown on my web page is
indeed a map of the USA, then of course Africans must have visited this continent or flew over it to
be able to make such a detailed and realistic map. This map of the US on the Gizeh plateau developed
almost 6,000 years ago is a lot more realistic than the Europeans’ maps of Africa, Asia and even
Europe until just recently.

A good book to read about "monotheism" is a book written by Sigmend Fraud called
"Moses and Monotheism." He also attributes "monotheism" as understood by the
west to come from Akhenaten.

However, based on what I understand about the "neters" being attributes of the
"One" and not independent "gods", the concept of One God is a lot older than
Akhenaten. Akhenaten was trying to close down all the other universities except the one
"worshiping" and studying the principle of "Aten", the creative power
represented by the sun’s disk.

We have here a battle of "Amen" against "Aten", similar to the conflict of
some of those who claim Islam against some of those who claim Judaism, while they both claim Abraham
as their father and they claim to worship the "One God".

"Who is God?"


"No, Yahweh."

"Let’s fight."

Old habits die hard. And the people perish due to a lack of knowledge and wisdom, while
priesthoods, religious and secular, get paid. (commentary)

Peace, Doc



The Great Pyramid [#231 of 240] Posted on Wed 05 Jan ’00 (05:02 AM) by (Ankmin)

The Native American word for "corn" is "maize". The name of one of the great
Kings of Kemet is Ramesses II. His name is broken down as Ra-messes or Ra-mezzes. Now the
"mess" or "mezz" portion of his name is represented by a glyph which the white
egyptologists have described as "3 fox tails" tied together.

However, when my son and I visited Egypt we saw this glyph on a temple wall the size of your
torso. My son when he saw it instinctively said, "Look Pop, that’s corn!". The grains of
corn were so distinct, it looked like that they could still be scraped off the cob. Children have a
way of just saying what they see and not what they are "supposed" to see.

In fact the glyph which the establishment wants to call "three fox tails" is in fact
the picture of 9 ears of corn strung up in threes that looks like an "m". However, the
establishment had to lie about what they saw because to call that glyph, "maize" would
have profound implications about their other lied, "Egyptians never sailed outside of the Nile

Truth is hard to find among thieves androbbers.

Peace, Doc



The Great Pyramid [#232 of 240] Posted on Wed 05 Jan ’00 (07:16 AM) by (TheWomb)


This is a GREAT thread. I have learned so

much more about my people. Thank you.

May The Creator bless you for all of your




The Great Pyramid [#233 of 240] Posted on Wed 05 Jan ’00 (07:24 AM) by (Ankmin)

Thank you, TheWomb. It is good to

know that there is somebody out there


Peace, Doc



The Great Pyramid [#234 of 240] Posted on Wed 05 Jan ’00 (07:53 AM) by (Nutty)

SISTA…Don’t mind me…More than likely

I’m wrong…Cuz, it’s been so long since I




The Great Pyramid [#235 of 240]

Posted on Wed 05 Jan ’00 (08:15 AM) by (Nutty)


There prob. is a link there with the Native

Americans and the Egyptians…

….And there is a lot of talk about Atlantis

having a link with Egypt…

…Now I know you gonna discount that, cause

it’s from WHITIE…

….but you gotta put that into your mystery

search too…DON’T you?????



The Great Pyramid [#236 of 240] Posted on Wed 05 Jan ’00 (08:34 AM) by (Ankmin)


I have read books speculating about Atlantis, Lemueria and Mu. The only hard evidence of
"Atlantis" was a statement by Solon according to the writings of Plato as to what the
Egyptian priests told him. So-called "Atlantis" sunk 1,000 years before Solon, the Greek,
not 10,000. The 10,000 year thing is a modern "revisionist" interpretation of the story of
Solon, the Greek. The Aegean Sea may be a better place to look for "Atlantis" as Jocqeu
Costeau, the underwater explorer, has done around the Island of Thera which I talk about in my book.

However, I prefer deal with hard evidence, the "Great Pyramid" and the Gizeh plateaus

see what I can glean from these hard stones since water has supposedly covered the evidence of
those other places.

If you want to argue about "speculations", then argue about my "speculations"
about the meaning of the layout of the Gizeh plateau and the "air vents" in the Great
Pyramid. This is the issue on this thread.

Peace, Doc



The Great Pyramid [#237 of 240] Posted on Wed 05 Jan ’00 (08:51 AM) by (Nutty)

Well I’m sure you know that everything seen

is not always what it appears….

….and sometimes theories are determined to

be nothing more than hoaxes…

…There is hard evidence of an ICE AGE


…and there is evidence of the continents

being closer together than they are now


….Well maybe,,just maybe..U can’t see the

Forrest for the trees…

….and Jocque Costeau is WHITE…so I know

you don’t buy into what he is doing..


but I’ll keep my opinions to myself..Don’t

want yall mad at



The Great Pyramid [#238 of 240] Posted on Wed 05 Jan ’00 (08:52 AM) by (Nutty)

forgive the spelling errors…could’nt pull

up spellcheck..

now back to the SHOW..



The Great Pyramid [#239 of 240]Posted on Wed 05 Jan ’00 (10:58 AM) by (Ankmin)


I ain’t mad, just like to rattle your nuts.

I did not say that all white people are

always wrong, but when I catch they a– lying,

I bust that a–.

Uuppss, excuse me.

Back to my serious side.

I think I mentioned the possibility of an explosion that blew the Moon out of what is now the
Pacific Ocean. They say Appolo 11 or 13 brought back some rocks from the moon that smelt like gun

If one does the calculations on what would be the diameter of the earth if the moon’s volume was
put back into it, the answer may astound you. Maybe someone can do those calculations and bring it
back to us. We won’t count the asteroids in that belt between the earth and Mars right now, even
though theoretically they may have been a part of that explosion 66 trillion years ago.

Is that far enough out for you?

Peace, Doc



The Great Pyramid [#240 of 240] Posted on Wed 05 Jan ’00 (11:03 AM) by (Nutty)

NOw you got me interested…See that’s all

it took…

Now lev my nutts alone…Only got 1 good

One thought on “Sessions 204-240”

  1. ASA Dear Brother Dr. Ridgely Mu’min, where can I sign up for your KRIST newsletter??? Thanks and mighty peace to you for all that you do!!

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