All posts by docridge

W.E.B. Du Bois forced by powerful Jews to hide Jewish power in Dougherty Co. Ga

W.E.B. Du Bois forced by powerful Jews to hide Jewish power in Dougherty Co. Ga

By Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad    (12/21/18)

One of our great Black writers, W.E.B. Du Bois, travelled through the South and wrote “The Souls of Black Folk” in 1903. The book was very radical for the time and even pointed out the great influx of European so-called Jews into the South where they exploited the Blacks. He made his way to Dougherty County, Georgia, a farming region and home of ten thousand Blacks, who outnumbered whites by five to one. However, according to the U.S. government’s report of the Industrial Commission on Immigration (1901year), “Nine-tenths of the storekeepers in Dougherty County are Jewish merchants—some Russian and German Jews, but most of them Polish Jews.” (p.136)

His observations and facts lead W.E.B. Du Bois to state, “The Jew is the heir of the slave-baron in Dougherty…” Blacks all over the South fell victim to a system of debt peonage called “sharecropping” which Southern so-called Jews used to their advantage to make the Blacks the poorest of the poor, while at the same time making a class of Jewish cotton merchants the richest of the rich.

After the publication of Souls of Black Folk in 1903, four prominent Jews—Wall Street financier and later NAACP supporter Jacob Schiff, New York rabbi Stephen Wise, and historians Herbert Aptheker and Morris U. Schappes—pressured Du Bois to alter several passages of the book that referred to this nefarious Jewish economic activity. It took fifty years of pressure from these so-called Jews to make Du Bois finally submit and change “Jew” to “foreigner” and “immigrant” in the 1952 edition of the book, thus concealing the Jewish presence in the post-slavery Southern economy. How, and through what means, they “pressured” him is a study in how a people with a plan and hidden agenda can manipulate unsuspecting and trusting souls.

Commonomics II Predictions were on point: What happened on January 26, 2016?

Commonomics II Predictions were on point: What happened on January 26, 2016?

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad   (12/21/18)

Being an economist, I am always curious and looking deeper in economic trends. To this end, uncovering how economies are planned and manipulated led to me predicting a major financial crisis or panic which was to occur around January 26, 2016 similar to what happened on “Black Tuesday”, October 29, 1929 and the Global Financial Crisis on September 29, 2008.

I put this economic prediction in my book Commonomics II: The Sheep, Sheepdog and Evil Shepherd. Of course it is very chancy to make public such a specific prediction two years in advance. I discovered in 2012 what I calculated as a pattern to financial crashes or panics for almost a 400 year period from 1621 to 2008. I put my discovery in a letter with the subject “What time is it?” to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on September 9, 2012 which I presented in my book, Commonomics II:…A part of this letter reads:

“The table below is the result of these calculations along with some important events associated with these dates, all on a Tuesday.  I have specific dates for such events as “9/11” and “Black Tuesday”.  These dates fall exactly as multiples of 2625 days.  The other events highlighted are mostly within the same year as our calculations.  Therefore, I do not have a perfect fit for all these important economic dates.  However, if I were a betting man and had the type of capital to play with, i.e. be a wealthy Jew, I would be tempted to position myself to capitalize on something happening around January 26, 2016.  For it seems that the Jews interpret this “jubilee” not with giving back, but with taking back from their Gentile sheep whatever wealth they could accumulate before the shearing: minor shearing/fleecing every 7.19 years and major shearing/fleecing every 50.31 years.” 

Although I discovered this pattern earlier in 2012, I was not going to do anything but wait until 2016 to see what would happen. However, I had a dream in which there were a lot of brothers in bowties waiting on me after Jummah prayer with meat cleavers in their hands. Now that was not a pleasant dream and I felt that it was warning me to expose what I felt might happen in 2016. I felt that if there was a “panic” and I did not tell what I knew and people found out later that I knew in advance what might happen, then I might be held accountable for not warning my people. Of course by putting it in a book and distributing it to the public there was a chance that the financial speculators might find out that I knew their game and therefore would change their game plan. Well, I felt that being wrong was a lot less expensive to my health than being right but not warning the people.

Well sure enough January 26, 2016 came and went, but nothing seemed to happen until I read some news articles a few days later about what happened in Davos, Switzerland and what happened in China. According to in a January 26, 2016 article called “China warns Soros against ‘declaring war’ on its currency”:

Not long after billionaire George Soros forecast (January 21, 2016) a so-called hard landing for the Chinese economy, Beijing fired back by calling out the high-profile investor, warning him of betting against its currency, according to media reports Tuesday (January 26, 2016).

“Soros’ challenge against the renminbi and Hong Kong dollar is unlikely to succeed, there is no doubt about that,” said a government official in an opinion piece widely cited by several media outlets.

The article headlined, ”Declaring war on China’s currency? Ha ha,” was published by the People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party which is widely viewed as Beijing’s propaganda tool.

A translation of the Mandarin version of the editorial linked by ZeroHedge includes references to the U.S. suffering from a “Dutch disease” and “financial predators.”

Reports of the People’s Daily’s article follow Soros’ recent prediction that a precipitous slowdown in the Chinese economy is inevitable.

“A hard landing is practically unavoidable,” Soros told Bloomberg Television last week on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “I’m not expecting it, I’m observing it,” he said, referencing his China outlook.

Soros’ ties to seismic currency bets date back to 1992 when he accurately wagered that the pound would fall in value, forcing the British government to withdraw the currency from the European exchange rate mechanism. He also successfully bet against the Thailand baht ahead of the Asian financial crisis in 1997, which pushed several Asian economies to [the] brink of sovereign default.

            However, the Chinese stock market did not crash and her currency, not only survived, but now by many standards, is stronger than America’s currency. How do speculators start and profit from economic “panic”? We found a great book which detailed the history of many financial panics and crashes going back to the 1600s: Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises by Charles P. Kindleberger (2000, fourth edition).  In it he describes what is meant by “panics” and “crashes”:

“A crash is a collapse of the prices of assets, or perhaps the failure of an important firm or bank. A panic, ‘a sudden fright without cause,’ from the god Pan, may occur in asset markets or involve a rush from less to more liquid assets.” (Kindleberger 2000: 105)

According to Kindleberger “speculative manias” precede crashes and panics. Mania connotes “a loss of touch with reality or rationality, even something close to mass hysteria or insanity. Speculation is no longer investment for use, when the goal becomes buying and selling stocks for profit. Greed drives people to speculate. However, in many cases there are seasoned players and new comers. There are insiders, who know the deal, and outsiders who go on emotions and hunches.

“Speculation for profit leads away from normal, rational behavior to what has been described as ‘manias’ or ‘bubbles.’ The word mania emphasizes the irrationality; bubble foreshadows the bursting. In the technical language of some economists, a bubble is any deviation from ‘fundamentals,’ whether up or down…In this book, a bubble is an upward price movement over an extended range that then implodes. An extended negative bubble is a crash.” (Ibid: 15, 16)

This “bubble-burst” model or cycle was classically displayed in the lead up to the 2008 financial crisis in which the housing market was the object of speculation and manipulation. Easy money released by the Federal Reserve served to boost housing values causing people to believe that the value of their homes would continually increase so they could increase debt spending on other items. Lower interest rates encouraged borrowing. From 2000 to 2003, the Federal Reserve lowered the federal funds rate target from 6.5% to 1.0%. This was done to soften the effects of the collapse of the dot-com bubble and the September 2001 terrorist attacks, as well as to combat a perceived risk of deflation. As early as 2002 it was apparent that credit was fueling housing instead of business investment as some economists went so far as to advocate that the Fed “needs to create a housing bubble to replace the Nasdaq bubble”.

However, starting in 2004 the Federal Reserve started increasing the interest rate from 1.0% incrementally by 0.25% every 2 months up to June of 2006 where it peaked at 5.25% bursting the housing bubble. However, instead of blaming the Federal Reserve on the 2008 financial crisis, also known as the Global Financial Crisis, some members of Congress, especially the Tea Party, blamed Black people buying houses they could not afford as the cause of the housing crisis and mass foreclosures.  These foreclosures then led to the collapse in the housing market, failures of financial institutions and eventually the stock market crash in the fall of 2008.  The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has taught us that The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned us that we cannot fathom the depths of the wickedness of White people.  We may never believe that so-called White people would destroy the wealth of their own country and then blame it on Black people, but they did just that in 2008.

Now with that experience we became very skeptical when the Federal Reserve started a stock market bubble as I described in Commonomics II:

I am writing this book in the fall of 2014.  As I stated in Chapter 7 “QE-Infinity” started on September 13, 2012 and zero interest rates will persist “at least through 2015”. So the Fed started feeding a new “stock market bubble” with cheap money in 2012, the Stock Market prices are shooting through the roof; the Dow Jones average moving from 12,101 in June of 2012 to highest in history with levels of 17,123 on September 12, 2014, an increase of 41% over a two year period. But the pin is already being forecasted to be stuck in this bubble at the end of 2015; which makes January 26, 2016 a very interesting date indeed.

Now the death of Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012 started a trend of police killing unarmed Black people and those killings getting national news coverage. After Trayvon another 15 were murdered in 2012, in 2013 another 7 and in 2014 another 14. After the August 9, 2014 brutal murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, Black Lives Matter financed by George Soros took the lead in the protests against these shootings. George Soros has financially supported dissidents including Poland’s Solidarity movement, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia, Andrei Sakharov in the Soviet Union and the Movement for Democratic Change in Zimbabwe. He has supported separatist movements in Kosovo, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus , Somaliland and the Polisario Front of Western Sahara. Therefore we became very suspicious that Soros might be funding a race war in America and use it as the cover for sinking the stock market. Even one of the mass murderers of Black people, Dylann Roof after he was arrested for murdering 9 Black people at a church in Charleston, SC, reportedly said that he wanted to start a “race war” according to a June 19, 2015 Newsweek article.

So the stage was set for a “race war” which could have been used as a cover for another trillion dollar heist. But what happened? There plot for this “race war” began to fall apart even as it was cranking up. After Michael Brown was murdered on August 9, 2014 and Black Lives Matters stepped into the fray culminating in a major confrontation with the police in Ferguson on Saturday night, August 16, where armored vehicles and tear gas was used. It is interesting that the Jewish controlled media failed to report on a statement made by Minister Farrakhan on that next day, August 17, at Mosque Maryam, which caused the US government to rethink its plans to replicate the military attack on our people in Ferguson in other major cities like Chicago, The Minister’s home.  The Minister has warned black people that the police are being trained in military tactics and given military weaponry. And according to

“At least two of the four law enforcement agencies that were deployed in Ferguson up until Thursday evening — the St. Louis County Police Department and the St. Louis Police Department — received training from Israeli security forces in recent years.”

In his address The Minister said that if they roll out the tanks in Black Chicago, he and Father Pfleger would walk hand in hand in front of those tanks daring the government to shoot them first.  Why did the media ignore this statement?  Did they think that The Minister was bluffing? Black America exploded at a total unknown (Michael Brown), (and who they believe was caught on film stealing) what do they think will happen if a single hair on the head of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is disturbed? Minister Farrakhan again reminded the listeners of the Great Mother Plane that exists, is protecting him and can destroy America in less than one day.

Laquan McDonald was the black 17-year-old who was shot 16 times by the police officer on Oct. 20, 2014. The video showing the shooting was only released by Chicago officials when they were ordered to do so by a judge in late November 2015. Why did they tape the murder but not release until one year later. We  feel that they would have released it earlier to build the momentum for the “race war”, but Minister Farrakhan’s threatening to go in front of those tanks made them hold off.

Then two more events happened in 2015 which made it difficult to pull off the heist in America. Minister Farrakhan called for “10,000 Fearless Black Men” in 2015 which shocked everybody into thinking that Farrakhan was going to ask Black men to violently revenge the death of innocent Black people. He galvanized Black people to come to Washington, DC for the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March which is known as “10-10-15.” But instead of asking young Black people to take up arms, he gave them their marching orders of executing a national economic boycott of white businesses during the Christmas buying season, which in turn deflated the possibility of violence. Add to this “peace” soup the fact that Bernie Sanders was running a strong presidential campaign by pointing to Wall Street Bankers as being the cause for the Financial Crisis of 2008, so now the financial speculators could not swindle the public blind and get away.

So now instead of the Federal Reserve increasing the interest rates at the end of 2015, they kept interest rates low until 2018. Now the economy is slowing down and Trump is correctly upset with the Federal Reserve. Oh well.

So since they could not ditch the American economy under the cover of a “race was” in 2016, they attacked the second largest economy in the world, China, on January 21, 2016. However, the Chinese leadership, starting on January 26, 2016, did not allow their population to go into a “panic” once the robbers threatened to sink the Chinese economy and currency. Instead, the Chinese government shut down all the stock and currency markets, so that the Chinese people had to wait until the threat blew over. Now China’s economy is stronger than ever and she is predicted to be the world’s largest economy by 2029.  They owe me some money.(smile)





A Study of History Rewards our Research


A Study of History Rewards our Research

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad (8/14/13)


The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, patriarch of the Nation of Islam, wrote concerning history: “Of all our studies history is the most attractive and best qualified to reward our research, as it develops the springs and motives of human actions and displays the consequences of circumstances which operates most powerfully on the destinies of human beings. The wise man is the one who has made a careful study of the past events of ancient and modern history. The knowledge of the future is judged by the knowledge of the past.”


  1. Research begins with a “good” question. Much can be found using a Google search if you know how to phrase the question.
  2. Questions arise from trying to solve a problem. However if you are not trying to do anything then you have no problem, no questions and no need for research.
  3. Information with no context or question to be answered is useless, unless the information itself causes you to ask yourself a question.
  4. When one looks at the Actual Facts in the Supreme Wisdom, the question must be asked “why” do we need such facts? If you are preparing to drive a vehicle, you need certain actual facts about the vehicle and the environment or roads on which it is to be driven. Therefore, if you are being trained to run a portion of the universe that your Father built for you, then you must first have some actual facts about that universe. After acquiring some knowledge on this universe and planet, then you must understand what powers and options you possess in order to manipulate, change or improve your surroundings and yourself.
  5. The Problem Book in our Supreme Wisdom is not just asking us to do the math, but to improve the condition of our people described in the problem. The Minister Farrakhan’s Tuskegee address was a paradigm shift in our purpose for education. No longer are we waiting on God to bring in a new world, we must prepare ourselves and our children to start building that New World now. We must now become thinkers and doers, not just repeatologists. It takes a more in depth understanding of science to build a building than it does to talk about or admire a building already built. It is time for the revolutionaries to produce a vision for our children of what heaven or the Hereafter should look like and not just tell them that the white man is the devil and the Black man is God.
  6. The Research Team of the NOI starts out with the Teachings of The Messenger or the words of The Minister as the bones, then we go out looking for the meat to bear witness to the bones. We cut that meat up into bight sized morsels for the rest of us to digest and grow stronger in our faith of what we have been taught and to defend the Teachings with the scholarship of this world. We know that the Believers are confronted by disbelievers, so we want to arm them with arguments that will defeat the opposition’s intellectual positions. For instance when The Minister says, “We are the Real Children of Israel”, we go to our lessons such as “Why did Musa have a hard time to civilize the devil?”. We then go and seek information that shows that Musa or Moses never brought millions of people out of bondage in Egypt, therefore the claim of the Jewish people to have fulfilled the prophesy of Abraham is nullified and we must seek a new people to fulfill that prophesy. This now makes history very relevant to today with big political implications such as should America be supporting Israel or the Black man and woman of America?

Glenn Beck Attacks Launch of Muhammad’s Economic Blueprint


Glenn Beck Attacks Launch of Muhammad’s Economic Blueprint

by the Nation of Islam Research Group                (12/11/13)

The enemies of the rise of Black people are ruthless in attacking anyone who attempts to advance the independent economic development of Black people.  In October of 2013 the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan launched a nationwide economic-development plan based on the Economic Blueprint of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Since there is nothing in the Economic Blueprint that the enemies of Black people could attack without exposing their blatant racism and hatred for Black people, hatchet man Glenn Beck went after the character of the Honorable Minister Farrakhan in an article written by Becket Adams and posted on website on December 9, 2013, titled “Wait until you hear how many farm subsidies are going to groups in…the city of Chicago—Including one associated with Louis Farrakhan.”  A portion of this article reads:

“A total of 930 entities in the Chicago area received farm subsidies between 2008 and 2011. And as for the Louis Farrakhan group: Three Year Economic Savings, Inc., which is listed at his home address, received approximately $103,529 between 2008 and 2011, making it the 12th highest farm subsidy recipient in the Chicago area.”

First of all, Adams & Becket do not define what “Chicago area” means. Is it a zip code area, city planning district area, police precinct area or just a narrowly defined “area” that suits their purpose?

The innuendo here is that Minister Farrakhan is personally getting $103,529 from the government.  If you do not understand farming, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) farm programs, or the history of the relationship between the USDA and Black farmers, you can be taken aback at such “large subsidies going to a black farmer.” Oh, did I tell you that Minister Farrakhan has been a farmer since 1995? Now, since Minister Farrakhan has stated that we are going after land and farming, let us bring you up to date on the history of this struggle to get and retain land.

By 1910, Blacks owned 16 million acres of land, in spite of the mass violence called “lynching”—premeditated murder that was not even illegal according to federal law. Up until the 1930s, there was no federal law against lynching a Black person.

However, the Whites who owned land needed labor, which they no longer had or could depend on (as a result of Blacks leaving the South en masse). The U.S. government through research developed at the USDA and at colleges funded by USDA research grants invented labor-saving equipment and chemicals to replace labor. To pay for this equipment and increased production costs the government made low-interest loans available to White farmers and not Black farmers. Over time the Whites developed a competitive advantage that drove many more Black farmers off their land and their children into the cities.

This depopulation of the countryside and reduction of Black wealth was not happening fast enough. So in 1962 the business mogul-dominated Committee for Economic Development (CED), a government-sponsored think tank, outlined what they called “An Adaptive Approach,” in which they stated: “Net migration out of agriculture has been going on for 40 years, and at a rapid rate. Nevertheless, the movement of people from agriculture has not been fast enough…” The CED’s “adaptive approach” recommended that (1) Vocational agriculture courses in rural areas be scrapped, (2) Agricultural prices be substantially lowered and (3) Temporary income programs be instituted to protect the most “suited for survival.”

Of course, the farmers “suited for survival” were mostly white. But now even the White farmers were finding it hard to stay on the land as the costs for their inputs kept going up, while the prices for their outputs remained constant or even sometimes dropped.

Over the 28-year period from 1969 to 1997, the cost of fertilizer per acre had jumped from about $10 per acre to over $30 per acre. Petroleum costs had gone up from about $8 per acre to over $20 per acre. Chemical costs had skyrocketed from about $4 per acre to over $24 per acre. And land rent had gone up from $12 per acre to almost $50 per acre. While the farm inputs had blown up, the price that the farmer receives for grain crops had stayed basically constant, hovering between $3 and $4 per bushel. So the plan that the Committee for Economic Development put forward has been put into full effect. Farmers have faced a tremendous cost squeeze, even as they have been more productive on a per acre basis.

The government stepped in to give farm subsidies to selected farmers, ranging from as low as $5 per acre to almost $140 per acre. Yield information was distorted at the USDA local offices to ensure that Black farmers did not get government subsidies or insurance payments. On average, from 1982 to 1992, White farmers received $1,023 per acre in farm subsidies, while Black farmers received only $274 per acre. Since farmland prices in the 1980s ran about $1,000 per acre, the USDA essentially helped White farmers to buy another acre for each acre they already had. And of course the land that they bought was the acreage of distressed Black farmers. So now Black farmers own less than 4 million acres of land, a mere one-fourth of what they were able to amass by 1910, 45 years after slavery.

The mechanism used to discriminate against Black farmers was, and is, the USDA’s Farm Service Agency County Committee. This “Committee” of three White farmers in Terrell County, Ga., determines how federal USDA funds are disbursed in Terrell County. This process takes place in every county of the United States.  Now, Glenn Beck’s article talks about the Three Year Economic Savings, Inc., which owns and operates Muhammad Farm, the 1556-acre farm in Terrell County, Ga.  Even though Mr. Beck would prefer to have our attention on Chicago, the real comparisons should be made in Terrell County, where this farm resides. This almost sixteen hundred-acre farm is large by Black farm standards, but very small compared with the White farms in Terrell County and Southwest Georgia.

To make our comparisons we went to the “EWG Farm Subsidy Database.”  The Environmental Working Group’s website provides a list of the top recipients of USDA farm subsidies in the U.S. Farming subsidies received by farms in Terrell County, Ga., totaled $89,499,000 from 1995–2012. The Three Year Economic Savings, Inc. (Muhammad Farms) received $108,398 during this time period. However, when we compare this with other farms in Terrell County, we find that the Nation’s farm is 146th on the list of those who received funds during this same time period. In fact, the top recipient in Terrell County is none other than the Chairman of Terrell County Board of Commissioners, Wilbur Gamble, who received through his two entities, “Wilbur Gamble” and “Gamble Farms, Inc.,” a total of $4,283,199.  Wilbur Gamble has used the USDA programs to gain wealth and power in Terrell County and has used that power over a 40-year period to block any type of economic development entering this county that might provide alternative employment to Blacks who work on his and other “good-old-boy” plantations in the county.  In fact, there were 20 farms in Terrell County that received over $1,000,000 and 57 farms that received over $500,000—all white. So in other words, what Minister Farrakhan has taught us is true: this system believes that the Black man should receive NOTHING, not even if he is entitled to it. Even though our farm in Georgia does not receive anything like our White neighbors, we are providing decent employment for county residents and shipping produce to 8 states each year and whole wheat flour to 40 cities.

Black people pay billions of dollars in taxes and the USDA gives out billions of dollars in farm subsidies to White farmers, but somehow Black farmers are still supposed to receive NOTHING.  And if a Black farmer receives anything, we as Black people are supposed to feel ashamed and therefore not back the Nation’s Economic Blueprint. Mr. Beck and his ilk believe that it is wrong for Black farmers to receive the government subsidies that the White farmers receive in the millions of dollars, yet they want to prevent Black people from pooling their resources under the guidance of Minister Farrakhan and do something for themselves. Mr. Beck, you are proving that what we have written about you—in articles like “Glenn Beck: The Fusion of Lies and Racism”—is all true. We see that your mindset can truly be seen as the mind of a devil.

Shame on you, Mr. Beck: Go after the real thieves and leave God’s man alone as he works to redeem a race of people that your people still hold in virtual servitude.  Let My People GO!! And, my people, support our Nation’s Economic Blueprint to eliminate poverty and want by signing up on

(Visit the Nation of Islam Research Group online at and join the conversation on and Twitter @ NOIResearch.)

The NAACP and “Non-Economic Liberalism”

The NAACP and “Non-Economic Liberalism”

By Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad   October 5, 2011 (Final Version)

“Non-economic liberalism” was the philosophy guiding the activities of the early NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), which sought the social acceptance of Blacks instead of building our own business economy. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned Black people that Whites would never teach us “the science of business,” so “non-economic liberalism” was a philosophy developed by the longtime white Jewish president of the NAACP, Joel Spingarn, for Black people’s social and political advancement without economic empowerment.

This philosophy was in direct contrast to the economic and political empowerment goals of the Niagara Movement, which was supplanted by the NAACP. When historians write about the NAACP, they make you think that it was the direct outgrowth of the Niagara Movement, which was secretly started by 29 Black men, who stated in their 1905 Declaration of Principles that they “especially complain against the denial of equal opportunities to us in economic life; in the rural districts of the South this amounts to peonage and virtual slavery; all over the South it tends to crush labor and small business enterprises…” These Black men demonstrated that Black people in the South strove toward The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s brand of economic independence. In fact, by 1910 Black people had acquired over 16 million acres of land, mostly in the South, but Black landownership steadily declined after the advent of the NAACP, as this organization made the northern cities safer for Black people, thus facilitating the Great Migration(s) out of the South.

When W. E.B. Du Bois brought a white woman, Mary White Ovington, into the Niagara Movement, founding members like William Monroe Trotter broke away and set up the all-Black National Equal Rights League (NERL). Now this William Trotter was a brother who had received a bachelor’s degree in international banking from Harvard University, graduating Magna Cum Laude in 1895, and went on to earn his Masters from Harvard in 1896. However, he could never get a career started in the banking industry.

Now, this same white woman, Mary White Ovington, a New York City news reporter, tracked Du Bois down in 1906, and later introduced him to 300 other white “liberals” in New York City, who then founded the NAACP in 1910. Du Bois was the only member of the original 29 founders of the Niagara Movement to join the white-dominated NAACP. These early white leaders of the NAACP included wealthy Jewish merchants, rabbis, economists, scholars and journalists and others such as Jacob Schiff, Julius Rosenwald, Joel Spingarn, Rabbi Stephen Wise, all of whom hypocritically pushed “non-economic liberalism.”

For instance, one of these Jewish board members of the NAACP, Jacob Schiff, was a senior partner in the Wall Street banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Company. Schiff also became the director of many other important corporations, including the National City Bank of New York, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Wells Fargo & Company, and the Union Pacific Railroad.

He could have hired and mentored William Monroe Trotter, who had two degrees in international banking from Harvard, but instead, Schiff watched over the shoulder of Du Bois as he edited the Crisis Magazine. Schiff decided not to help the man who could have led Black people to economic independence and power, but decided instead to shepherd another Black man toward being the most eloquent complainer about Black people’s condition.

W.E.B. Du Bois was one of our great Black writers who travelled through the South and wrote The Souls of Black Folk in 1903.  The book was very radical for the time and even pointed out the great influx of European Jews into the South, where they exploited the Blacks through the system of “sharecropping” cotton, while selling back to them cheap manufactured goods from their cousins up North.  According to The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2 (TSRv2), Du Bois made his way to Dougherty County, Georgia, a farming region and home to ten thousand Blacks, who outnumbered whites by five to one.  However, according to the U.S. government’s report of the Industrial Commission on Immigration (1901), “Nine-tenths of the storekeepers in Dougherty County are Jewish merchants—some Russian and German Jews, but most of them Polish Jews.”

His observations and facts led W.E.B. Du Bois to state, “The Jew is the heir of the slave-baron in Dougherty [County],” for Blacks all over the South fell victim to a system of debt peonage called “sharecropping,” which Southern so-called Jews set up and used to their advantage to make the Blacks the poorest of the poor, while at the same time making a class of Jewish cotton merchants the richest of the rich. These Jews used “sharecropped” cotton to advance from peddler to store owner to banker to international financiers. These Jews kept this economic blue print to obtain wealth to and for themselves, while they led Black people to a strategy of “non-economic liberalism.”

According to TSRv2, after the publication of Souls of Black Folk in 1903, NAACP board members Jacob Schiff and Rabbi Stephen Wise hired Du Bois to be the editor of the NAACP’s Crisis Magazine and later pressured him to alter several passages of his book that referred to this nefarious Jewish economic activity.  It took fifty years of pressure at close quarters from these so-called Jews to finally tame Du Bois and made him change “Jew” to “foreigner” and “immigrant” in the 1952 edition of his book, thus concealing the Jewish presence in the post-slavery Southern economy, a fact that they never wanted exposed.  Du Bois was a writer who had a firsthand view of what the Jews were doing in the South, but now his pen had been compromised, as the original voices of the Niagara Movement had been marginalized. How, and through what means, they “pressured” him is a study in how a people with a plan and hidden agenda can manipulate unsuspecting and trusting souls away from their best self-interests.

Why would financier Jacob Schiff and Rabbi Stephen Wise spend so much time and effort to sway the mind of one Black man, Du Bois, while ignoring and marginalizing another Black man, Trotter? Jacob Schiff was one of the most important men behind getting Pres. Woodrow Wilson elected in 1912, and then he lobbied him to sign the legislation in 1913 that set up the Federal Reserve System. Another prominent Jew and NAACP board member Rabbi Steven Wise, who founded the Federation of American Zionists in 1897, became one of Wilson’s most trusted advisors. This is the same Wilson who initiated the wholesale firing of Blacks from government positions, and established segregation for those who remained, continuing the employment of Blacks only where whites did not find them “objectionable.”


While Jewish board members of the NAACP were changing the economic destiny and banking system of Gentile America, TSRv2 exposed that they were also promoting and cheering the advancement of white supremacists who dedicated their lives to ensuring that Blacks would never rise in any capacity above servant and menial labor. They supported newspapers in the South such as the Raleigh News and Observer, which became a “malicious and vindictive negro-baiting organ” of white supremacy. While these Jewish NAACP board members courted white supremacists, they at the same time controlled the direction of Black people’s struggle against these same white supremacists, carefully steering Blacks away from economic development, which is a human right, toward some type of “social liberation.”

Powerful Jewish forces used the NAACP to effectively change the social climate in the northern cities, which were opened up to the Blacks from the South who in the “great migration” to the North left their farms behind, to be the servants for the northern elite and their immigrant white factory workers from Europe. Southern white Jews had made their fortune off “sharecropped” cotton and a captured Black market in the South, and having moved to the northern cities to set up their clothing factories, they brought their Black “virtual slaves” with them.

Therefore, “non-economic liberalism” was a product of white hypocrites and deceivers masquerading as friends to the Black man, who saw us coming down the intelligent road of economic development, but championed the enemies of our economic rise and herded us off into the wilderness and dead end of social liberation with their lower class of Whites.


(Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad, Agricultural Economist, National Student Minister of Agriculture, Manager of Muhammad Farms. He can be reached at



The History of the Staple Goods Project

The History of the Staple Goods Project.

by Dr. Ridgely and Sister Anne Mu’min   11/4/18

Praise be to Allah, we are in our 7th year of the Staple Goods Project. We began in 2011 after the Ministry of Agriculture members read and discussed “The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2” which was published in 2010. We had a problem with moving products from Muhammad Farms to our various Mosques and Study Groups. The problem became more acute after Minister Farrakhan agreed with plans to purchase our own Flour Mill instead of driving trailers loaded with wheat berries to be ground 70 miles away to someone else’s mill.

The purchase of our own flour mill enabled us to greatly increase our production capacity, but  we still could not get the product shipped because the people who wanted the product were spread all over the country and the shipping costs for a 40 lb case of flour was $70 alone or twice the product cost.

We realized our mistake after studying how the Jews came to America to seek a cheaper source of raw cotton to supply the European market for cotton clothing and linen which they dominated. The Jews controlled the market for the finished product and wanted to get cotton cheaper than they had to pay Egypt and India. So they killed the Native Americans, took their land and went to Africa to procure slaves for the cotton plantations that they either owned or financed their lucrative operations.

We discovered that we could ship our non-perishable products across country reasonably cheap if it was shipped on pallets weighing between 500 and 1300 pounds. However, there were no individual customers or even cities that wanted 500 lbs of wheat flour at one time. Added to this was Minister Farrakhan’s warning that we should have enough food and water stored in our homes for our families to survive for 3 months without coming outside in case of disasters or anarchy during the “Fall of America.” So the Ministry of Agriculture decided to offer the believers additional products needed in a food survival kit to surround our Whole Wheat flour that would bring the total shipment weight to 500+ lbs. So we added Navy Beans, Red Beans, Red Lentils, Brown Lentils, Brown Rice, Natural Sugar, Sea Salt and Honey. We later added Natural Soap, Seasonings, Cream of Whole Wheat, Muffin Mix, Applesauce, Freeze Dried Navy Bean Soup and Non-GMO Vegetable Seeds.

So we thank the NOI Research department the publishing of “The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews, Vo. 2” which showed how industrious Jews took control of the market for their manufactured or processed products all the way to the final consumer, then get the raw materials or if necessary mine or grow those raw materials. Get your money before you work.

Since 2011 we have been striving to get the word to believers about the Staple Goods Project. In cities like Washington, DC; Oakland, CA, Phoenix, AZ, Dallas and Houston,TX, Cleveland, OH, Memphis, TN, Boston, MA, New York, NY, Philadelphia, PA, Chicago, ILL, and Detroit, MI, they have consistently purchased one or more pallets of products from the Staple Goods Project each of the 16 cycles over the last 7 years. They also have active representatives for the Ministry of Agriculture, one of the 9 ministries authorized by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. These representatives along with some other 30 to 40 cities participate in a weekly conference call for the Ministry of Agriculture where updates on Muhammad Farms and Staple Goods Project are given.

All the active members of the Ministry of Agriculture agreed to a pricing schedule for the products so that all participants from Massachusetts to Florida to California would pay the same price for the products, which includes shipping costs to their respective cities. A decision made from adopting the “Cooperative Corporation” philosophy.

Some of the goals for this type of cooperative economic system includes: 1. Participants are learning the process of bulk purchasing and cross country distribution, 2. They are learning the inner workings of national production, manufacturing and distribution systems, 3. They are learning and practicing principles of cooperative economics, 4. Collective decision making, 5. Group investing and operational unity.

To date the Staple Goods Project Cooperative Corporation, through its encouragement of believers developing businesses, we have 5 products in the line of Staple Goods being produced by believers. We have also funded the establishment of 2 businesses for believers who purchase inputs for their businesses from the Staple Goods Project and Muhammad Farms.

Nation building is not, as some of our detractors say “a pipe dream”, but it does require constant work in a collective manner.




Farrakhan attacked for teaching Black Youth

Farrakhan attacked for teaching Black Youth

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad                      11/1/18

Over the last two weeks we have heard this consternation from the media about Minister Farrakhan stating that he was not an anti-Semite but that he was “anti-termite.” But the mass media did not report his next comments:

“I don’t know anything about hating anyone because of their religious preference. But just like they called our ancestors in the 1930s ‘voodoo people,’ they figure ‘anti-Semite’ would be a good thing to put on us. ‘Farrakhan hates Jews.’ Stop it! You cannot find one Jew that one who follows me has plucked one hair from his head. You haven’t found us defiling a synagogue. Our Qur’an teaches us that if we see something like that, to stop it. They call me ‘anti-Semitic.’ No, you are anti-Black. Now I’m talking to the anti-Black White folk.”

So what is the hidden reason for this fake uproar? Whenever the Nation of Islam gets involved with educating our children, the “beast” rears his ugly head. For instance, during the 2018 Holy Day of Atonement weekend in Detroit, the 50,000-student Detroit Public School system invited seven of Minister Farrakhan’s ministers and representatives to talk to students in 20 schools. The young men who visited these schools recounted that when the students came to the assemblies to listen to their talks, the principals of these schools apologized for the behavior of their students. However, in every case, within minutes of the brothers opening their mouths, the students not only came into order but were so engrossed in the message, that the students rushed the stages and did not want them to leave. The Nation of Islam’s presence proved that they could not only make the schools safe, but make them a place where the students wanted to learn.

Let’s look at some more historical proof of why the “beast” does not want the Nation of Islam teaching Black children. Minister Farrakhan gave the Holy Day of Atonement audience on Sunday, October 14, a piece of important history surrounding the beginning of the Nation of Islam in Detroit, MI in the early 1930s. Master Fard Muhammad had raised up thousands of believers by 1934 and gave holy names to 25,000. However, when they pulled their children out of public school and set up the University of Islam, that is when the police arrested the Muslim teachers as well as Elijah Muhammad, which led to the first fight between the Muslims and the police.

Similarly, although Minister Farrakhan had developed one of the largest Temples of the Nation of Islam in Harlem, NY with satellite temples in each borough of New York City, the police showed respect to Temple No. 7 until April 14, 1972. Through his leadership Temple No. 7 had established four Universities of Islam, one in Harlem and the others spread out in the other boroughs. This was too much for the oppressor to take. To them, only white folk have the right to train Black people’s children to work for them, and we don’t have the right to teach them to build and work for themselves. So, they attacked late morning, one Friday, while the children were in school at Temple No. 7. The police even pointed loaded guns in the children’s faces to terrorize them as they took two of their teachers to jail.

So the questions become, 1) “Why can’t the Muslims teach their own children?”, and 2) “Why isn’t Minister Farrakhan or his representatives brought in on a regular basis to our failing public school systems to save our children?”

To help us answer this question we must broaden your view. Recently, a documentary produced by Al Jazeera revealed the secret plan of Israel to nullify young Black leadership and movements in the United States.  This hidden camera video captures statements made by Israeli officials taken from a session called “Celebrate Israel,” sponsored by the Israel American Council. Panelist Judith Varnai Shorer, the Israeli Consul General of Atlanta, stated, “The major problem with Israel is with the young generation of the black community. Black Lives Matter starts there.” She continued by saying, “I had last week a sit-down dinner at my house for 40 people, which I considered the leadership of the black community, many very important people. They can be a part of our doing and activities.” (

Another panelist, Andy David, the former Consul General of San Francisco and a friend of Dr. Clarence B. Jones, a former speech writer for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, said in reference to Black Lives Matter, “Because of that relationship, he published three articles in the Huffington Post, explaining why their agenda was hijacked. Martin Luther King will turn in his grave if he saw the anti-Israel tendencies or policies that have started to emerge within Black Lives Matter.” The “anti-Israel tendencies” he referred to was Black Lives Matter’s support for the BDS Movement. BDS stands for “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” on Israel to force her to abide by international law, which includes withdrawal from the occupied territories, removal of the separation barrier in the West Bank, full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, and promotion of the right of return of Palestinian refugees.

Why is a foreign government so concerned with the activities of young Black people in America? To further answer that question we must go back to 1967, and the conflict between Israel and the Arab countries over Palestine. The 1967 “Six Days War” had an effect on the Civil Rights Movement in America. At that time the younger members of SNCC/SCLC took up the cause of the Palestinians whose land was taken, while the older members stuck with their Jewish financial backers. History has proven that the position taken by the young Blacks was morally correct, because the Israeli’s claim on the Palestinians’ land is a hoax. The Israelis never forget, so they have continued their clandestine operations against Black youth.

One of those young Black people in SNCC in 1967 who took up the cause of the Palestinians was Stokely Carmichael. You might recall that Brother Carmichael was one of the four Black leaders that the FBI was tracking trying to prevent the “rise of a messiah.” The other three were Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad.

Let’s watch this saga continue. Do you recall the “Dope Busters”? Members of the Nation of Islam in 1988 started in Washington, DC what was called the “Dope Busters.” Exemplary of the success of the program was the Mayfair Mansions Housing Complex in northeast Washington. When HUD Secretary Jack Kemp visited Mayfair Mansions in 1992, he admitted that the Dope Busters deserved the credit for removing drugs from that community, and indicated that he was open to granting the patrols federal government contracts.

However, in July 1992, a major uproar developed in Washington, D.C. when the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith was caught red-handed in the act of forcing Congress to shut down any government contracts with members of the Nation of Islam, even though they had produced the only effective program to clean up drugs in crime-infested areas in the nation’s capitol. Even though Black leadership knew the effectiveness of these programs, they did not say a mumbling word. Evidently, Black lives did not matter when compared to Jewish sensitivities, then and now. What would our inner cities look like today, if the Dope Busters were allowed to stay?

The “mystery” of Black on Black crime, drug infestations, and the failing school systems for our children has been solved. Stop the U.S. Government from bringing drugs into the Black community for the express purpose of ensnaring our Black youth into a life of crime. Stop the ADL, the SPLC and other anti-Black groups from producing false charges against Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam to keep them away from our children, because they know it is true what Professor Mattias Gardell writes:

“Farrakhan has a unique capability …able to reach deeply into the souls of black youths…is able to talk to them in a way that really makes them listen…this rapport enables Farrakhan to criticize and redirect destructive behavioral patterns.”

The miraculous effect of the Dope Busters, and the response that Minister Farrakhan’s representatives got in the Detroit School System, proves that the Nation of Islam has the keys to solve the problems of the Black community that the oppressors of Black people do not want solved.


Egypt is the Prize

Volume 2, Number 1                                             March 18, 2003

K.R.I.S.T. Newsletter


Egypt is the Prize

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

Grand strategy for the Middle East

— Iraq is the tactical pivot

— Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot

Egypt the prize

This above quotation was taken from a document prepared by a consultant from the Rand Corporation and presented to members of President George W. Bush’s cabinet in August of 2002.

The present world crisis and the seeming insanity of President Bush’s determination to go to war in the Middle East lets me know that the time is at hand. Many analysts and especially Black people think that Bush and other so-called white people are motivated only by greed and power. “Iraq is the tactical pivot”, why? In 2001 Iraq is estimated as having the second largest known oil reserves in the world. “Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot”, why? Saudi Arabia has the largest known oil reserves. “Egypt the prize”, why? Egypt is NOT among the top ten countries in terms of oil reserves. What does Egypt have that America would boldly, illegally and blindly walk through two other countries to get?

Another serious issue in the Middle East is the war between Israel and the Palestinians. What is that all about? Let’s look at these four countries, Israel, Iraq, Arabia and Egypt from a historical point of view. These countries are squarely in the center of what is called the “cradle of civilization”. There is great debate over whether “civilization” started in Iraq or Egypt. All of the three major western religions claim their birth place in this area. Jerusalem is sacred to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Sacred Ka’aba is in Arabia, but the major Islamic universities were set up in Egypt and Iraq.

According to the Bible and Holy Quran, Moses left Egypt carrying with him the wisdom of that civilization; Jesus was raised and educated in Egypt but taught in Palestine. However, the Bible and Holy Qur’an seem to give Egypt a very bad reputation, yet there is something about Egypt that requires would-be world Emperors to come and sit on her throne to be crowned with legitimacy.

The Persian conquerors in the time of Darius and Xerxes set on the throne of Kemet (Land of the Blacks) and called themselves “Pharaoh”. Later the Greeks led by Alexander set on the throne of Kemet and called themselves “Pharaoh”. Then the Romans set on the throne and called themselves “Caesar” coming from the word “Ausar” (Osiris, the founder of civilization in Kemet). After being raised up by Islam, the Arabs conquered Egypt, learned how to read, write and count and became the purveyors of science to the western world thanks to her libraries. Napoleon came to sit on the throne of Egypt and was highly upset with the broad flat nose of the Sphinx and tried to blow her nose off. Just recently at the dawn of a new millennium, a group of “enlightened ones”, intellectually fed by what Napoleon stole from there, tried unsuccessfully to put a capstone on the Great Pyramid to claim the new millennium for the “great white race.”

The secret societies in the western world whether they call themselves Masons, Shriners, Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones or Illuminati, all try to claim Egypt as the mother and Imhotep the father of their illegitimate wisdom. I say illegitimate because they acquired it through theft and yet try to hide this knowledge from the masses of people who need enlightenment. At the same time that these Caucasians, albinos, have been trying to both claim and unlock Egypt, the poor African people have been all but stripped of the whole country with geo-politicians labeling Egypt as a part of the “Middle East” instead of Africa. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated by Arabs because he dared to bring Egypt back into Africa, himself being both Arab and Nubian.

Sadat also told the so-called Jews of Israel that they did NOT help build the pyramids and were NEVER enslaved in Egypt. He upset both the Arabs and the Zionists in Israel by saying that “the Arabs and Jews were cousins fighting over territory that historically belonged to the Africans” and not them. Now if that was to get out to the America public, I wonder if Israel would continue to get the lion’s share of foreign aid which helps them secure their claim over Palestine which NEVER belonged to them in the first place. Egypt has always frighten those who would lay claim to Palestine.

So to make a long story short, “Egypt is the Prize” because as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us, “if you want to see the remnants of when the Black man and woman were the God of this planet, then go to Egypt.” Egypt or Kemet was the seat of a world empire when Black people ruled the world and the new comers, who call themselves the “white race”, can never claim supremacy until they get back into the Holy Land (Garden of Eden), from which they were kicked out of 6,000 years ago, and sit their illegitimate behinds on the “Seat of Isis”.

This land of Egypt was chosen to be the seat of the world empire thousands of years ago because of its location connecting two continents, Asia and Africa. The Suez Canal is now one of the most valuable pieces of real estate in the world in terms of commercial trade and military sea power.

Wars are fought to subjugate the minds and wills of people. Resources are used to buy support, while weapons are used to intimidate nations into submitting to economic slavery. Rulers are concerned with what people think and do everyday including what they bow down to. Human energy is more valuable than oil. Truth increases the power of the mind, while lies cripple the mind’s potential allowing it to be dominated by those with knowledge. Words can produce spiritual energy or spiritual death.

The secret true identity of the Black man has been kept from the minds of the people, so that the impostor can continue his rule over them. Over the past decade too many Black people from America have visited Egypt, seen those wide noses on the Kings and Queens of Kemet and have become more difficult to handle by the impostor. The impostor’s rule is just about over and the “stone that the builders rejected” is about to be the “headstone of the corner.”

“Egypt is the prize”, because today the control of trade and information is the key to world domination. The most valuable piece of information is the knowledge of self and others. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and now the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan have been teaching the knowledge of self and others since the 1930s. When will we learn our lessons and act accordingly? Maybe “Pharaoh” Bush can help us understand the value of what we rejected, as he charges after the “Prize” that we think so little of, “the Knowledge of Self.”



From Mecca through Cairo to Detroit


From Mecca to Giza to Detroit
(The Northwest Corner of our Planet)

From “I will not apologize: Resurrection of the Master Architect”

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min


‘Education is the key to the future. But what kind of education?’

The Minister informed the crowd that White Masons and Shriners study Black people, and know the true history of the “Master Architect” known as Hiram Abiff, who was hit in the head by ruffians, taken on a Westerly course and buried in a “shallow grave.” This is the main reason those temples have not been integrated, because they don’t want Blacks to know the truth of their great past, and destiny, he said.

“Now please don’t look hard on me because I am revealing some of your secrets, because you have 33 degrees, I have over 180, on my way to 360, so I’m already your master. I’m not arrogant, you just don’t know what you need to know in order to be free. Jesus said ‘you shall know the truth’—future tense—‘and the truth shall set you free’ so when the Shriners meet, they talk about the Master Architect.”

The Minister continued, “He’s a builder in his DNA, but his conscious mind has been broken so he can’t build like he used to build. He’s in a shallow grave and nobody has been able to raise him—they tried—but someone came with a Master Grip and pulled Hiram up out of the grave, and what you don’t know is Hiram is a symbolic picture of the Black man and woman of America.”


It is my opinion that a map of the United States sits on the Giza plateau to represent where the “Master Architect” was buried.   The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that Jesus (Yeshua or Isa) was taught at the “Peach Pyramid.”  If you take the word “Peach” apart and reshuffle the letters, you get something close to “Cheops”, which is the Greek form of the name “Khufu”.  We know that Jesus was raised and taught in Kemet, not Palestine.  If he was indeed taught at the pyramid of Khufu, the Great Pyramid, then was he shown that he was ahead of his time, because America was to be the place of the Resurrection, yet the scenario of Black people being enslaved and “spiritually” crucified and buried had not yet come to pass?

Encouraged by finding a relationship between the Giza Plateau pyramids and the Sakkara Plateau pyramids I started looking for other sets of pyramids.  I found a map of this region of Egypt which covered the pyramid area of the Nile Valley stretching 24 miles from the Abu Rawash Pyramid to the Mazghuna Pyramids (Exhibit 36).  I first reoriented my site plans to due North, then scaled my circle to this map and found that this circle not only described Giza and Sakkara, but also described the Abusir Pyramids, the Abu Rawash Pyramid and the Dashur Pyramids.  But what was more amazing is that the centers of four of these five sets of pyramids lay on a straight line through the Great Pyramid of Giza.


I also noticed that there were two pyramids, the Kha’ba and Zawyat al-Aryan which seemed to line up with Menkaura’s pyramid and the pyramid at Abu Rawash.  The name “Kha’ba” was too suggestive to me without taking a broader view which would possibly include the Sacred Kaaba in Mecca.  So I got a map of the region and using the angle of the line running through the centers of these circles and transposing it on the larger map, I found that this line ran from Giza to a little town on the Arabian peninsula called “Khuff” which was similar to Khufu to just be a coincidence.  I also remembered that Yakub was born close to but outside of Mecca.  I then took the line running through Menkaura and Kha’ba and extended it to the larger map and found that it hit Mecca. (Exhibit 37)

Now why would the builders of the pyramids in Egypt line them up with the Kaaba in Mecca unless there was some connection between the two?  I then got a globe and used the method of drawing straight lines on a globe to see where the lines from the pyramids would carry me.  To my amazements the line going through Khufu when carried Northwest ran through Crete past Athens and Paris into Stonehenge in England and across the Atlantic into Chicago.  The similar line through Menkaura and Mecca ran through Detroit where we find the biggest Masonic Temple in the world and Shriners’ Moslem Temple and the first Temple set up by Master Fard Muhammad

We use the Equator to determine our “Great Circle” which can then be used to connect shortest route lines on a globe.

From Mecca to Giza (Cairo) to Athens.

Through Stonehenge in England

To Detroit, Michigan

Transforming the Negro into a Free Black Man

Transforming the Negro into a Free Black Man  Sept. 2, 2011

By Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his monumental book, Message to the Black Man on page 186 quoted a Mr. Henry Berry, a member of the Virginia House of Delegates in 1832 as saying: “We have as far as possible, closed every avenue by which light may enter the slaves’ mind. If we could extinguish the capacity to see the light, our work would be complete; they would then be on a level with the beast of the field and we should be safe.”

The enemy was bent on producing and keeping a perpetual slave by depriving him of “light”, knowledge. However, within this statement of evil intent is the key to changing the mindset of these same people who they intended to render as “beasts”. Teach them truth.

Depriving them of light is one step towards making a docile “beast”, but destroying the desire to be free takes another step.  Even wild beasts want to be free. The system wanted to produce a subservient people that would not go free, even if the cage was opened.


According to Naomi Klein in her 2007 book, “The Shock Doctrine”, the CIA under a project called “MKUltra” has done extensive research on how to break a person’s will to resist.  They used techniques such as psychological harassment, shock treatment, “total isolation” and “the use of drugs and chemicals.”  A fascinating aspect of these methods is that they found their best way to attain “regression”, bringing the subject back to an infantile level, was to alter pain with total isolation, then befriending, then more pain and total isolation.  This jerking back and forth between pain and hope was to make the subject understand that he or she had no control over their future and were completely at the mercy of their captors or surrogate evil parents.


Ms Klein described the CIA’s study of “shock treatment” to individuals as a part of developing techniques and technologies to “shock” whole countries into submission.  They used economic “shock therapy” in places like Chile in the 1970s and Bolivia in the 1980s to break the people’s resistance to accepting leadership of cruel puppet dictators and austerity programs dictated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).  They used it in developing the U.S. military “shock and awe” strategy in the 2003 invasion of Iraq to crush the spirit of the Iraqi people.  These same techniques have been used on America’s domestic hostages, Black people.


When we look at the Black community and its lack of progress one can argue that these are the vestiges of slavery.  However, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2” (TSRv2) documents that right after slavery Blacks sought after education, set up businesses, voted as a block in political races and even established whole communities.  From 1865 to 1877 it seemed that Blacks were indeed free to practice citizenship.  However, in 1877 a Jewish Congressman from Louisiana by the name of William M. Levy encouraged the U.S. government to remove the Northern troops from the Southern states, leaving Black people defenseless against their open enemies.  This was the first major “shock” to the former slaves who believed that they could be full citizens of America.


Along with the removal of the troops came the establishment of a series of “Black Codes” or “Jim Crow Laws” designed to make it virtually illegal for Blacks to do business in many states of the South.  According to TSRv2 these Black Codes included laws against Blacks selling any product directly to the market, laws against Blacks being goods peddlers, laws against owning land and going into business, laws against Blacks testifying in court against Whites and even laws prohibiting Blacks from carrying fire arms to protect themselves.  These barriers were set up to force Blacks back on the plantations as virtual slaves under an exploitative sharecropping system.  However, even under such a barrage of legislations, Black managed to buy over 16 million acres of land by 1910, just 45 years up from slavery. As cruel as slavery was, it had not broken Black people to the point that they had given up on being free, independent and productive.

This progress of Blacks was so threatening to Whites that a book written in 1914 by Robert Preston Brooks entitled “The agrarian revolution in Georgia, 1865-1912”, stated:

“No claim is here made that negroes are not progressing.  Such a claim would be idle in the face of the fact that in 1910 they were assessed for taxation in Georgia on $32,234,047 worth of property, including 1,607,970 acres of land… Any influences which would tend to increase his wants are to be welcomed.  He needs larger desires and the pressure of competition for work.” (p.62)

In other words they had to break Blacks from saving money and buying land to becoming “spendthrifts” and led into a culture of “consumerism” by the many Jewish merchants that fed off of Blacks.  Black farmers were pricing white farmers out of the market. Something had to be done, thus emerged the next set of “shock” treatments, relentless lynchings. Between 1889 and 1930 at least 3,000 Blacks were lynched, that’s an average of one every three days, some specifically targeted because they owned land or had businesses. All attempts of passing anti-lynching legislation failed as the federal government sat holding its hand.  So now Black hopes for freedom and independence were being dashed to the rocks and strung out on trees.

However, our Jewish “friends” advice to Black people was to set up the NAACP and go after what was called “non-economic liberalism” instead of economic development and self-reliance. In other words, our Jewish supporters of the Civil Rights Movement pushed Blacks toward social integration and cultural acceptance, while they saved the economic development options for themselves and grew rich feeding off of the crippled Black community. And when some of our leadership reached towards economic independence, they were labeled as “Anti-Semites”.   When others of our leaders reached out to Africa and wanted to get the world community involved in our struggle, they were labeled as “communists”, leaving Black people in America isolated from self and kind.

Fortunately for Blacks a real friend visited them in the early 1930s by the name of Master Fard Muhammad.  He raised up The Honorable Elijah Muhammad who went about breaking the psychological hold of White America on Blacks by teaching them the knowledge of self, setting up an independent school system and setting up businesses in the Black community.  He bought  thousands of acres of farmland in Georgia, Alabama, Michigan and even British Honduras. He set up super markets, restaurants and clothing stores in our major cities.  He inspired his followers to “steal away” from the White man’s job and “do for self”.  All along Black people were telling him and his followers that he would not be able to keep that farmland or keep those businesses because the White man would shut him down.

However, the White man, the U.S. government, nor any other outside force was able to stop the progress of the Nation of Islam.  The economic progress of the Nation of Islam was only stopped by new leadership that took control of the Nation after the departure of The Messenger. This new leadership steered the Nation away from its “separatist” ideology and goal of economic independence, towards a more “integrationist” philosophy.  These are the facts.

Blacks were erroneously led towards integration instead of separation and now statistics show that the condition of the majority of Blacks has worsened.  In fact according to analysis of the 2010 Census, while Whites owned 9 times the wealth of Blacks in1990 and 12 times the wealth of Blacks in 2000, Whites in 2010 owned more than 20 times the wealth of Blacks.

Now, as the economic systems of America and the West fall, Blacks must decide on whether to wait on America to rise again and share her wealth, which she has never done, or go and do something for self.  A strong dose of the Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad plus an unbiased analysis of the bold statements and moves of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan may be needed to remove the fear driven into the hearts of our people by these “shock treatments”, so they can go free.  Minister Farrakhan has told us to go back to the land, find out what our people need, teach our children how to extract the resources from the land, manufacture the products and begin trading with one another.  Produce products for our needs and sell the surplus.  Come to Philadelphia on October 7-9, 2011 and get clear guidance from your brother, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and gain in self-confidence.