All posts by docridge

Farm Apprentice  Application 2018

Apprentice  Application ( Males, ages 17 – 35)

June 18-July 6

July 9-27

Bronwood, GA

Date of this application___________





E-mail:_______________________ Age________ Gender________

Organization/Mosque or Study Group:_________________________________________________Phone________________



Do you have any health conditions like asthma or allergies that could affect your ability to work in the fields?_____________________________________________________


Give us a reference so that we can check out your character: Name____________________

Phone number___________________.


Farm, gardening or agricultural experience______________________________________



Essay: Why I want to come to Muhammad Farms to study:_______________________








Print out and fill out the above application before May 15, 2018 and send it to:

Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min

2569 Southpoint Rd

Bronwood, GA 39826

Mandela, The Mossad and 9/11

Mandela, The Mossad and 9/11

By Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad                                 1/11/14

On December 20, 2013, just 12 days after the death of Madiba Mandela (a.k.a. Nelson Mandela) the Israeli news agency Haaretz headline read “Mandela received weapons training from Mossad agents in Ethiopia.”  It seems that a David Fachler found a letter labeled as “Top Secret” in the Israel State Archives written by a Mossad operative in Ethiopia to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem. In January of 1962, Mandela secretly and illegally fled South Africa and visited various African countries, including Ethiopia, Algeria, Egypt and Ghana. His goal was to meet with the leaders of African countries and garner financial and military support for the armed wing of the underground African National Congress.

             This letter supposedly revealed that Mandela underwent military training by Mossad operatives in Ethiopia during this period. However the news article asserts that these operatives were unaware of Mandela’s true identity. The article states “The letter was dated October 11, 1962 – about two months after Mandela was arrested in South Africa, shortly after his return to the country.”  Recent revelations indicate that the CIA aided South Africa to capture Mandela.

From the Haaretz article it is evident that the Ethiopian Mossad agents did not know who Mandela was because he was using another name, so Mandela did not know that he was not dealing with regular Ethiopian soldiers but Mossad spies. Those trying to claim that Mandela went to Ethiopia to be trained by the Mossad are like claiming that someone went to college to be trained by an undercover agent, even though he did not know that his teacher was an undercover agent

So instead of this revelation proving that Mandela was some type of Mossad asset, it really shows that he was tricked by the Mossad whose motto is “By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War.” In our previous article on Mandela titled “Walking in the Shoes of President Mandela” we discovered that while Mandela was in prison for 27 years, Israel, working through a Mossad agent who is now a big movie producer in America, Arnon Milchan, illegally supplied South Africa with materials and technology to build 6 nuclear weapons which were designed to be used on Black South Africans. Were these atomic weapons used as a bargaining chip to force Mandela and the African National Congress to make some compromises in their bid for freedom for Black South Africa?

Closer to home, this same Arnon Milchan produced a movie in 1978 called “The Medusa Touch”. According to Zander C. Fuerza in her book Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax, this movie was an example of “9/11 predictive programming” in which the character Robert Morlar uses his telekinetic powers to create mayhem, which included causing a jetliner to crash into a high-rise building. An avowed Zionist Jew, Arnon Milchan is well-connected in the entertainment industry and the political realm. “Among Milchan’s ‘famous friends’ is none other than Rupert Murdoch, with whom he’s a business partner, and all of Israel’s leading politicians: Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, Shimon Peres, Ehud Barak and others.” (Masters of Deception, P. 190)

Fuerza continues in her book to expose how Israel’s Mossad should take credit for 9/11 because they were the masterminds for this false flag operation and not the CIA asset Osama Bin Laden.  And unlike Mandela none of these agents did prison time although hundreds of them were arrested in the days after 9/11 including the “five dancing Israelis” seen celebrating as the World Trade Center buildings were struck by airplanes. The first suspects arrested on 9/11 in connection to the attacks were not Muslims with links to Al-Qaeda, but Israelis with ties to the Mossad. The New York Times reported that a group of five men had set up video cameras “aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack… and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.”(ibid. p. 41)

Sources close to the investigation said they found other evidence linking the men to the bombing plot. “There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted,” the source said. “It looked like they’re hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.”(ibid. p. 41) After returning home to Israel, three of the five dancing Israelis appeared on a popular Israeli talk show to discuss their ordeal in America. One of the Israelis, presumably Oded Ellner, stated: “The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event.” (“Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9/11,” YouTube)

The Israeli connection continues as Fuerza points out that 140 Israelis had been taken into custody just prior to 9/11 and another 60 had been apprehended shortly thereafter in connection with the ongoing investigation into the attacks. In the first part of a planned series of presentations on Fox News starting in November of 2001, Fox News Correspondent Carl Cameron reported:

Since Sept. 11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either under the new patriot anti-terrorism law, or for immigration violations. A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.

. . . investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the [9/11] attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator said there are ‘tie-ins.’” (ibid., p. 39)

Pressure from Zionist, like part owner of the Fox Channel, Rupert Murdock, not only stopped the airing of future reports, but the one that did air was taken off of the archives of Fox News. And yet none of these 200 men arrested including the “five dancing Israelis” stayed long in custody. Through the relentless behind the scenes work of dual Israeli-US citizen Michael Chertoff (former Secretary of Homeland Security) and his synagogue buddy Judge Michael Mukasey (former Attorney General), 71 days after 9/11 all of the Israelis detained were flown back to Israel. Now that is a real Mossad operation. Indeed Ehud Sprinzak, a prominent Israeli professor who specializes in the subject of terrorism, boastfully announced: “From the perspective of the Jews, it [9/11] is the most important public relations act ever committed in our favour.” (ibid. p. 24)

The New York Times published an article on September 12, 2001, with the revealing title, A DAY OF TERROR: THE ISRAELIS; Spilled Blood Seen as Bond That Draws Two Nations Closer, which reported Benjamin Netanyahu as stating:

“Israelis took cold comfort in concluding that Americans now share more of their fears. …

It’s very good…Well it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy [for Israel’s cause].” Netanyahu then predicted that the attack would “strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we’ve experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.” (ibid., p. 23)

            Israel not only displays her Satanic and despicable character of spying on her friends, starting wars, selling arms to both sides and lying to the world, she trains others to be a hypocritical liar like her.  In Sasha Polakow-Suransky’s book The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa South African foreign-affairs director J.J. Becker received advice from Israeli journalist Aharon Shamir in 1985. Citing his homeland as an example, Shamir insisted: “Look at Israel, it survives, and yet it is only a pinpoint in a sea of over 100 million Arabs.… Let the world see or think that there is agreement between Black and White.” Becker admitted, sheepishly, “You see, we are too honest, we perhaps do not know how to be hypocritical, we do not know how to mislead.” Shamir explained, “That is because you are too far away from the West geographically. So you have not been able to study how hypocrisy is managed. But you have to try.”(p. 163)     

In light of the above information, it is highly unlikely that Mandela was “trained” by the Israeli Mossad.  Mandela was picked up right after he got back from his so-called training and languished 27 years in jail, while real Israeli Mossad agents like Arnon Milchan, never did a day in jail, is rich and making million dollar movies in the USA and the Israeli Mossad agents involved with 9/11 are home in Israel doing T.V. spots as heroes.


(Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad, Agricultural Economist, National Student Minister of Agriculture, Manager of Muhammad Farms. He can be reached at





Walking in President Mandela’s Shoes


Walking in President Mandela’s Shoes

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min  Muhammad          12/18/2013

Since the passing of our great brother South African President Nelson Mandela, whose real name is Madiba Mandela, there has been a lot of debate on what should be his legacy.  Some see the tremendous wealth of a few and the poverty of so many Blacks in South Africa as a sign that Mr. Mandela should have fought for more economic reform instead of political power.  However, when you are waging a war against a ruthless enemy, there are a lot of factors a wise leader must take into consideration.

Brother Jackie Muhammad in his article “Sanitizing Mandela” made it very clear that Bro. Mandela was a revolutionary and not just a “reconciler.” Mr. Muhammad writes: “He believed in the violent overthrow of his oppressors. After the famous Sharpeville Massacre of 1960, Mandela co-founded the formation of Umkhono we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation) which functioned as the armed wing of the ANC.”  For this militant stance Mr. Mandela sat in prison for 27 years from 1963 to 1990 and he never ruled out violence as an option for the liberation of his people.

However, a lot of things can change in 27 years especially when it comes to weapons of mass destruction.  By 1990 the white government of South Africa had 6 operational nuclear bombs. published on their website a 1993 article written By J. W. de VilliersRoger Jardine and Mitchell Reiss entitled “Why South Africa Gave Up The Bomb”. In it they wrote “President F. W. de Klerk declared to a special joint session of the South African parliament on March 24, 1993, that ‘at one stage South Africa did develop a limited nuclear deterrent capability,’ but ‘early in 1990 final effect was given to decisions that all the nuclear devices should be dismantled and destroyed.’”


Interestingly, Nelson Mandela was released from prison “early in 1990”, February 11th, to be exact. There was a lot going on at that time that could topple the apartheid regime in South Africa, both from within and without. There were economic embargos against SA, protests in the USA and Europe against apartheid. Cuba was aiding the Blacks in Angola in a successful military struggle against their white oppressors and Robert Mugabe had waged a successful war of liberation ending in 1979 taking Rhodesia from the whites and giving the Blacks Zimbabwe as their country.


Now we know that South Africa with the aid of Israel developed nuclear weapons as a deterrent against a military assault on its domination of the majority Black population and control of farm land and mineral resources.  According to the above mentioned article, the South African government officially, but secretly decided to develop nuclear weapons in October of 1978.  History now reveals that they were secretly getting technical information and materials from another nation, Israel, that was secretly producing nuclear weapons while lying to the world community.  On November 26, 2013 movie producer Arnon Milchan gave a lengthy interview revealing that he secretly worked for an Israeli agency that negotiated arms deals and supported Israel‘s secret nuclear weapons project.  Apparently Milchan was recruited in the 1960s to setup secret bank accounts to fund the Dimona nuclear plant. (


According to writer Robert Windrem in a December 8, 2013 NBC news report, Milchan in the late 1970s negotiated a deal in which South Africa supplied 600 tons of uranium to Israel in return for 30 grams of tritium, used to detonate nuclear weapons.  So now that this secret has been revealed we must reconsider an allegation supplied by the London branch of the ANC in which they claimed South Africa had planned to use nuclear weapons on its own Black population. They said they had obtained maps that were produced by the South African military. This set of maps, with transparent overlays, clearly show concentrations of the Black population and proposes where a neutron bomb might be used and the resulting areas of contamination. Neutron bombs are designed to kill humans while inflicting minimum damage to property according to Jane Hunter’s, Israeli Foreign Policy: South Africa and Central America (Boston: Southend Press, 1987), pp. 34-5


I wonder how we would act in his shoes as we tried to negotiate some type of reasonable treaty with these black race hating white folk in light of their threat to drop 6 neutron bombs on Black densely populated areas and all we had were some machetes and cap pistols?  I think Mr. Mandel did a masterful job at negotiating a peace in light of him not having any type of weapon to protect his people.  We Blacks in America also need to be separated from our enemies and we know that they are as evil, powerful and hateful as South Africa and Israel.  However, we are thankful to have as our champion the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan who has the backing of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Master Fard Muhammad, who are on a most powerful weapon of mass destruction. Some call it Ezekiel’s wheel, some try to say it is some type of Unidentified Flying Object (UFO). We just call her the Mother Plane armed with 1500 baby planes fully armed and ready for the “final battle in the sky.”

Founder’s Day Celebration 2018

Founder’s Day Celebration

July 6-8, 2018

Muhammad Farms

2569 Southpoint Rd

Bronwood, Ga 39826


Friday, July 6

 6:00 PM – Country Fish Fry, Meet & Greet (Deadline for Fish Fry confirmation is June 22nd. We want to especially invite our retirees, so we can find out what skills and knowledge we have learned. There is no retirement from life.

Saturday, July 7      

7:30 AM – Prayer

8:00 AM – Harvesting

9:00 AM – Youth-Careers in Agriculture Seminar

11:00 AM – Farm Tours

11:00 AM – Concurrent Skills Demonstration Workshops: Bro Tony Muhammad (Pipe fitting, welding), Bro. Khalif Muhammad (Bricklaying, concrete), Bro. Gerald Muhammad (Robotics)

2:00 PM – Community Planning Charette Part 2: by Bro. Horatio Muhammad and Bro. Kevin Muhammad

(Steps to Developing our future Communities)

5:00 PM – Dinner *

Sunday, July 8

8:30 AM – Prayer

9:00  AM – Footsteps of the Messenger (Drive your own vehicle)

1:00 PM – Adjourn in Deep Step, GA



(Copy Registration Form to a Word file, print, fill out and mail)

Registration Form

Mail money order and form to Muhammad Farms, 2569 Southpoint Rd, Bronwood, GA 39826

(Registration deadline June 22nd)



Phone:________________________ Email:_____________________

Mosque or Study Group_______________ Number in party______

                             Registration(1)     Fish Fry(Friday)                    

                                              Number            Number              $Total

Adults                               ____$40            ___  $15                   _____

Students/Youth(2)    ____$25          ____ $10                   _____

Under 6 yrs old           ____($0)            ____$5                      ____

                                                                                   Total            $______

(1)Registration includes Saturday Dinner (Fish Fry on Friday is separate fee)

(2) Ages 7 to 19

More information: 229 995-6619,  Fax: 229 995-6771, email:


Hotels: Albany, GA, 19 miles from Muhammad Farms

Best Western – 2729 Pointe North Blvd, 229 446-2001

Dbl- $69.99   Sgl. – $69.99

Comfort Suites – 1400 Dawson, Rd, 229 888-3939

Dbl $89.99

Courtyard by Marriott – 3019 Kensington Ct, 229 889-8015

Dbl – $124.00

Howard Johnson Express Inn – 2719 Pointe North Blvd, 229 446-8000

Dbl – $65.00+

Suggestions for Visiting Muhammad Farms

Founder’s Day – July 6-8, 2018

  1. Wear cool, loose, comfortable clothing.  (Exposing your skin to the heat of the sun by wearing shorts and no sleeves does not cool the body.  7 days prior to your visit eliminate sodas, sugary drinks and drastically cut down on sweets.  This will reduce your attraction to gnats and other insects along with give you more stamina to handle the heat.)
  1. For outside farm work, hats, work gloves and sun glasses are recommended.
  2. Being away from home is no excuse to disrespect our discipline. Only those under the age of 16 are allowed to eat 2 meals per day (How to Eat to Live, Book 2, page 31)   Fruit will be provided for mid-day snacking, as well as pure well water and bottled water.
  1. Bring what you need for your baby and any special dietary needs.

Will “White Flight” Leave Us “Home Alone”?

Will “White Flight” Leave Us “Home Alone”?

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad     12/2/12

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has declared that the Black man and woman of America are the “Real Children of Israel.” We are not “Israel”—America is —but we are her misguided children whom she has convinced to stay in her house and depend solely on her for food, clothing and shelter. Black people seem to think that one day their foster parents will recognize them as equals, while Minister Farrakhan has warned us that as long as we are with white people we will be beneath white people.  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has told us that separation is the only and best solution for the problems between Black and white people.

Although we may have different opinions about how warnings and prophecies are to be fulfilled, recent events and trends bear witness to the wisdom of those two great men. After America’s first Black President was re-elected to office on November 6, 2012, as of December 1, 2012 almost 1 million Americans have signed petitions on the White House website ( asking to secede from the Union.  While it has been hard to get Black people, who have suffered for over 400 years under white leadership, to even think about “separation,” many white people simply cannot take another 4 years of living in this country under a Black President.  At first these calls for separation or secession were overlooked or ignored by the mainstream media, but now governors of states like Texas and Tennessee have come forward to advise their constituents of the ramifications of secession from the Union.

Many of the states that have the most petitioners are not in a good fiscal position to pull out from the Federal government, because they get more federal revenue dollars than they contribute in taxes. No federal assistance means no more upkeep for highways, interstates or bridges, no federally funded law enforcement and fire departments, no public libraries, no phone lines, no cable television, no cell phone towers, no power grids, no water lines, no mail services, no paramedics, no hospitals that accept Medicare/Medicaid funding, and the list goes on.  After these hotheads cool down a minute, they may decide to take the route that many expatriates have taken in the last few years—leave the country.

Some whites are angry because President Obama got most of the Latino and Black votes, but they should be more concerned about the fact that 6,680,795 fewer white folk voted in 2012 than in 2008.  President Obama won by about 3 million votes, so if those other 6 million whites had made it to the polls then maybe Mitt Romney would be their new president.  What happened to those over 6 million white voters? Are they still here or have they left the country? As of 2009, there were over 6 million non-military U.S. citizens living abroad, an increase from the 4 million estimated in 1999.

By some estimates as many as 3 million citizens become expatriates per year.  Is this “white flight”?  We have experienced “white flight” after that first black family moves into a previously all-white neighborhood.  So since that First Black Family has moved into the White House, maybe some forward-thinking whites have decided to leave now and not wait for the inevitable time when whites become the numerical minority in America.  According to the Census Bureau, by 2046 whites will not be the majority ethnic population in America.  Some are not waiting but are leaving now.

According to Bob Adams, CEO of New Global Initiatives, one and a half million U.S. households are preparing to move out of the U.S. The vast majority of émigrés are in their 20s, 30s and 40s—not the older retired crowd. And we are not talking about the next major deployment of National Guard units to the Middle East. In fact, none of the emigrants are government workers or corporate employees leaving for temporary overseas assignments. This is a group of malcontents and adventurers. This news comes from a 2011 Zogby International poll of 115,000 Americans conducted from 2009 to 2011.
A recent Barron’s article, written by Bob Adams, breaks down the Zogby/New Global Initiatives data as follows:
1.6 million (U.S. households) have already made the decision to leave;
1.8 million are seriously considering and likely to leave;
7.7 million are somewhat serious about leaving and may do so;
3 million are seriously considering purchase of non-U.S. property;
10 million are somewhat serious about purchase of non-U.S. property.
Adding it all up, according to Mr. Adams, some 10% of all U.S. households are looking to leave the country, while another 11% are considering living outside the U.S. at least part time.

This trend was up from 2009, so what changed?  Let us look at the breakdown of the American population by age group. Those from 25 to 34 years of age are young adults, some 42,000,000 of them. They are among the most energetic, innovative and creative Americans. They go where they feel the jobs and excitement are. Mr. Adam’s wider research indicated a growing interest in Asia and Latin America, less so in Europe. Asia and Latin America have growing economies while Europe is stagnate like America.

In 2009, less than 1% of this age group was actually in the planning stages of relocation. In 2011, it was 5.1%. While the 35-to-54 and 55-to-69 age groups also set new highs, it is those aged 25 to 34 who are the major factor in the increase of interest. Behind them, the 18-to-24 age group includes many still in school or unable to find jobs. Those “seriously interested and likely to relocate” and those “somewhat interested and may relocate” rose to 39.6%. In other words, nearly 40% of that age group has turned their minds toward leaving the U.S., whether or not they can afford it right now. In 2007, that total was just over 15%.

And since this group, from 18-to-34, is of prime reproductive age, their out-migration dampens future population growth much more than would the out-migration of those over 54.  So as these highly trained and motivated young white people leave and the older whites who run things in America die, who will be home in the “House of Israel” to look after the “Children of Israel”?  Black folk, like that poor young fellow in “Home Alone”, had better wake up and learn how to take care of themselves swiftly.  “White flight” is pointing to a time when Black people will be “home alone” to fend for themselves.  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned, “Do something for yourself before you are forced to do it.”

(Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad, Ph.D is an Agricultural Economist, and member of the Nation of Islam Research Group. Visit them online at, join the conversation on and Twitter @ NOIResearch)




Blacks used as human shields in Israel


Blacks used as human shields in Israel

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min       August 10, 2012


The Jewish pen is very scientific in its use of words. Attackers of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan have a habit of cherry-picking statements made by the Minister then standing them alone with no way for the reader to know the full context surrounding the statements. For instance the Access ADL website wrote an article titled “Conspiracy Theories Mark Louis Farrakhan’s San Diego Address”. In the article it stated: Farrakhan reiterated his views about how members of Congress are “afraid to speak out against the warmongering of Israel and their control through AIPAC of your members of Congress.”

What they failed to report was that The Minister went on to give specific examples to back up “his views” such as the fact that Israel refuses to sign the nuclear proliferation treaty, yet Congress continues to send them billions of dollars in aid which allows Israel to continue to build up her nuclear arsenal. If Access ADL had included this “allegation” by the Minister, then the reader could do some research to answer three questions: 1. Has Israel signed the nuclear proliferation treaty, 2. Does Israel possess nuclear weapons and 3. Does congress send billions of dollars in aid to Israel? We will deal with these “nuclear weapons” shortly. Before you call me a “Jew basher”, you must know a little about the history of the conflict between Minister Farrakhan and the white Jewish community.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that we should study the Jews. They are the smartest and most successful business people in America. Their food, we as Muslims could eat. They make sure that their children know the history of the Jewish people and they stick together. He did not carve them out as a special enemy to Black people, they were included in the total white population as enemies to our rise. However, that all changed in 1984 when Minister Farrakhan stepped forward to protect then presidential candidate Jesse Jackson after he was threatened by the Jewish community. Since that time The Minister has been met with chants by so-called Jews outside of places where he speaks such as: “Who do we want? Farrakhan! How do we want him? Dead!” This prompted those of us who loved The Minister to question why did members of the Jewish community want him “dead”? Who were these “Jews” anyway and what was their true relationship to Black people in America?

This research led to the publication of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews: Volumes I and II. The research showed that Jews were major players in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and Jewish leaders have steered Blacks away from economic development into seeking social acceptance. In the 1960s there was a rift in the Civil Rights Movement around Israel and its treatment of the Palestinians. The more militant members who demanded “Black Power” sided with the Palestinians, while the integrationists who were financially supported by the Jewish community backed Israel.

Has Israel broken international law by producing a nuclear arsenal in the Middle East? The answer is yes and everybody knows it, yet no one in the American government will admit it. This “plausible deniability” strategy goes all the way back to the Eisenhower administration where the CIA knew that Israel was building a nuclear bomb but acted like they did not know, “turned the other cheek”, if you will. In fact President John F. Kennedy set up a special investigation which showed that the United States had ascertained that Israel had been involved in constructing a reactor in Dimona, Israel, since 1958 “which is at least ten times as large as claimed,” and that the design appeared not for power but for plutonium production, hence, it would provide Israel “Considerable weapons potential.” A recent article entitle “Israel’s Deployment of Nuclear Missiles on Subs from Germany” describes how Israel with the help of Germany has acquired submarines that “…contain a secret that even in Israel is only known to a few insiders: nuclear warheads, small enough to be mounted on a cruise missile, but explosive enough to execute a nuclear strike that would cause devastating results. This secret is considered one of the best kept in modern military history. Anyone who speaks openly about it in Israel runs the risk of being sentenced to a lengthy prison term.”

Dimona itself was conceived in 1953, and settled in 1955, mostly by new immigrants from Northern Africa. Since that time it has been the holding tank for Blacks from America and Africa who claim to be Jews, but are not accepted as such by the Israeli government until they accept the Babylonian Talmud as their religious authority notwithstanding that they have already accepted the Torah. Blacks from America, called the Black Hebrew Israelites, have been living in Dimona in this quasi-citizenship position since 1969.

And why should anyone Black accept the dictates of the Babylonian Talmud which include:

  1. A Jew may marry a girl as long as she is three years “and a day” old.
  2. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than 9 years old.
  3. Says Jesus’ mother was a whore: “She who was the descendant of princes and governors, played the harlot with carpenters.”
  4. If a Jew finds an object lost by a “heathen” it does not have to be returned.
  5. “If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite…the payment is to be in full.”
  6. A Jew need not pay a “Cuthean” (gentile) the wages owed him for work.
  7. Once a man does wrong and repeats it, it is permitted him.
  8. Jesus is in hell being boiled in “hot excrement,” since “Whoever mocks at the words of the Sages is punished with boiling hot excrement.”
  9. Jesus practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy, he and his five disciples were to be executed.
  10. If a heathen smites a Jew, he is worthy of death: “is as though he has thus assaulted the Divine Presence.”
  11. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest.
  12. Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed.
  13. A heathen who studies the Torah (& Talmud) deserves death…

In 1984 there was a great to do over a group of Black Hebrews from Ethiopia being flown into Israel for their protection. They also were placed in this desert town of Dimona and not granted full citizenship, because they would not accept the Babylonian Talmud. Because of their quasi-citizenship position, these Ethiopian Jews, called “Falashas” have had limited economic opportunities and have been allowed to only be soldiers, servants, entertainers, and sports figures. Sounds like the same roles that Blacks play in America.

Recently, just before Israel stepped up its attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, the Falashas were chosen to replace the Bedouin Jews as defenders of the secret Dimona nuclear facility. The Falashas were put in that role in November of 2009, the same year that Israel with the help of America launched a damaging cyber attack against Iran’s nuclear program. The computer worm that attacked the nuclear reactors’ control systems was discovered in 2010 and labeled “Stuxnet”. Computer scientists in Iran figured a way around the cyberattack and have put all of their reactors back on line for what they claim are peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

Now the war hawks in Israel are threatening to launch an airstrike against those same nuclear reactors, while the Black Hebrews at Dimona are held in harm’s way if Iran decides to strike back. If Iran attacks those facilities in Dimona and kills Ethiopian and American Black Hebrews, you can be sure that Israel will demand that America strike Iran in retaliation. Then Netanyahu can say again what he said after the inside job of the bombing of the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001: “Now our enemies are your enemies.” Do you think that the Israelis will warn those Ethiopians Jews about such as attack the way they warned Jews in the WTC not to come to work on 9/11?

If the detractors of Minister Farrakhan would quote more of his speeches, they could give the American people enough specific points of the Minister’s statements that would allow them to do their research to check their validity. In the meantime we will defend our Minister with the truth and warn our people against being tricked by our open enemies to be human shields for their various nefarious exploits.

(Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad, Agricultural Economist, National Student Minister of Agriculture, Manager of Muhammad Farms. He can be reached at






Somebody Call 9-11

Somebody Call “911”

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad


Somebody call 911, the white man’s out the caves and he got a weapon.

Somebody better call 911, the devils think they ready for Armageddon.

I saw to them towers fall like two flowers,

In the middle of the street like a bunch of white powder.

I saw the pictures and they gave me a premonition.

That looked like internal demolition.

Somebody packed in some ammunition,

Then blew it all up, like they was on a mission.

Working for the new world order,

Making up a new Pearl Harbor.

They got the Muslims and the Christian brothers

To Pick up their guns to kill one another.

Look like the Elders of Zion

Got their mossad a stealing and a lying.

They got the whole world shooting and a killing,

While they making money stealing and a dealing.

Somebody call 911, the devil’s on the loose and he got a weapon.

Somebody better call 911, the devils think they ready for Armageddon.

They flew them planes into the World Trade Center.

Blew them buildings up like two pieces of splinter,

Just for the excuse to enter

The Holy Land again so they can be the winner.

They trying to start a new Crusade,

Control the Holy Land where my Jesus was laid.

We took Jerusalem from the devil a long time ago,

Because our righteous brother Jesus was buried there below.

They won’t tell the truth about my brother man.

He didn’t die for your sins, he died to save the Holy Land.

He didn’t come for no Gentile salvation.

He came looking for the Lost Found Nation.

But Paul, he tricked us all.

He took away our Jesus, then he gave us the Pope of Rome.

Jesus was ahead of time, but that’s alright with me.

He showed me the man that I need to be.

When it’s time to lay my life on the line,

I’m not go lay their crying, I’m go stand up like a lion,

Because we’re on a mission, the demolition.

Got to destroy this white man’s superstitions.

We’re on a mission, changing conditions,

Snatching the devil from his lofty position.

Somebody call 911, the devil’s on the loose and he got a weapon.

Somebody better call 911, the devils think they ready for Armageddon.

They got their meeting in their secret halls,

Trying to understand the meaning in their crystal balls.

They can not read the writing on the wall,

Two million men deep on the DC Mall.

In the Belly of the Beast,

We were walking in your streets.

Had the devil’s image beneath our feet,

As we walked up to Capitol Hill,

Where the devils tell their lies, then they call them bills.

They used to shoot my brothers down in the streets,

But they poison us now in the foods that we eat.

They killed my brothers, then lied to their mothers.

They thought they got away because they did it under cover.

But the gig is up, you’re out of luck.

It’s time for you to drink from your own bitter cup,

Because we’re on a mission, the demolition.

Got to destroy this white man’s superstitions.

We’re on a mission, changing conditions,

Snatching the devil from his lofty position.

Somebody call 911, the devil’s on the loose and he got a weapon.

Somebody better call 911, the devils think they ready for Armageddon.

Check out the eagle on the back of your dollar bill,

That’s the same eagle flying up on Capitol Hill.

Above his head is a six pointed star.

We know who the devil is, we know who you are.

Jacob is the real name of this Israel,

Where the white man’s heaven is the Black man’s hell.

Now, take a look at the map of DC,

Find the Pentagon and the row of embassies.

Now, take a glance at the eagle’s hands,

Arrows in one, the other olive branch.

They talking peace while they making war.

The soldiers don’t even know what they fighting for.

They’re out of season, they don’t know the reason,

They tell the truth, they get strung up for treason.

Run around the world picking fights.

Keep picking it wrong, you gonna pick it right.

You gonna pick up upon the Son of Man,

Who made the Mother Plane on the Island of Japan.

Ezekiel saw the wheel up in the air.

Keep messing with the Black man, we bring it down here.

We don’t need no carnal weapons.

We got a God who got the earth and the heavens.

You cannot run, you cannot hide.

Too late for you to get to the other side.

Run to the West, a pillar of fire.

Run to the East, and the water’s getting higher.

Run to the South, you cannot get out.

Run to the North, you get turned all about.

I got to tell you, it’s the end of the line.

Not the end of the world, but the end of your time.

Because we’re on a mission, the demolition.

Got to destroy this white man’s superstitions.

We’re on a mission, changing conditions,

Snatching the devil from his lofty position.

Somebody call 911, the devil’s on the loose and he got a weapon.

Somebody better call 911, the devils think they ready for Armageddon.

Somebody call 911, the Black man’s on the loose and he got a weapon.

Somebody better call 911, he don’t have a gun but he got the Holy One.

Somebody better call 911, the Black man’s on the loose and he got a weapon.

Somebody better call 911, he don’t have a gun but he got the Holy One.


The Judgment of the Jews Civilization is NOW

The Judgment of the Jew’s Civilization is NOW

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad    3/10/18

  • “Jesus came to the Jews and not to us and then he got disappointed that he was ahead of the time of the Jews to preach the doctrine of the destruction or judgment and the setting up of a New Kingdom of Heaven after the destruction of the Jew’s civilization. Jesus was born two thousand years ahead of the judgment of the Jews.” (Muhammad 1992: 166)

Let us recap what is going on here. First of all this movie comes out in 1992 called “Malcolm X”. At that time The Messenger was no longer present and Malcolm was dead. In fact the Nation of Islam that Malcolm and Elijah were a part of had been COMPLETELY dismantled. It was cold dead. Then Minister Farrakhan sets up a completely NEW Nation of Islam starting in 1977 using the same Teachings that started the original Nation of Islam in 1931. He stays under the radar in the rebuilding process for 7 years. He springs back in the public when Jesse Jackson was running for president the first time in 1984. Jews had threatened Jesse’s life, so Farrakhan stepped forward and offered the services of the FOI to protect Jesse. That is when the Jews chanted in 1985 outside of Madison Square Garden, “Who do we want! Farrakhan! How do we want him? Dead.” There were 25,000 Black folk inside the Garden and another 25,000 outside.

Now fast-forward, Minister Farrakhan tours the country in the late 80s and early 90s to crowds of thousands. There was nobody that could defeat Farrakhan in the pulpits, in interviews or in the streets. Then this movie comes out in 1992 called “Malcolm X”. I was in Greensboro, NC on the outside of the movie theater where there were cars of cops waiting outside in case there was fighting between those who loved Farrakhan and Elijah and those who were just introduced to Malcolm x. Nobody fought but they looked a bit bewildered.

Then the Jews even tried to get Betty Shabazz to denounce Farrakhan. However, they reconciled and she even spoke at the Million Man March. Two years later in 1997 she was supposedly killed by her grandson, Malcolm. The Nation of Islam is growing by leaps and bounds in spite of the movie “Malcolm X” which was full of lies. So much so that Betty Shabazz said that it was a “piece of shit.”

Okay Islam gets many converts and then here comes “9/11” and all Muslims are labeled as “terrorists.” The NOI withstood that assault. Then in 2012 Minister Farrakhan institutes the Muhammad Economic Blueprint. Immediately after that the Jews go in the studio and produce a TV movie called “Betty and Coretta'” which was first aired in January of 2013 where they have Sister Betty claiming that Farrakhan was responsible for her husband’s murder. Mind you now, Betty died 16 years earlier.

DO YOU GET THE PICTURE YET? This is not about who slept with who, when. This is about The Truth that Elijah taught: “The White Man is The Devil”. He was grafted from the Black man 6,000 years ago. The leaders of all white people, who are the Jews, know that they must kill the Messiah and destroy His name if they want to slip through the end of their rule over the darker people of the world. The Judgment of the Jews Civilization is NOW.

Federal Reserve System: Who stole America?

(Taken from pages 202-206 of )

  1. Federal Reserve System


William E. Dannemeyer
U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992 (California)

If you want to take over a country, one of the first things you do is to seize control of the money supply.  Jacob Schiff was the son of a Jewish rabbi, born in Frankfurt, Germany.  He was sent to America in the late nineteenth century by the European Rothschild financial dynasty.  One of his assigned tasks was to seize control of the money supply of the U.S. Government.  At that time it was under the control of the U.S. Congress pursuant to Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution which states:

The Congress shall have Power to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof.”

Baron MA Rothschild had stated this truism in the nineteenth century:

“Give me control over a nation’s currency and I care not who makes the laws.”

        Jacob Schiff began his quest to take over the money supply of America by purchasing an interest in a banking concern in Indiana called Kuhn and Loeb.  He married the daughter of Loeb, bought out the interest of Kuhn and as sole owner of Kuhn and Loeb, moved the business to New York in the late 19th century.

Jacob Schiff was not exactly welcomed with open arms by the financial potentates led by the House of Morgan then controlling the financial markets in New York.  Schiff, as the Rothschild’s agent in America, gradually was able to build a working relationship with the other banking houses in New York by sharing some Rothschild bonds and stock business with them.

        Schiff was so successful in being accepted as a player in the N.Y. Banking scene that in 1908 he was among a handful of NY bankers who gathered at Jekyll Island, one of the House of Morgan’s homes located in Georgia.  These financial wizards plotted to take over the money supply of America.  They had no small task before them.

They needed to get America to pass their hatched plan called the Federal Reserve System which was nothing more than a private group of bankers.  It was not then nor has it ever been a part of the U.S. government.  Some of the stockholders included: Rothchilds of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seif of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb and Warburg of Germany; and the Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs and the Rockefeller families of New York.

The congressional stooge present at the meeting in 1908 at Jekyll Island was Senator Nelson Aldrich of New York.  He was assigned the task of shepherding the outright theft of the U.S. money supply system called the Federal Reserve Act through Congress.

On December 23, 1913, he delivered in spades.  Two days before Christmas is a good time to have Congress debate and vote on a major piece of legislation if your desire is to minimize the desire of members of Congress to really understand what they are voting on.  The reason is not hard to find.  Members of Congress have families and want to get home for Christmas like anyone else.

The Federal Reserve Act was passed by a vote of 298 to 60 in the House of Representatives and in the Senate by a majority and was sent to the White House for the signature of President Woodrow Wilson.

How President Wilson was elected in 1912 was all a part of the conspiracy organized by Jacob Schiff and his New York banking fraternity at the meeting at Jekyll Island in Georgia in 1908.

President Robert Taft, a well-respected Republican, was running for re-election in the Presidential election scheduled for 1912.  He was on to the theft of our money supply organized by Jacob Schiff and his New York City banking friends.  If President Taft was re-elected in 1912, it was clear that he would veto any bill passed by Congress to create the privately owned Federal Reserve Act.

The conspirators led by Jacob Schiff enlisted the help of former President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican and convinced him to run on the third party Bull Moose ticket and split the Republican vote.  The scheme worked and Woodrow Wilson was elected President in the 1912 election and when the Federal Reserve Act came to his desk in 1913, he rewarded his bankers and signed the act into law.

In 1913, the principle means of communicating to the people of America what Congress was doing were newspapers.  The newspapers did not report this biggest theft in the 20th Century at all.

Almost a century later, 2007, we Americans are still experiencing the consequences of this theft of our money supply in 1913 by transferring control of it to private elitist banking families residing mostly in Europe and some in America.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these are the consequences of this historic event:

(1)    The American people lost control of how and to what extent Congress spends our money: Example, Congressional deficits are financed by irresponsibly expanding the money supply by the privately owned Federal Reserve System which results over time in an inflationary spiral which will lead to a total collapse of the dollar and the destruction of the middle class.

(2)    America disavowed the advice of George Washington to avoid entangling alliances with other countries and focus our energies on protecting the interests of the American people.

(3)    The creation of Imperial America which seeks to control the world and results in perpetual war to achieve perpetual peace.  It goes by the name of the New World Order, led by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  The CFR has over 3,000 members, over 70% of whom are Zionist Jews.


At the end of November 1910, Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department A. Piatt Andrew, and five of the country’s leading financiers (Frank Vanderlip, Henry P. Davison, Charles D. Norton, Benjamin Strong, and Paul Warburg) arrived at the Jekyll Island Club to discuss monetary policy and the banking system, an event that led to the creation of the current Federal Reserve. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the 1910 Jekyll Island meeting resulted in draft legislation for the creation of a U.S. central bank. Parts of this draft (the Aldrich plan) were incorporated into the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, to unsure legal theft. On November 5–6, 2010, Ben Bernanke stayed on Jekyll Island to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of this original meeting. The Conference was the first official confirmation of the revelations made initially in 1949 by Ezra Pound to Eustace Mullins in his work Secrets of The Federal Reserve and later reported by G. Edward Griffin in his book The Creature from Jekyll Island.